"dcv ...what a load off bull 90 % ...people lie in all countrys . how can you say 90 percent . have you met 100% off the population . maby there is a big reason why they all lie to you . is it possible your american or just a jetmba kind off person "
"why you go and direct another full post to me " unmoderated free speach " or cant you read....you destroy another good topic .... "
WHO went and directed another post at WHO danny? Can't you even read what you WRITE?
Whilst Jet is a big boy and perfectly capable of answering you as he has proven time and time again,you just don't get it do you?......you are an itellectual imbecile,and reinforce that fact everytime you open your mouth,go crawl back under your rock insect.
If brains were dynamite my retarded friend you wouldn't have enought to blow your nose!!!
I have to defend jetmba here,
It wasn't jet that started 'attacking' dyslexic's partner and her looks, it was me and, whilst 'attack' may be an inappropriate word, I stand by every word of it.
Hey idiot.I have no issues in my personal life. Evidently you do. As for being an internet dating loser, I'm far from it. Where are you in your relationship shithead? I've probably been married longer than you have been seeing your "partner".My relationship had nothing to do with
money. You're nothing more than a bloviated asshole, with little intellect or common sense.
You come in this forum to instigate trouble with other members. Like the burning American flag. It doesn't bother me, I served my country so people could exercise free speech. What have you done for yours? Like I wrote in a past thread. My father served in WWII and became friends with Australian Diggers,My father said they were men of character, one who moved to the states. Unfortunately their offspring have become mental midgets like you, lacking any balls or character. You're deep in hatred because that is how simpletons deal with jealousy. You're jealous because you don't live in this country, whose limited history of a little 200 years surpasses your upstart penal colony. You comment on Americans arrogance, which may be nothing more than confidence, which you absolutely have none, or you wouldn't spend the majority of you time belittling others You have an absolute hatred of people you don't know. Which makes you a moron. I bet I've met more Aussies than you have Americans. You have a propensity to treat women like shit. I've witnessed that firsthand in Thornlie WA. You know where that is don't you? I bet you struggle at geography.
I'm still trying to recall a relevent post you have made here? I don't come in here much anymore because of asswipes like you, and the other expert which happens be be from Australia who gives other members advice to go to Ukraine but doesn't have the testicular fortitude to do it and whines about not having money and how he can't discipline himself to save money to make a trip and how difficult his life is. You both are whiners and cry babys. Jealous of others ability to take a chance and make things happen. Or your inability to compete with them financially so you call it buying a woman. What bullshit did you lay on yours? She's not living with you yet is she?
Danny you're about as relevant as a flea on an elephants ass. This is yours and Aussiemans world because in reality you probably don't have a real life. I wouldn't comment on how another member looks when you are a cross between Uncle Fester and Friar Tuck.
I'm neither sick, single or lonely. One thing I am doing though ..... laughing :)
P.S. Having previously lived & worked in Australia, indeed Adelaide, I can verify that there are a lot of wonderful Australian people, good people with good attitudes, friendly and well educated. Why we don't see many, if any, of those on this forum remains a mystery.
As for Adelaide itself, whilst it may be beautiful it is, by international standards, a seaside town rather than a city. The city itself is one mile square, then there are the suburbs, then there is the GAFA (The Great Australian Phuck All) and with the next city, of any size, being several hours drive away. Hardly surprising really that the occasional 'small minded' person escapes!