I think there's no general advice how to find of choose "your lady" or "your man".
Guys, yes, any woman dreams about wealth. You do too, don't you?
But there is personal factor. If the man is not that wealthy,
but woman likes him and TRUST him (what is most important) - she will follow him whatever.
Be sure that ukrainian ladies are able to work in team with their husbands and reach together goals.
You have to show not only your financial securance, but also your ability to LIVE, TO FIGHT, TO REACH, TO SURVIVE in the time of difficulties....
You have to show that you will care of her.
The worst - phillipino. It's statistic. It's not MONADA.
I hear you David...
fairdinkum, these forums are like that game kids play, whisper in an ear, pass it on, after half dozen ears theres a completely different story.
My original post asked "why Russian girls never mention anything about relocating in their profile"
A few guys (and Olga of course) tells us that it is "assumed" that if they register on here they want to relocate.
well bullshit, that is simply not the truth.
This website is obviously not going to add an option for the girls to mark or encourage them to say if they want to relocate. How many of you guys want a woman that doesnt want to relocate? huh?
So imagine how many responses the girls that didnt want to relocate would get.
Sweet F.A... what does that mean?... means site loses a shitload of $
THAT is what it is about, ... talk around it all you like but think about it first.
If I wanted to, or was willing to relocate... thats the first bloody thing I would put in my profile to attract a person that DIDNT want to relocate.
99% of fem profiles dont even mention it.
Why don't you start another thread titled, " Why Fem profiles don't mention wanting to get married??"
Kind of goes with this thread...because it is assumed girls on here want to be married too.
Yes, it is interesting that when you speak with some of these girls in person that an honest girl is going to be quite reluctant to leave the FSU. Although if you have lots of money to offer her, she is going to be more excited to be able to spend it and leave her friends, family and everything she knows behind -- just for you. :)