Danny: Brutality in debate is something I find as rather artful when applied effectively. I’ve observed some of the less than artful slanging back and forth here for several months now and for the most part (With two idiot exceptions), I’ve stayed out of it. Your recent post in this thread was a little too much for me. To call another man’s wife a whore or openly imply her history of prostitution is beyond any reasonable expectation of human decency.
When two (or more) men go “biffo” and bloody each other’s nose, it is of no concern to me. In fact you can switch on the TV most any time and find it on some sports channel, often at the highest level and I rather enjoy to watch such a physical and for that matter verbal form of the same sport. Nevertheless, but with the exception of one we have read on here, most guys when called to the table are repulsed at the notion of whacking a woman in the face with a closed fist. Most would (or at least claim they would) rise to defend even an unknown woman who was taking a beating from a man. You might consider your remarks more carefully because calling a woman whom you know nothing about a whore (in disparaging tones) is IMO absolutely the same as punching her to the floor with a closed fist and leaving her there bleeding. The thought absolutely abhors me.
Nice post Dunromin...unfortunately, those with their knuckles still dragging on the floor will not be able to comprehend more than 2 words, let alone 2 paragraphs. 'Their' sport is to mainly antagonize people for the shock value, with no real thought process involved, merely a sentence strone together in a couple hours of deep thinking. These people have zero value to me and I try to just ignore also. I too have been drawn in a few times...but I try to stay away. I do enjoy the jousting with others than can get you thinking........no right or wrong, just opinions
Danny: Not every remark requires a response (contradiction following LOL). What I find disturbing is knowing Russia as I do and perhaps I like to kid myself that I know Russia and for that matter, quite a deal of the FSU, at least to some extent, is that I can see from your posts, even among the BS, you have a quite a deal to offer the new comers. I can see you have perhaps more to offer than a lot and quite a bit of knowledge on the subject. The pity is that all of that is being lost in the rubbish going back and forth. The credibility of many of your statements is being undermined, if not completely lost by this other nonsense.
There is nothing wrong with wielding the clue bat from time to time and I don’t mind using it myself but in each and every case, there should be a reasonable point of information. A little chain yanking if fine also but if one is subjected to direct insults from another in the process or as a result, refute the insult and if it is repeated, fire a shot or two across their bow and move on, FFS, these are internet forums, a splash of cyber ink which 99.99 + % of the world will never read. BTW, apparently you have slept with an Asian woman, Russia is part of Asia. There is little cut and dried in any of this including opinions and even in debate, ethics can become grey, nevertheless, IMO certain things are off limits and direct insults towards women not arguing their own case is over the top. If another guy, any guy has done the same to you, IMO the same applies.
Danny: I am not interested in yours or anyone else’s credibility. I am interested in the credibility of the posts. When good information is hidden in among nonsense, it tends to be overlooked.
Forum mates or friends are of no interest to me, I am no friend of anyone here and despite receiving a considerable number of polite PM’s seeking information, mainly on visas there remains only one poster here I have spoken to by alternate means. This, IMO is not about friendship, it is about shooting the crap on a subject of common interest and in the process, hopefully providing some useful information for those starting out. It should also be a place where new comers can post a question and receive a fair answer. If they then argue preconceived ideas which are dangerous, they should be set straight, but the recent mauling of a new poster who, I admit, asked a naïve question was rather shocking. http://forum.fiance.com/forum2.asp?Main=ShowTopic&forumid=1&topicid=4340
The poster you refer to in your link didn't post/ask any question, naive or otherwise, he posted his advert looking for a woman and he had to have been aware, before placing his advert, that a chat forum, mainly full of guys, was not the place to do it, it's hardly rocket science!
Wife_Liar can't make up his mind where he will live, Chelny, Oz or now Thailand. You are what you are danny. Pathos comes to mind first. You have on cred, because you are a habitual liar.
There's another story you're about to become involved in, but you don't know it yet. You never know who may be around the corner.
Martin: Naive question or naïve post, add, whatever, I don’t much care for the definition, it was a naïve, maybe thoughtless, shot in the dark. Believe me, I’ve seen more naïve wondering aimlessly on the ground in parts of the FSU with their dick in one hand, their passport in the other and a dreamy, hopeful look on their faces. I think the first tap on the shoulder could be slightly more accommodating than it was in this case.
Doesn't your wife have a father, wife buyer? So what? My gf's father is 65. He had heart problems yesterday. He is overdue. Of course that would make it a little more difficult for my gf to leave Ukraine if he goes. That would leave her mother alone.
It IS kind of funny that danny found a picture of a guy on some website under the name nasfan and figured it was the SAME nasfan that writes in this forum.
If danny had an ounce of brains we would relaize that in the US nascar is a big thing. And MANY people consider themselves as nascar fans or "nasfans".
I would sort of be as if someone here called themselves "rugbyfan" and danny found a "rugbyfan" on the internet and decisde he must me the same.
There are SITES dedicated to NASFANS all a person of average intelligence (disallowing danny of course) would have to go is GOOGLE nasfan. And wither our friend nasfan is a very prolific webmaster or these sites AREN'T by or about him. But danny will do as danny does, no matter how stupid.
"He seems to have forgotten of his insults to jetmba (a.k.a. danny3777 more recently :) and every American national both dead or alive."
While I admit I have been away from the forum for a while, and having returned I find it IS hard to tell who the players are without a program (there seems to have been some identity changing) - I hope that you are not suggesting that I have been mascarading as DANNY!?
I couldn't write poorly enough to pull that one off.