Hey guys, Ukraine is a country where people spend 10 times more than they earn. It's not a joke. Ukrainians dress well, eat good food, drive nice cars. The nightclubs are full of the youth, they spend $100 bucks a night there each. I'm sorry, but even a child here can distinguish an American walking down the street. because these guys are usually wearing clothes that locals can put on to work in Garage. Who told you it is a poor country? There are poor and rich people as everywhere, but this is the country of great opportunities, and one who wants will earn as much as he wants.
And one more thing, the salary in Ukraine can't be less than 800 hrivnas ($100). So if someone tells you abt $50 a month just dont believe. Average income of a person in Nikolaev e.g. is $300-500 a month that's quite enough. Of course there are some categories that have very low official income - teachers,doctors,nurses etc. but they can find the way to compensate from not official sources. Many old people are really poor, this is the real problem, if a pensioner doesn't have support of children he will have a hard life.
Average salary in Lugansk now is no more than $200 per month... Teachers and medical workers make less.. some jobs are paid more... many people make $150 per month only some even glad to get $100. As for cell phones, that's a little funny, I have a girlfriend and she asked me to help her to buy a cell phone... God.. this people are crazy, she bought the nokia for about $350, and she's just a student... I asked where she's got the money for it... parents of course ;) It's a kind of fashion for young people here... If they buy a phone they only want the most expansive one and can spend all money they have just to get it.
Armin, you are very wrong about average salary in Ukraine. It seems that a lot of Ukrainians have a lot of money because they save a lot of money. A girl can save 3 months just to buy good shoes she likes and sure those shoes are expensive because she can't afford to buy some cheap and throw it away after one month, if she buys something, that's for 2-3 seasons to wear minimum.
Last night was a Friday night and all night clubs in Lugansk are empty. I asked the taxi driver as they know the situation pretty well... same is for the last 3-4 months... people don't go to night clubs any more... I went to a night club last night... before it was always full, last Friday there are only 2 girls dancing on a floor.
You also forget that crisis in Ukraine started last Autumn. And before they were giving 5 grivnas for 1 dollar, today it is 8.6 to 1. Before crisis banks were giving loans to everyone to buy electronics, mobiles, everything.... Ukrainians were taking loans and were buying new stuff like crazy. Ukraine was #1 in Europe for the number of brand new cars sold!
No many are out of job, many salaries went down almost half, because of the dollar rate and because the economy is very slow.
You must be over in FSU as you write. Thanks for your input.
Would the amount of money that locals have/ acquired, vary from the cities?
For example: Odessa compared to Nikolaev, Kiev compared to Lugansk.
johnnycash what does CBD mean. Shops like Madonna are still open. Such shops are usually visited by quite wealthy people, they sell a thing a day and that's enough for them (joking). I don't think wealthy people stopped buying expensive clothes because of the crisis.
There are about 60 official dating agencies in Nikolaev, over 200 with not official.
alexander the only time of the year I see quite empty night clubs in nikolaev is Summer when the nightlife moves to the seaside clubs. And now they are full again.
I never told that all people in Ukraine are wealthy but let's see what statistics says
This is official information - the average salary in Nikolaev in August was 1892,73 hrivnas (223 dollars). And of course locals should know that official salary in many Ukrainian enterprises is not the same as not official one (they don't show at least 50% of salary at all not to pay taxes). And usually people here have several places of work. It is easy to count then that official income and real income differs at least twice.
I don't have any statistics about salaries, but some anecdotes...
First, most of us only visit cities. Millions of people still live in rural villages, where they are very poor, and economic opportunities are minimal. To have running water inside the house is still a rare luxury.
Second, I know a gal who started an office job just as the crisis was breaking. To minimize layoffs, her firm immediately cut the work week to 4 days, an instant 20% salary cut.
Third, (some of you already know this) people who were lucky enough to live in an apartment when the communist system died, got title to the apartment as a gift. Most of the people you see in Ukraine either own their apartment outright, or live in the apartment of a parent or other relative who owns it outright (free from rent and mortgage). Some necessities of life are artificially cheap (mass transit and some forms of energy, for example). And people are VERY SMART about economizing on those things that are expensive. Borrowing money is still new and pretty rare -- most people don't have any monthly debt payments. So it is possible to get by (in a VERY simple lifestyle) on amounts of money that would seem impossible in the West.
Fouth, when we talk about average salaries, are we including people who can't find a job? I know a Ukrainian couple who live in Moscow, because that's where the work was. And on Thursday night, I was chatting with a very cute shopgirl in Moscow, who turned out to be from... Odessa. She completed 6 years of school to get her law degree, but work was impossible to find in Ukraine. So she took a bottom-feeder job in a cold city 700 miles from home.
A American friend setup a business for a girl he used to date there a hairdressing business and did a report on the whole situation. It was very interesting corruption was rife, basically he loaned her the money and then she was to repay it back (which she now has done) but to get anythiny done he had to bride everyone. This seems to be throughout the system , he states that a planning offical was earning 150 dollars per month ,his rent alone was 100 dollars so how does he survive? basically bribes bribes bribes. A teacher in a school earns maybe 100 dollars for her to survive ,students will give gifts of money choclate and alcohol for to pass. Back to my friend he has a lanuage school(internet cafe/skype phones and such) there now and has gone through alot of supervisors because hes now back in Usa. Main problem again? corruption ,his supervisor at the moment is quite good (he hopes) but he has had like 4 who robbed him blind. Also before they were on a salary so they earned money and made no effort build up the business or look for work. Now it a performace based. He invested there because he has since married a lovely woman who lived back in Usa with him. (she was born in Ukraine but considireds herself Russian) So he has made no money from business but has pumped it in over and over. We cant imagine such a system because here everything works we dont see it working but it does of course there is corruption everywhere but there it is common place.
But back to the guy in planning he just earns 150usd and rent 100usd work it out......
This is your average Armin, as stated on top, 100 people make $23 300
The lucky ONE who makes 1 400 is the agency owner in Nikolaev
Those 5+3+2 are interpreters working at his agency, the 10 are those working at good government jobs and getting bribed from this corrupted agency and 30 are the girls-models meeting you at Nikolaev airport with interpreter and the rest 50 making $100 per months is the REAL Ukraine.
Why do you think Nikolaev became #1 in Ukraine for agencies now??? Men, read this over again and think with your brain, how much do you pay per letter, how much do you pay for introduction, how much is the interpreter per hour???
I can be wrong with my percentage of people making certain amounts of money, but I am sure that I am pretty close to the real deal...
Again... do the search for Donetsk... it's a city at least 2 times bigger than Lugansk or Nilolaev and it has much better international airport and very good infrastracture, about 1,1 million people, how many girls you can find from there??? the logic is simple, the more the average salary is the less girls you find in that city, because girls are not desperate and will have the dignity not to scam foreigners for extra $200-$300 per month, so the don't join the agencies... and have a job that gives them self-respect and that they can be proud of.
When I say average salary I don't mean the whole income. Official salary of a top manager differs not so much from a worker's salary. E.G. when I worked at a firm my official salary was 950 hrivnas, my real salary was 2800 hrivnas, and my boss's official salary was 1400 hrivnas (this guy was the owner of business and had millions of income).
And one more thing - I know many people in Nikolaev but I know nobody who works and earns less than $200 a month (I mean total monthly income) and they all work very hard to earn as much as possible.
And of course a certain quantity of girls do their money working for agencies. Not so much as the agencies owners do, but quite enough to buy expensive phones. But don't think all the women in Nikolaev are involved in this business.
And one more thing nobody will scam you until you want to be scammed. There is only one woman on 20 foreigners who wants to get married. So only one from 20 will be successful. Others pay for hope to be successful. They scam themselves when they believe they can really find a model who is 40 years younger and they get what they want - sweet dreams and a cold shower after waking up and realizing that they spent their money for nothing. Be realistic and nobody scam you
I am sorry to tell to you this Armin, but scam is a scam... and you can say whatever you want to say, but if a girl is 18-22 and she's in a dating agency... and 6 years later when she's 24-28 she's still there.. and all this time the agency is writing e-mails for her and brining guys to meet her, that is a SCAM. So it makes me laugh to read what you say - nobody gets scammed until he wants to get to get scammed. Most of the men, especially those who get into this 1st time, think that all these agencies is a real thing. Everybody knows that 90% of guys coming to Ukraine for a wife are guys over 40 years old. Agency owners go to nightclubs and other places to recruit girls. Girls get commissioned, and there are a lot of them in Nikolaev, because salaries there are little, and this commission that girls are paid is a good money for them. On the other hand, in bigger cities like Donetsk there salaries are much bigger, so girls do not care about scamming someone for little money.
Armin, you are the only guy on this forum saying that people in Ukraine are rich... you probably was reading too much of science fiction and you were hanging around too many agencies who have nothing to do with normal Ukrainian people.
Alexandr, I'm not arguing with you, I'm not sure you understand me if the only thing you found out from my words is that all people here are rich,
I've never told that. But telling that people in Ukraine are starving and extremely poor is the main way to help scammers to carry on their business. And you also pretend to be an expert on Nikolaev, well I've been living here for 25 years, have been involved in the main cultural, business, media and educational activities of Nikolaev and what about you?
It's great to read the interesting logic into these agencies rather then read the short-hand version.
Is it true that Nikolaev is #1 for agencies in all of Ukraine?
American business practices and mentality must be catching on quickly to the local Nikolaev sirens ;)
Someone told me most of the women you see listed on the agencies are not interested in serious relationships with foreign men OR moving away from home to live in another country.
What feed back can you tell us about this from your experiences?