mmmm... making money by saving is actually principle of poor.
Who teach you that, my dear young bright sun of genious thoughts? .... in capitalistic world.....
Spoken like a true communist! Spend it as soon as you get it--that's the mind set of a FSU woman. No future so why save for one. I've read stories of FSU women who come here and don't understand why you can't spend all the money in the bank (and not as a professional shopper either.) It's a different way of thinking from the west--like the concept of a mortgage. "You own the house but you're making payments?" Ask a FSU how a mortgage works, car payments, insurance or credit cards--few understand. (Of course, some westerners have a problem with those, too.)
I don't know if there's an equivalent in Australia but I've done ridiculously well with IRA's and a 401k @ work. I'm well on my way to millionaire status by retirement age.
Don't let monanda talk you out of saving for your future--sounds like you're doing fine w/o her "help".
Damn I hate having to agree with Monada - but I do have to here.
Making money by saving IS actually a poor way to get rich. By saving - I mean putting it into an account at 2% or so that doesn't even keep pace with inflation. Even compounded interest rates that low will never get you rich. At best you will keep up.
Now INVESTING is something else again - not the same as saving as you can certainly lose it all if you are foolish. But even in today's economy you can do a HELL OF A LOT BETTER than keeping up with inflation with a little street smarts in real estate or the stock market.
You need to have money saved before you can invest it..saving it is the trouble, as most people work for someone else and get a wage by the time living expenses are factored in the major ones being either a mortgage or rent and food /bills there is precious little left to save.
For an average working person in Australia on the average MTAWE (Male Total Averaged Weekly Earnings ) of approximately $57000 per annum before income tax, to save %5000 in 6 months is a monumental effort to be able to put it in a term deposit for 6 to 12 months at 8.5 % per annum or invest with a stock broker in stocks in a high risk investment with returns of up to 20% p.a and loose it ( a local stock broking firm in my town of 200,000 went bust 2 months ago and $77,000,000 of hard earned money from the average battlers in this town, over 300 of them went down the drain and the directors have gone into hiding because some people have become very upset and threatened to kill them..some people lost all their life retirement savings and see more than red over this )..yes you can get rich but its done at high risk or you can be born with a silver spoon in your mouth like Monada.
Stock market, very risky, real estate less risky but longer term investment to get gain.
FSU women have no idea about the need to have money put aside in savings for a rainy day..that is when the unexpected shit happens and you need emergency money such as when a radiator house bursts on your car, you loose all the coolant, the motor overheats and cooks and your up for a new engine. easily $2000 or more for a reco plant here.
Live today and spend it all seems to be their philosphy and when shit happens..well badluck and you get stressed out because you got nothing to fall back on...I would never let a woman have free reign over my bank account, I control the purse strings in a relationship, major expenses need approval from me and a woman going out and blowing money in a crazy spending spree without my approval will make me wild..yes she can have her basic everyday needs but when it comes to spending $500 or more on an item or wants that kind of money, it goes through me or if she goes behind my back and does it..she is out the door!
Financial responsibility and paying the bills come first, then what is left, some can be used for recreational spending and needs and some put away and saved for a crap day!
2% maybe the rate in the US, in moldova you get 11% for saving US dollars in a local bank. In the Uk the rate is around 5%, in NZ its about 8% I think. Sure investing will get you a high return if your smart, but if your not smart you can lose the lot. Best to spread the risk and have a combination of the both. Mike suggested if an aussie put 300K in the bank he could live off it. This is probably true.
I think Nooga is wise to save and not invest it in real estate just yet, at his age its better to be cash rich than asset rich, not sure why people are giving him a hard time.
Well I must make a personal thank you to MONADA for your wonderful insight into the mind of Ukraine women! I am not sure why the men here give you such a hard time. MONADA your contributions are welcome and so interesting. I hope to go to Ukraine now,and I cannot wait to meet the woman of my dreams... a Ukraine woman. There maybe be a slight delay because of my circumstances. I am stuck in a padded cell and my therapist says that I may have to stay in here a while longer. It all started a while back when my therapist decided that as I was progressing so well that she allowed me the use of the computer connected to the internet. While googling the f word I luckily stumbled on this website and thanks to you MONADA my life has never been the same since. In my excitement of reading one of your posts, my guard(he has to be next to me while I use the computer) let his defences slip and I managed to steal his pen. Well...the next day,the same guard brought me my breakfast (it is served on a special plastic dish through an interconnecting hatch) and he dropped my food on the floor. I had written your name on the cell walls so many times that he was in a state of shock. Do you know, it is amazing how far a normal ball point pen can write ( and my therapist was impressed too) He wondered what the word MONADA was and so I had to explain. Now I am only allowed minimal access to the internet and on re-entry to my cell I am stripped search for any writing matter. Oh well, keep up your incredible efforts and I wait with great anticipation your next post! not be fooled here...if you want to get insight into a ukrainian women you will not find much here, go visit one, better to see a normal one. You ask about hard time....look back a few months and the venom would have landed on you. I have talked with over 100 women and met nearly 30 and never have come across such a filthy mouth. So you tell me ..what is the norm????
I have talked with 200 western men in personal + another banjo on forum, and have more then a good idea of
what you are, what is in your head, how you behave, how talk and what you expect not only from FSU women but also from surronding people and life.
If you have any doubts, I'm studing you boys. just to be sure that there's nothing I don't know when I leave in your country. and thanks God, it will be Italy.
Americans, not to annoy you, but to get FSU woman for you - is 4 times harder then for any european man.
Monada you're so full of shit. You're only a little more intellectually gifted than that idiot Danny3777, by that I mean you only spell better in English. You aren't anything like a real Ukrainian woman, you're an aberration. A joke that is sour here.
You're life if it is true here is an absolute disaster. Which I highly doubt and if it is you are no different than a lot of trash that lives in various countries. You're psychobabble
is a joke. You're not that erudite and you know very little about western men. First you must have the capacity for thought to study anything. Thank God Italy, really? Please share you're acumen on Italy. I know I've been there more than you have, so give me the low down.
Tell me all that you know about American men, I have a few seconds I can spare.
You couldn't shine Ptichka's shoes when it comes to information about women from Ukraine. You're information is bullshit from beginning to end. Your's is nothing more than diatribical nonsense.
You two remind me of BluCraz and his bimbo. By the way my wife isn't from a villiage you moron.