I think that the only way to really love a man is to start trust him the same moment as you decide that he loves you and wants to built a family with you.
It is about sex on the first date.
All the other approaches are just a game.
It can lead to good, warm family relationship between people who have a lot in common and really like each other. But it is less than you want.
The way to have a normal family by game rules should be like this:
You like the man.
You think that you can fall in love after 4-6 yours of marriage.
You speak with him every day.
You travel with him a lot.
You know that you have a lot in common and LIKE EACH OTHER A LOT.
You tell him that you are looking for a family.
OM is a typical sex tourist but he very professional one.
You play games. You expect that woman play games with you and judge them according to your game rules.
In order to follow that normal game rules you need to have some experience of that type of dating. They did not.
From my 40+ point of view (I am happily married now). Here on the site, among American men there are some who is looking for a wife, not just dating and sex.
You can easily see that this Russian man is looking just for dating.
But different culture make everything a mess. You expect that this American person is really looking for a wife. You think that you can trust him. May be you think that he comes 1000s mile especially for you. YOU CARE ABOUT HIM. But even if he is looking for a wife he enjoys his time now and now he DOED NOT CARE ABOUT YOU at all. He is just on the very first step with you. He has several other possible dates at this time.
He does not trust you. He will judge you for not following his game rules. And you do not no this rules.
Bagira, the Western guy is a stranger in your own country..he does not know the culture and most often the language and can never know what is being said about him in another language or never know what the woman is thinking..in the case of Russian and Ukrainian women, the ball is in there court, the ignorant Western man is in their country, on their turf so as to speak and in this case the man is vilnerable and can easily be taken advantage off..you girls are in control and he has to play by your rules...most men don't spend thousands of dollars to come to Ukraine etc. to fook multiple women..they are in search of a wife often after a considerable time in correspondence with a girl and decision to do personal trip and visit is not made lightly..Bagira you make us sound like cheap gigolos and players when in most cases, nothing can be further from the truth!
It seems to me from my small experience that the average FSU girl is not like your average Latin American Catholic. Possibly Bagira is close to a Latin American Catholic, but I do not think she would is the norm and would be difficult to find. The culture towards sex in the two continants is completely different.
The beauty of an FSU girl compared to a western girl is that they do like to take care of their man. I was shocked to find on my girlfriends bookshelf, a resent Ukraine publication of, a book on how a woman should please a man. I do not think any western woman in my country would own such a book. Maybe 50 years ago but not now. Western woman only have self interest in everything.
The flip side to all this care and attention is that they want to be wanted and that includes sexually. Neglect this area and they will walk away. A girl I know left her Russian husband because she initiated sex more than he did (of course there was more to it than just that).
These girls run on feeling and passion
The point is these girls expect you to want them and the one that want them the most wins.
How true adman how very very true mate you hit the nail on the head ! care and attention is number 1 specialy when your doing all the effort and $ to go to her , we talking humans hear not ,''items of sale '' you know mate no matter which way i look at it
The agencies really are a ''clearing house '' for woman aint they !
And IF the agency could not make a dollar out of certain 1 ( nomatter how pretty ) they'd asshole her - nothing more sure than that !
I once met a bird had been ''sold to 4 blokes '' in 2 weeks but the last one to find out was her .
Pretty sad state of affairs in 2008 ''you'd think they be more moral driven than money'' ! but i see its sadly not the case .
Yes they expect you to want them - and dont they play the game huh ! jealousy you could cut it with a knife its that thick .
Well if 4 at the table and yourself only 1 goes home a winner ( with you ) the other 3 fall into depression .
But at days end as i learnt the hard way the bottom line is dollars with em - you hear the good success stories but even now in AUSSIE after certain period they start to show true colours ( jolly roger ) the obcession of money!! starts to break through the veneer like a termite !
Its a disease to em - lot of birds world wide suffer it - but in 31 countries ive been too when i was working / travelling ive never seen it so bad in other countries as ive seen in Russia .
Russia iam sure wroughting for money is near an olympic sport !!!!
Yet other side of the coin you can find a totally perfect setup il give you example .
My mate dave Aussie lives moscow 10 years now - he looks like peabody out of the cartoons giant bifocals about 5 feet 5 inches just a little beachball of a bloke .
now 7 years back he married one of most georgous blondes from ukraine ive ever laid eyes on .
truly she'd stop a train - more curves than a grand prix circuit ! she just turned 30 , he is 49 married her in moscow when she was 23 --now this couple has never ever had a worry .
she works salon 14,500 rubles a month / he works mining consultant basic bean counting advisory etc , he get's 65k a year - she has never hit im up for sixpence in her life i regularly was a guest at there home on my trips through to both Rostov and Cheboksary .
such a great girl / she'd die for im ! so the proof is in the pudding mate live there with em - i truly dont think you have 50% of the worries that you have bringing them back to honey pot western countries .
they introduced me to couple after couple after couple same situation - and last trip i met 9 couples 5 aussies 2 yank and 2 poms! all seemingly living happily there ( moscow )
ok mate dave own's his joint no rent to pay ( daddy died left him a $$) all is paid they just go to work enjoy life ---------but for a woman thats asks nothing, well my god if another bird so much as looks sideways at him --she scratch her eyes out = that loyalty ay .
and they live ordinary zero sign of wealth so it CAN BE DONE !they both are not interested keeping up with the neighbours ! and if her family gets into shit - she says you got yourself in / get yourself out and they both only help them if its life or death ! thats the way it should be ay !!
so there you have it i brought back many photos last trip these 2 and there idilic life .
this was another guy whom met her basicaly in the street, in 1998 and he's never regreted a day to date .
I've heard of people who SPEAK with such a heavy accest that those who speak the same language cannot understnad - But Mike00 is the only person I know of that WRITES with a similar accent.
Good points - but REALLY hard to make it through a paragraph.
I agree Mike it would be ideal to live in Russia, It would be much easier to know what your woman was about and you would b on a much more even footting. I think men immigrate much easier than women to, but unfortinately that does not seem possible for me at the moment.
One thing I have noticed in my country is that, when a women comes from Russia to marry a western guy, it is very socially exceptable amongst the local Russian community (almost essential)for her to cheat on her western husband and or run off with a Russian guy. The reverse does not seem to be the case. The odd Russian girl I know of that has left her Russian husband (a bastard) for a western guy, she is viewed by her Russian friends and community as having the plague.
I was wondering Mike if you had seen anything like these unknown rules in Russia???
Yes adman i have seen this huh - my first girl anna the one that died , her family great folks but absolutely hated me ( westerner ) they were the old cold war russians .
I gave up trying to win there trust it just sort of came as acceptence after around 18 months , i just think they accepted me purely because daughter was happy all was fine so they gave up rocking the boat .
But again that family in 1999/ 2001 never asked me for a dime !!!
Took there time about accepting me though - but i mean you cant worry about that ay its you and her - they are just the excess baggage you can drive away from em !
My mate dave i spoke of his ukraine WIFE WELL - with her family absolutely loaths him , but why i dont know ? i think its largely a jealousy factor )(the have's and the have not's )
In a NUTSHELL well we can't beat him! so lets make his life a misery , jealousy is without a doubt a BIG THORN IN RUSSIA !
I think its the biggest hurdle but again your up against the reverse mentality !
example - if you do ok have a wee boast ''ohh shit dear i made a $1000 this week on the stockies - you will get the ohh i not want hear about it you boast it much monies !
but if you dont make a quid its ''' my god iam married to beggar !!
so your damned if you do / and if you dont ! and if you do in 8 of ten cases ohh you not help it my mum - you just speak it you make it $1000 give me i TAKE IT .
My last 3 years i was conflict in this situation almost daily , dare i make a dollar head to Atm withdraw hell i was near followed by the tribe --------but i found if i didnt make a quid they all went quiet ---------not to a point of didnt want to know me --but i was a celebrated feller much more if i pulled $100 out the pocket ,
so they live in a big pot of hippocracy / lot of double standards there .
THEN YOU CAN GET THE ODD ONE that really does deserve to be horse whipped like a chap i met from kiwi land over there , he was shacked up with a tart --he was full on shares trader , internet smart feller said to his love ohh look darling iam averaging like 200,000 rubles - a month clear profit ( thats a pretty bloody good income $8000 usd a month you can live anywhere in style on that .
Her reply to him after his big smile working out his income was this
She spoke ohh so my life is too be spent with BEGGAR !! she was not joking she was dead serious ,
This is a woman never seen 8000 rubles a month in her life, what a bitch - he assholed her said to her well obviously iam not good enough princess for you ,
she looked at him daggers and said NO !
YEP OUT SHE WENT , STUCK TO HER GUNS TOO --WANTED SOME BLOKE BUST HIS GUTS ALL OF LIFE AND FEED IT $$$$$ -- and get told hes not good enough in the process !
Then they wonder why they cant make it with a russian ? he has no chance to earn as we do he's 500 miles behind the start post, the day he's born so i mean shit the few good birds they really should not expect ''yuriy to be a horse of competition against ourselves its just not feesable is it !!!
I true believe they bloody well expect far too much and there a lazy race , you want a bird help you pay the morgage in USA/ Aussie sorry but you got off at the wrong country .
They expect you to keep em --they stuck in the 60's the coloured kitchens and the perfect life = watch to much of the 'home show ay ''! the perfect couples !( the honeymooners )
her with the apron on , him slaving at the iron foundary busting his guts in 1963 for like $18 a week .
There visions of life like 45 years out of date ay !
Bloody hide of em ay ----------they have a lot to learn mate , life's short , they better pick up the ''bit soon ay '' beggers can't be choosers ,and beggars most are = stark reality , nice arss and tits don't pay the bills ay .
ADMAN yes they'd like daughter to marry one of there own , but they also know the outcome in 9 of ten cases russian men are shit iam sorry but its a more proven fact , than the fact THAT the world is round you know .
I pity a russian bird saddled up with a russian man ---the very best it can turn out is a sad situation .
They marry you know ! he does not have two bob to bless his arss with , she's in fairy land waiting for him to turn into the mystical man on the white steed , saddle bags with 400k in em , him turning to appearences of errol flynn at age 30 and he grows a 14 inch tool ,
He rides up in the dream scoops her up buys her a palace and they all live happily ever after.
then she wakes up covered in sweat realises its all a dream = damn foiled again she cries !
Hollywood ideal 50 year marriage as i quoted in another listing somewhere , one russian bird spoke to me of LIZ TAYLOR hollywood fame, she had heard all about this wonderfull married woomen and -all was roses??? ( she heard wrong ! and i told her hey liz had more pricks than a dartboard 7 times married -I SPOKE ! whom told you dear of this idilic life??
ohh she had read a book somewhere . my god !!!!