yes, the young 20 to 25 year old FSU filly will leave you if you are a forty plus man or well on your way to retirement or a decrepid old fart and you marry these way too young babes!
Wake up guys..old fart with young babe..marriage will not last and she will only use you as a ticket to a new life in a new country and once she has served her time to qualify for a green card or whatever, you will go the the way of the dodo, while she finds a younger and better cock! ( pardon my French!).
Age difference does matter.
I don't subscribe or beleive this the general internet agency hogwash, that young 20 year old FSU girls prefer and want to mary 40, 50 or 60 year old men..get off the grass here, all woman are the same no matter where they are from and they want physically attractive young men close to there age, not old shrivelled prunes for marriage!
I am 43 years old and showing my age now..becoming old and shrivelled with saggy tired bags under the eyes and a receding hair line and I don't honestly beleive any girl in her 20s would be attracted to is made up of physical attraction as well as compatable personalities ( thats why its so hard to find and keep and does not grow on trees as agencies would have you believe ). Age difference is an issue for over 90% of women, 5 to 10 years older is fine but after that your courting disaster.
No young FSU filly or any filly is going to worship you at your feet, just because you go over there for a personal visit..its nothing more than a date to them and they don't care if it cost you $10,000 for the trip because they think thats small change in the west and all western men carry gold in there wallets..I actually got moths in mine at the moment and rarely open it to let them out to spend on girls!
Make a strong coffee here and smell it before embarking on this bride finding venture!
Sorry don't drink the coffee!!! If you generailize you previous post is right for individuals, just an the way.... How many times have you visited FSU countries?????? Your post sounds much like ones from losers that have tried to woo a young girl in FSU with $$$$, it takes a guy that is able to offer girl something
better than she has and it is not about $$$$, its about interests, compatability and chemistry. I am sure there are a bunch of 'old fart loser guys' making that trip that are there to woo some PYT, I saw a few in an agency, that will never end up in any meaningful relationship. I am an older guy BUT I have a personality and interesting enough to do
fairly well in my quest.
Sorry you are 43 going on 63...some guys are 49 going on 35, sorry but it is all in your mind....girl will pick up instantly from your confidence in yourself.
Well my Aussie "bride" just cleaned me out after 7 years of total headf&*%'s
The only thing she left me was my pulse. lol
However, I am one of the lucky ones, out of the 5 relationships she has had in her life, 3 are dead (1 mysteriously, 2 suicide) 1 is in therapy, and theres lil ol' me... and I twitch a lot ! ahahaha
Funny thing is, she wasn't so much after $... per se'... she hasnt got possessions and cash, she has been put on the planet to plunder the male soul.
Anyway, ...point is, they are everywhere... in every Country... however, personally I think a woman that deliberately takes a guy for money, status, and possessions, is even worse than my sweet ex- headf*&%k... because it shows intent, planning, greeeeeeeed.
And thanks Monada, you have confirmed to me that most of what you read in these girls profiles is bullshit..... "find my other half"... find my soul mate"...
I'm going to put a "Monada" fridge magnet on my fridge as a daily reminder that bein single isnt all that bad hahahaha.
I am 23, recently divorced, I don't know If I have mentioned this befor, but I am (takes a bow) anyhow, besides that bit of humor. *thinks* I forgot what I was going ot say........ Oh yeah!!! I plan on traveling ot europe and since I don't have much of a life and cammitments here in alaska, I am going to spend a long time there and visit as many of these girls as possible and more. I am starting to learn russian and I hope be be fluent in it. Maybe I can find work there? :)
I just hope one of these ladies I am writing will see me for who I am and what I have to offer her. I am not an old fart and I am not decrepid. I think, even if you are old, you can still live a happy life with any young woman. Lets take an old fart like Harrison Ford, he is still a hunk and wemen like him. I will quote "you deserve what your worth" and that applies to most, but if you have somethign to balance out the difforence, why can't an old guy 40+ who is the most loving kind man in the world have a chance with any woman? right? I think so, don't shoot a mans horse down because hes old, old men are sexy and so are older wemen, I have dated wemen up to 34 and even 41, almost twice my age, they are sweet, and still sexy.
Just show these young girls there is more to you than grey hair and wrinkled skin, they will love you for that and more.
Beemer, I would not bother chasing a young filly under 30. I don't do it here in Australia. My age range has to be 35 years or older for a girl, chances rapidly diminish under 35 and I know this but girl can be a couple of years older than me and I have had such a girl friend in the past. I have never dated a girl under 30 since my divorce 7 years ago or attempted to come on to them because I am realistic and know the odds.
Girls under 30 from the FSU have written to me from dating sites but I don't take them seriously and often ingore them or write back and say "Listen, in my opinion I am too old for you and you should search for a younger man and I wish you good luck in your search" or something along that line.
I would never do a personal vist to FSU for a girl under 30..never consider it or date one that age, 10 years age difference at maximum which would make the youngest possible girl for me at 33 years at the moment, in my opinion and I would try to keep it between 5 to 10 years so 35 years and up is ideal for me and being sensible and realistic.
You late 30 year olds or 40 year plus guys don't waste your time on girls under 30 from the FSU,get a mature woman closer to your age instead!
I actually think in countries like Australia and US where the immigration rules are so draconian and difficult, find a local girl instead and if you don't like the home bred variety, foreign girls are already living in your country, so find them.
Dating sites such as this would have girls on there files already living in your country, saves a lot of money and immigration hassles!
Beemer to put things into perspective, in my last marriage which lasted 12 years, the age difference between myself and ex-wife was 4 years and 10 months.
Another past girl friend was 2 years older than me and another one was 8 years younger and this was in last 7 years since my divorce and I meet and dated women but no relationship formed with average age difference of 6 years younger with a number of local girls which I also fooked and had 1 night stands with, but I knew they were not for me and only a shag for the night.
You can find shags for the night through ICQ messaging and local dating sites here in Oz.
Aussie, thanks for the indepth each his own...many girls at home even close to my age don't interest me.
Many I have dated were in their 30's( 10-15 years younger)and it did not work out mainly because chemistry had nothing to do with age difference. My dating age range IS different between US andf FSU. I think the girls in FSU countries are vastly( generalizing) more mature. If I talk to a girl at home in her 20's, I don't even understand what she is saying while she is in the middle of a gum chewing sentence...'Dude what are trying to say'!!!
So Aussie, please let me know how many times you have been to a FSU country to form your opinion on what age group
I should be looking for???? From what I have heard answer is I right???
Thanks for trying to save me lots of money and immigration troubles by looking for foriegn girl in my country!!!
Beemer check out the girls at the local universities who you know take in foreign girls, you might find your cradle snatching babe there. Its a joke..don't take offence..ha ha!
Same old, same old.
Guys telling the truth after taking a cold hard look at themselves and the honest reality of the FSU.
Other guys willing to bury their heads in the sand.
Vicious FSU women who deride and attempt to humiliate as often as possible. Monada is merely another in a long line of similar harpies that have been on here over the years.
Some of the key words have appeared 'loser' is a favorite (I am surprised 'whiner' hasn't made an appearance).
Always these champions of the FSU women want to know how many times a guy has been over 'there', like that makes some miraculous difference. You could go once or a hundred times and still get turned over. Personally I have been 4 times and 3 to another country to meet one particular woman.
Then there is the old chestnut about not being able to find someone in your own country so why do you expect something different somewhere else. It is all like a broken record.
Men and women are the same all over the world. There are some cultural differences but deep down we are all very similar.
However strange stuff can happen. My last lady was 18 years younger than me and I tried to shy away from her because of that. Turned out she had already been married to a guy with that age difference and upon meeting it was clear that it actually had no bearing on anything. We separated for different reasons and she was extremely upset. We are still friendly and in contact to this day. However overall Aussieman is right.
Bottom line is that this is chasing the end of the rainbow. A myth has been created by the various businesses involved in this and we men fall for it hook line and sinker.
Yes there are very beautiful ladies in the FSU who really would make great wives but they are few and far between. How long are you willing to look? How much money are you willing to throw at this?
Lastly before I bail out for another couple of months everybody involved in this is left of center. There is always a catch. I talk of men AND women. Very beautiful but with an evil temper, a good guy but financially unsound, lovely but putting together a business deal, a secret wife beater, gorgeous but really looking for a father figure. The list is endless.
For those that are hot and heavy into this I wish you good luck. For those that have already been beaten up or just plain seen the light my respect.
There is really nothing miraculous about the FSU - the rainbows end doesn't exist except in fairy tales and EW dating sites. Let us see if this makes it past the admin staff.
You and anybody who thinks like you is in their own little fantasy world. Unless you are making in excess of $100K a year, have a decent home put together already, are debt free and can indulge in lots of time invested in trips to Russia, Ukraine or wherever forget this foolishness.
The only thing it will yield is heartbreak and an empty bank account. I do not speak of women busily taking your money I refer to the costs involved. A simple 2 week trip to Russia can be expensive and extremely time consuming. From most USA destinations Petropavlosk will take 3 days. Ekaterinburg 2 days. Vladivostok 4 days. Shall I go on?
What you will find at the end is a mystery you will only (possibly) solve when you arrive. Glamor photos can be had in any shopping mall in the States why do you think it is any different there?
Be honest with yourselves. It is the beauty that captures you not really the prospect of a life stuck with the same woman year after year. Most of us are divorced, there is a yearning for something else.
To quote Peggy Lee "is that all there is?"
Yes my friend it is!
Go and spend your money productively in Thailand, the Philippines, Costa Rica, Brazil or the Dominican Republic. Stop lying to yourself.
Here is an interesting thought. I had a friend that went with A Foreign Affair to Lima, Peru.
He got laid once on the trip and struck it up strong with that girl. So he went back for a follow up visit. The whole thing turned into a pay for play trip and the girls he met the first time he met again.
Where you ask?
In the whorehouse next to where AFA had there 'socials'!!!
Yes that is the truth of the matter. It is the way of the world. Now AFA is offering trips to Bangkok - do the math!
I do not say that is so of all these women, that would be foolish but it is true of a lot of them.
They need something, they think you have it.
You think they have something you want, a wonderful ruse that will eventually be revealed.
Good luck to all of you as I know you will need it. Out of all the men that I have known (and I have probably personally met more forum members than anybody else) I only know one guy who has made it work very successfully.
Very, very poor odds Peephole. Good luck fellah, I really mean it, the best of luck.
Firstly thank you to the administration for allowing my posts to go forward. I think it shows an attempt to give a balanced unfettered view. Although I notice you will edit any references I make to "the business" which includes you.
Secondly congratulations on tossing out MartinUK.
About time!!
Everybody else could see what an ass he was, it seemed, except you. He was a pathological liar and was the result of unpleasantness with myself through this board and many others. You have finally shown wisdom.
Now I will watch from afar again and go back to other pursuits. My best wishes to all even those I think are deluded or plain at odds with.
Good luck to you all.
"Go and spend your money productively in Thailand, the Philippines, Costa Rica, Brazil or the Dominican Republic. Stop lying to yourself." Good god. Well I guess some people are just born to fail. It doesn't matter how long you have been posting here, it probably means you just make the same mistakes over and over again.
Hi, I found an interesting article today... see or google 'Kiev Male Heaven' and I feel that this answers some questions. Any viewpoints?
"One can't blame them: where else in the world do you get to date a 23 year-old cardiologist with a law degree and the looks of Linda Evangelista, who treats you like the sexiest star on earth, despite the extra 15 pounds around your waist and the alarmingly fast migration of your hairline! "
Erika-baby, :))))
There are plenty of men like that!!! Just have to be at the right place at the right time with the right guy!!
If you look long and carefully you will find him. Are you on any of these marriage sites? That is a start!!!