Boredffukka referring to a guys woman as a dyke shows you have the brain the size of a pinhead. You and the keyboard king have one thing in common, you couldn't find a woman in the FSU if you tried. Neither of you know a damn thing about the women or the cuisine. If the truth be known you probably got sick from the bag lunch you had on ryanair. '
Aussieman shows real intelligence and he can't get over Krivoy because he got scammed out of 75 bucks. With idiots like him scammers will always flourish. Who would eat at either place when Ukraine is full of establisments that have some of the finest food I've eaten anywhere in the
So Boredffukka go back to your threesome(you, your left and right hand) then report back when you've really traveled somewhere.
i think i do detect a temper tantrum in your post. You will never get yourself a woman in Ukraine with that attitude.
Ukraine women will soon see through a man like yourself with an aggresive streak and prone to temper tantrums. you have no hope in ukraine nasfanny.
Nasfanny, kindly jump in the lake. How many times have I said that the $75 gift was not a scam. I determined afterwards doing checks/finding scam reports from other guys this Krivoy Rog girl was an opportunist and it was unwise to do a personal visit with her and she was kindly dropped, she was way too young for me, would never have worked and not worth the risk, I told her I was too old for her and did not really want any more kids and I was moving on and to go find someone much closer to her age.
I was chasing a dangerous dream and realised it...there was no chance of happiness at the end of it.
At what point did she become too young for you aussieman, was she too young when you selected her profile, was she too young before or after you send her $75 or did she suddenly drop in age by a number of years at a later stage?
Weren't/aren't you being an opportunist aussieman, writing and trying to buy with $75 a lady of a better 'quality' than will touch you with a bargepole in Australia?
Nomore - I ran into the exact same situation as you when I went. Everything went fantastic up to the moment I mentioned I was not a millionaire but made very good money. For her good money was mansions and opera level lifestyle.
I recently read a letter that answered something I knew was happening across Ukraine with some of these girl's intentions = "I'd like to believe I have that type of a character which a famous top-model Natalia Vodianova has, she achieved a lot being very delicate..."
Do some research on famous top-model Natalia Vodianova. Ukraine girl finding her prince (UK real estate tycoon heir) in the form of daddy warbucks lookalike.
Now beemer knows there are good girls who aren't like this. I met several of them personally in Odessa - not gold-diggers. Yet the ones we remember because of their beauty and way with words and the wounds they give to a sincere heart. These are the same girls who get preyed on by the sex-tourist who pretends wealth to lure his prey, once he is done he disposes of her. Vicious circle...
The girl I met was exactly like yours. Only we both wrote each other a few months later and were planning on meeting and becoming engaged on a second meeting - up till the time she finally admitted that all the original letters were false and insincere.
She had lied about herself and her outlook on life to lure a rich man. This was her sole intent. To marry a nice looking RICH GUY... there's one Ukraine woman who used to come to this forum saying the exact same thing, and got blasted by every MOB for her statements.
Unfortunately, they happen to be prophetic for some of you.
Aussieman if they put your balls on a razor blade they would look like to BB's bouncing on a four lane highway. In your infinite scam hunting, you've never once proved anyone was a scammer. You don't know the culture, you don't know the ladies. Hell half of the women you wrote too were probably guys. What's your biggest trip in life, a hop to Fiji? Then you come in here and sell your crap like you have some insight in the life of a Ukrainian.
You label Ukrainian women as scammers. When Martin points out, that most of the scammers come from Russia, or haven't you checked your sources yet? I'm sure you have scoured those sites. What in fact really happens when a girl shoots your sorry ass down, you point a finger at her like she's such a scammer. That is a trademark of a loser. Why would you send a woman 10000 miles darts or money if you didn't want something in return. Or make an excuse that she's too young. Why even correspond with her if she's too young. I had many 20 somethings write me first and I said thanks but no thanks. Though guys like you think you can get something that in reality is out of your league. If you can't get it at home forget about it in Ukraine. The women are pretty damn sharp.
Bored, I'm far from angry you simpleton. Only thing that annoys me is morons like you posting diatribes of idiocy without any content at all. Like your a ten year old playing on a computer. You're such a waste.
It is about correct perspectives. These pretty 20 somethings have good looking local men looking them over every day. The old agency lies of every Ukrainian man is a unemployable, drunk, woman-beater, unfaithful, and deceptive is just not true. Nor are the lies about how many single girls there are to men.
Those are the urban myths of pre-2000 marriage agency scene...
Today these modern girls have no qualms about how they experience their Overseas Experience. I forgot when I lived in New Zealand, how most every girl there needed the same. Most went backpacking and tried to study abroad.
They didn't have to marry to afford it... so a girl will have to tolerate much more in a more serious relationship. Money helps... But so do looks, charm and making her laugh at someone other than yourself is always helpful. ;p