You guys have a lot of insecurity issues. I thought socials would be cool, but the videos never impressed me to find some hot girl in one. I guess you guys have harder times finding women - let alone someone who won't notice how big a flake and hypocrite you guys really are - so I'll leave it at that.
In saying that, you guys can keep with what your doing so forum will be more like "A total flake's guide to hopefully finding an FSU women..." ;0
"I guess you guys have harder times finding women -"????????
I HAVE a beautiful Russian girlfriend, - while you're still running around trying to get price quotes for addresses and finding the total cost from this service and that to meet a woman!
Romance Socials are a great way for men to meet women - but in your case I don't advise you to go on one. Russian women are smart. They don't respect idiots. You won't succeed with them.
The companies running the Romance Socials have no idea about the personal lives of the women OUTSIDE of the Socials. How do these companies know that the woman are completely single and have nothing going on in their love life? Russian women love to dress up and look their best. They enjoy meeting and talking with guys. It's something to do to get them out of the house. You can't tell me that 200-500 women attending these socials are single and ready to leave the FSU for a guy, eventually.
DavidUSA - Any time you look at 200-500 profiles, what guarantee do you have that the women shown have nothing going on in their personal lives?
The Socials ARE by invitation only (meaning that thay ARE listed with some agency and they are invited to take part). I know several women who WERE asked periodically if they had anything going on in their lives - one woman mentioned that she was seeing someone - and she was dropped from the catalog of available ladies. Another simpley mentioned that she had no available email address - that alone had her dropped. Its true that nobody can guarantee complete honesty - but again I point out - do you know for sure that the girl you meet ANYWHERE isn't seeing anyone?
It baffles me that some of you seem to think that you should get a warranty on these women. The Social Organizers don't have special breeding farms where they raise completely untouched women.
If you are that suspicious of FSU women then for pete's sake STAY HOME! OR MEET them, talk to them, get to know them! Your personal instincts and common sense should take it from there.
I made that decision Jetmba. I closed my account. After four trips to the FSU...and enough correspondence letters to form a book bigger than War & Peace...I recently announced my retirement from searching for a foreign bride. I use this forum as shear enjoyment. I sit back and read the threads of people who love this hobby. I used to think about the letters waiting for me in my inbox as I drove home from work. Not anymore. I may still be single, but it is so nice to have no balance on my credit card bill. I have no debt now. I only think about the things I could have bought for myself and my home had I not got into this venture. Each month when my credit card statement arrives, it's so nice to open it up and see nothing on there. A big fat zero. I just cringe at the thought of guys dropping up to $5000 for a two week tour of the FSU. Thank goodness the NFL season is here. LOL
DavidUSA - I have gone on two tours, 3 1/2 years apart. And I met two wonderful woman.
The first one I was engaged to and brought to the US. But her bond to her widowed mother (and she was an only child) was too strong. And she returned to Moldova. There were a few other problems. But I don't regret a minute I spent with her or a dollar. And I'm not a rich man.
The second woman I met in April - I spent most of August with her and hope to see her again in January. (We are both very anxious to see each other when I have additional vacation). We are doing fiance visa papers.
I am a very happy man.
I NEVER conducted letter writing campaigns. The most I ever did was to buy a month or two of membership in or another service and wrote a single letter or two to some women before I went. I would generally tell the women that I intended to be in the area and MIGHT be available to meet them. I asked for their phone numbers and contact information (and nearly always got it). These women were my back-up plan (which you should ALWAYS have) - but I never met any of the women.
Frankly, I don't have the patience for letter writing campaigns. And I cannot beleive that the best women available - want to spend all of their time in internet cafes witing to guys who may or may not ever show up.
To each his own. I can only tell you that I am VERY HAPPY!
DavidUSA - You mention you made four trips to the FSU. SO you've paid for airfare and hotel. Add to that just $800 more - the price of three Romance Socials.
Problem DavidUSA, this isn't a hobby, maybe if you took it as a serious venture you wouldn't have come up empty after 4 trips. You should hear some of the stories from the other side and the buffoons and idiots that think they can have the pick of the litter because they are from the USA. These ladies are a lot smarter than that. In all my trips I've never dropped 5 grand in any two week trip. Even when I spent one week in Crimea I didn't spend that much.
As for socials, whatever works for the person is what it is. I guess no one had a buddy set them up with a girl, or a girl friend do the same? What the hell is that, but an introduction service. You can meet girls many different ways in Ukraine. Meeting a woman in a bar in the states is nothing but a social. Socials aren't for me, but it doesn't mean they don't work for others. My wife was asked to attend a social, but that didn't fit her personality. When you find the woman who holds the same values and goals and traditional outlook on life then you will find the correct lady. You can scan over a million profiles and if all you fall for is just the looks, then you are the scammers lawful prey. It's easy to find beauty over there, but unless she's grounded in the same foundations in life as your are, chances are it isn't going to work. Most of these ladies are not desperate to leave, let alone leave all the way to the USA. It takes a special woman to do that. You also don't have to drop a ton of money to impress these ladies. There are other ways, and if you learned anything from these forums you would know exactly what that is. Money is an excellent servant, but a terrible master.
As for finding a "Hot one" define hot? If she doesn't come back with you to live in your country you have zilch!! No guy who makes a trip to the FSU has insecurity issues. Being a total flakes guide to finding a woman from the FSU, I think you haven't achieved anything yet have apal? So you must be contributing to the flakes also. You got douched on your first trip didn't you. With you're mentality you will be one of the zero's that will come back and assail all the women from the FSU as scammers and theives because the only thing you could use to influence them was money. The one's that use their bodies for monetary gains are the same as the fools who think they can buy a true relationship with their money, I just have to laugh!!!
Boredfukka you are the worlds most gifted idiot and a moron to the Nth degree. I have my doubts if you could get a date in a whorehouse.
Who wants a date in whore house? since you introduced such a subject as whorehouses in to this discussion you must be an expert on such premises ,no doubt you are a regular client and owner of such places of ill repute Nasfanny.
Do you think my 4 trips to the FSU fail to qualify as a serious venture?
Getting back to the socials, I'm sure many of the women go to these events over and over. They probably say to their friends, "Hey girls, let's get dressed up and go meet some more western dorks. A new bunch just flew in today. And there's more coming in later. Make sure to look pretty and sound interested in what they say. Meals, drinks, flowers and gifts on the house!" I know some of you found success on here. Congrats to you, I'm jealous! :-))) But, I'm happily retired now. For me, it's nice to sit back and be a spectator. I used to be addicted to the idea of finding love in the FSU. Now, I'm more addicted to saving money and seeing those wonderful zero balance credit card bills show up in my mailbox. I often think about the people who work for Western Union and take orders from guys trying to buy love. "Yes, I'd like to send $500 to Ukraine. My girl is going to take English lessons!" The Western Union person must be saying, "Wow, I'm in the wrong business! The amount of money being wired into the FSU is unbelievable!" IMO, the foreign bride hobby is a fad. It's sure to burn out sometime down the road. There's too many foreign bride dot-coms on the internet. Life is getting better in the FSU in many ways. Put it this way, are baby girls of today's FSU going to be putting up their profiles on the internet 20 to 25 years from now when they are grown up? For those of you who enjoy spending thousands of dollars each year and putting off your life for a few years in hopes of your investment translating into real life love, I wish you nothing but success. I just can't do this anymore.
Again, to each his own. If this isn't foe you, then so be it.
Just want to mention - I've never spent a nickle on English lessons for my ladies (an of them). I only go after those that speak English.
And I've never sent them a nickle - until I got to know them VERY WELL. When it was necessary - I used an ATM tranfer system called ikobo - which provides them a card and costs perhaps a quarter as much as Western Union (on small transactions of money).
Compare the $800 extra I spent on Romance Socials to all of the costs involved with letter writing (include EVERYTHING - up to your face to face meeting) and I think the Romance Social is a fairly inexpesive and expedient alternative.
David USA,you have invested a lot of time, effort and expense in trying to find a FSU bride by sound of your story.
You have been serious and had more than enough goes at at it, I don't know where Nasfan gets off here!
Your decision to abandon the FSU bride crusade and search is correct! Get on with your life, mate and do something constructive that makes you happy!
Go buy a new plasma t.v, stereo or something, go on a camping trip with your mates, enjoy yourself and forget these scheming Eastern women!
FSU dating is really over-rated!
Cultually a lot of these girls can have strange behaviours and be head cases that can drive you up the wall..they just don't think like western girls, many have been abused and had hard lives as children and they have psychological issues and hang ups!
You don't need a foreign fruit cake wife, that will drive you to depression!
Some guys here who do multiple trips to the FSU, enjoy it as they have nothing better to do and they can go and get some exotic foreign sex, I don't know what it is??
Be realistic and do whats right for you and go with your feelings and instincts!
DavidUSA,on the subject of foreign "fruit cake" wives, my first wife of 12 years was a foreign Fiji Indian girl, Indian culture.
She was a "fruit cake", she made me really depressed after 12 years with her and I had to leave her, I could not live with it, any more.
I am living proof of what can go wrong with foreign girl marriages!
Oh yeah, by the way me and the ex still fight over my children..she is a fooken fruit cake and I recently blew crap through her over the phone and called her that and a nutter!