Fast one on religious and race tolerance from the previous thread (Most say they are Christians) that I hope everyone saw, especially 50c, wtrav, and yourself. Have a nice weekend.
I wont argue with you here about past threads that you clearly miss the mark on and you clearly take off the path of what this forum is here for. I don’t know how to get it into your head that this forum is not for my political agenda nor yours. This forum is for RW dating and helping those who need help in this issue. I opened up a can of worms when I posted that thread on most say they are Christians. I thought we as adults could stick to the topic of Russian woman and what they meant by saying Christian in a profile. I never meant for it to go into a debate. This thread "Intolerance" Just its title flames a fire that can go astray in any direction (Not what this forum is for). I have an Idea. Why don’t you start a new forum with that title "Intolerance" and run it as you please. I’m sorry if I try to keep this forum on the subject RW woman. I do go over sometimes in my "essay" answers as you put it. But I’m use to setting the record straight with facts. I apologize for giving facts on a subject to try and flame out the fire and get the matter back to the issue of RW woman. Not World Politics, Not Christian Vs Muslim, Not Sexual Prowess, but RW woman and dating! Helping people with information and guidance and learning from them at the same time on the issues of RW woman and dating. I hate to see it when it is used for your personal sounding board. I am a fault at time to. I let myself get dragged into topics out of the area. However, I think I always try to Stear it back to relating to RW woman and dating. I realize that Politics & Religion are subjects that have created wars. I am sorry that I ever created the "Most say they are Christians" thread. I wish Olga would delete the entire thread along with this one. These are not subjects for this forum and I have made a decision here that I will no longer address these issues. I will only chime in for relevant issues. I only throw gas on the flames when I address these issues. I will however chime in with a notation that I think its getting off the trail. Because I want to see this forum stay on the trail and continue to help people that need it. I honestly feel that this forum does help people when they need it. So I bow out of these discussions from now on. I hope we can all act like adults and keep the language clean and the forum informative and on the subject matter it was designed for. Have a good weekend also Norway, No hard feelings, you have a right to your views and I have always respected that. We are all different people with different cultures and ideas.
Another essay. I like the concrete advice you give on this site. That's good. But advice on attitudes when dating RW is also relavent. I don't think these strings should be deleted just because you appear hypocritical and extreme CodeRed.
I think us others have a right to complain when RW are accused of being disgusting because they are white but turn to Islam.
And like you, I complain when dating is turned into some game of sexual prowess.I think my feelings on dating here and what emotional pitfalls there are is welcomed by many. at least Jerome finds it worth a read.
I havn't clearly stated my political agenda. I've just been counteracting some crazy nonsense about Norway thrown about by 50c and having a bit of fun at the same time. I don't suppose you would like to tell me what I think about world politics? (PLEASE DONT TRY)
Nope never would I tell you what to think about anything. I would not do that to anyone. Hypocritical and extreme? In what aspect? Because I want the subject matter to stay with the sites agenda! Hmmmmmm okay. What does the Axis of evil have to do with RW? I agree with your responses most of the time. I just try to get it back on the railroad tracks. On the subject of RW are accused of being disgusting because they are white but turn to Islam. That’s a personal decision on their part. I have not stated any of my political agendas here. I have not agreed with some statements. But I don’t have to post poems and writings of others to make a point. The so-called essay's, at least I write them. They are of my own words. I do love to write and I do write short stories. I will try not to do that if it upsets you. Just I do my research and I write what’s relevant. I’m glade you used the word appear because if we sat down and had a beer together, I am sure we would make for some interesting conversation and walk away friends. I tend to accept people for who they are. Maybe we will get that beer some time. well, I dont want this to be called an essay. so I'll end it.. Have a nice weekend..
Codered, up until now you've been the spectacle of this site and now you got a little look-a-like somewhat on the communist side but after all you've proved a hidden communist sympathizer among the other talents and skills you possess ... you two can play your games and exchange your nonesense, you can understand each other. Did you notice that none else is honing into to your personal encounters? Hint: maybe because none else is interested in your crap. Socrates did stated what I quoted and I was taught ancient Greek history and European history by the best. It is interesting that the source of your knowledge is the motion pictures. It's easy to copy and paste long excerpts of literature and biographical data of various individuals. If you type "Socrates" on Yahoo finder, it'll give you several thousand links. You two realize how boring this show off of your "knowledge" is? Why don't you join a think tank or religious or special interest group and you can talk all you want about philosophy and politics and gifts to children. People who come here are interested to hear real world experiences related to dating Russian women. Seriously: have you or this look-a-like of yours from the nordics quoted once a personal experience that might provide some insight to other forum members and justify your alleged status as "RUW experts". Seriously one story, one personal experience. Do you think people come here to listen to theories and book knowledge? Give me something I can use codered and prove who you say you are. I don't take advice from librarians and yahoo internet specialists, I take it from those who've done it. You say you got married to an RU so what? What makes you an expert? Prove yourself. Knowing what takes to get a fiance visa and repeating it all the time sounds like an old record. Tell me something useful.
To the nordic: I am not sure what you mean by double timing. Maybe it's your british humor again. All I see in your writings is "master of the obvious". You're not doing anything more than stating the obvious. This is a site frequented by Americans and other western men. The majority of us are not commies. Why you keep throwing out to us that you are a commie. So what? There are still millions of you in China and Russian and elsewhere. You are starving for attention. Your prefer to be insulted than ignored. Why you keep answering to 50c, he is clearly insulting you. If you are better than him, why not ignore. You like to engage in the political discussion with him and provoke others in the hope someone will reply to your desperate signals. It is lonely up there in the north isn't it??
wtrav02, Go back to school seems to be the only place your accepted. Take your Liberalism with you. I can see different points of view and respond accordingly. I’m not stuck on the liberal agenda as you are. Real world experiences related to dating Russian women is what I have been calling for all along. You take the forum off the subject and when others respond to it you cry, " real world experiences related to dating Russian women" How two faced is that? I have given allot of useful advice on this forum to people that needed it. I have not seen any useful advice from you other than your thoughts and sexual, liberal agenda. At least I can give positive answers to people. I can also hear their side of the story. I’m not closed off in an agenda as you are. There is more to my life than sexual prowess. You call people communist every time someone does not agree with you. Do you realize how boring your sexual escapades and liberal ideas are? I been waiting for you to give advice here that anybody can use that is useful. You defend our country with your liberal thoughts but did you pick up a weapon and defend it? What action have seen? What Starvation have you been sent to rescue? How many holidays did you miss while sitting on a ship waiting for the call to action? How many times did you have to stay low to keep from getting your head blown off? Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know! When will you PROVE YOURSELF! I never just said I support America, I defended her! I gave of myself so you can come here and call me a communist sympathizer and throw out your Liberalism agenda, and tell everyone that you know it all and everyone else is wrong. Oh yes! Let me get it right you Liberalist call yourselves Democratic Socialist now. Your all collage and book knowledge with no real world experience. "But your the experts" ... what a laugh... wtrav02
wow...You girls (except wtrav02 man) think that I honestly read all the CRAP that you write???
Its good to know that I have caused so much stir though.. Anyways, discuss it some more if you like, I am sure you'll reach to a conclusion one day...But it wont affect my opinion that I DONT LIKE COMMUNISM, I DONT LIKE AETHEIST COMMUNISTS, AND I HOPE THAT THEY ARE ALL WIPED OUT FROM THE FACE OF THIS EARTH. MAYBE WE CAN SEND THEM TO THE MOON WITH A ONE - WAY CHARTERED FLIGHT...ANY INFO THERE WRAV2?
I tell you/
"A Wanksta is a gangsta that doesn't progress. [Someone] that just goes through the cycle constantly. Most gangstas' actions are for finances — they're motivated by money, the root of all evil — but how are you gangsta and you're not getting any money? You're going back and forth to jail. And you're telling stories like, yeah I'm gonna get this [BMW]. And then we see you at the car lot, and you're there looking at the [BMW], and you still don't get it."
codered, you keep throwing at me your heroism and call me liberal, which I am not (and it's an insult to me). I like sex and Russian/Ukrainian women. I express it in my own way. You call this liberal agenda? How you figured all that crap about democratic socialism? Where did you see this coming from me?
I pay for people like you to go to war to defend the country and protect our interests. Most of us pay for professionals to do the work. I told you once or twice that I respect you for what you say you did for our country. But, that's about it. We have different points of view and I won't bend because you claim to be a war hero. America's superiority does not depend on the heroism of one man. We don't live in stone age. It's our immense technological superiority and dominance of our defense industry that make us mighty, unbeatable. Remember what GWB said? America will never, ever allow any nation or individual to even imagine they can compare to the mightiness of the US force. (don't quote me the exact wording) What do you think he meant? It is our technology and those who create it that give us the cutting edge so we are the only nation that can win battles without casualties or with minor casualties. It is our brave men and women who eventually win battles.
You called Russia your mother twice, you can't deny that, it's in the archives. Love for a local or foreign woman any woman must not lead a man to deny his own country, the country he says he defended. I have come across two Vietnam veterans, at different points in time, who bad mouthed our country because in their view our government didn't make them rich to reimburse them for their heroism ...
50cent drinks too much too regularly but entertains.
Norway started off interestingly but lost the plot when he got attention.
CodeRed might even be intelligent but seems to lack some backbone or direction, but defenitely cannot keep a steady direction.
Wtrav02 seems to be having a ball between all of this.
"This" however is a Forum, check the archive's who started to mention that fact first, and not a chatting room.
Back to work Gent's, this thread is long time due to die.
Hi Wtrav02, Im not here to argue. I been in one direction the whole time. I got backbone this as you pointed out "This" however is a Forum, check the archive's who started to mention that fact first, and not a chatting room. Yes WHO!!!!
Q WTRAV. Have you told yet the RW you have corresponded with romatically that you are having fun with this other woman and thats why you're taking a break?
To the rest of you. Just because I drive a tractor, drink the beast milk of the big-mamas, run around with a tyre back my arse and can box the balls off Mr Rocky does mean I am a communist. I don't know what it means. But in Norway you're entitled to 6 months school after you've eaten you're first whale, and then I'm going to learn to read and write and I'll tell you what it means.
No-one is answering the topic of tolerance and dating RW. I'm not going to post it again. Some agreed, some said it was too much stating the obvious, others were not able to keep the topic.
Should I conclude that the topic is exhausted? Any real objections to letting it close at that?