That reminds me not to be selfish. I just looked up where the Russian Orthodox is in my community. We must also attend the Russian Orthodox Church.
I don't believe God can be broken down by religion either. Perhaps the FSU will go through much of the same we are going through now. I remember attending a Christian Church one time who believed that true baptism was water immersion, the way Jesus and John the Baptist did. For this reason, they had a bathtub in their altar and they tried to get me baptised.
Actually, I think you'll find that's the prevailing belief in most modern churches now. My church is Pentecostal and they've been doing 'full immersion baptism' (to use the correct term) since before I was born. I got 'dunked' when I was a teenager. My denomination (Elim) is one of the biggest in the UK, alongside Assemblies Of God (which is practically the same thing, and who also do adult baptism). Between them, these two form the biggest doctrinal system in the UK, making this kind of baptism practically the norm now).
Jesus said "I will build MY church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it". When asked how to get to heaven (or indeed when recruiting a disciple), the instruction was always the same - "follow me". As long as a church is centred around Jesus, and following his example and instructions, then it's a church. The minute it stops, it's not.
The rest is just window dressing - Maybe God has a musical preference (and if he does, I'm sure it's not country :P), but if there was any specifically required way of 'doing' church, it would be in The Bible. It isn't, so bring on the variety! :)
I also believe it's just window dressing. The bathtub incident was over thirty years ago. That was the first and last time I saw a bathtub on the altar. I was told then that my baptism was no good and I can't enter the Kingdom of God if I don't get baptised again and immersed.
It bothered me at the time. I was only attending their Bible study in respect to my co-worker who invited me. I took it up with my pastor. He never did explain it to me. But he assumed I had too much time on my hands. He referred me as a volunteer for meals on wheels.
Hey RB... I have always wondered how many Bible study groups, rather than churches, are meeting in the Ukraine? I have missionary friends in Donetsk which has over 1 million population. They say the people are hungry for the WORD of GOD, Holy Bible...not institutional Churches, such as the Orthodox or established government approved Catholic churches.
I was raised Roman Catholic...was an alter boy, did the whole Cathilic deal, but at 18yrs. old found myself empty & unfulfilled. ( I dont want to debate the theology & origins of the RC church). I believed then & still do today believe in prayer, which GOD answered mine when I joined the US Army, met many different believers,catholic & protestant, but concluded that GOD wants an active, personal relationship with every person in existence...BUT, we can only truly KNOW HIM through HIS son, Jesus Christ...and the only way to know Christ, or to know about HIS son is thru the Bible. Here is where we get the multiple misunderstandings or mistranslations of GOD's Word..hence the Roman Catholic church begins around 325AD. Look it up in any encyclopedia's RC church history. I concluded that Martin Luther was, for the most part, correct in separating from the corruption that, over the centuries, crept into the Catholic church & went strictly by the Bible-Word of GOD. We are saved by GRACE ONLY, not works, what we can do to atone for ourselves. Christ paid the full price.
Problem is...most believers in Jesus Christ know very little of the Word, because they HAVE NOT read what is written. Instead, they have gone by what the eatablished church has spoon-fed them what it believes what GOD's will is & have not gone by WHAT IS WRITTEN!!!
GOD is ALL love & light...and in HIM is no darkness at all...which contradicts many church teachings. I dont want to sit here & write scripture after scripture justifying what I'm writing...I only want to emphasize that GOD will work in anyones life, for them to come to the TRUTH of HIS Word, but only if the truly seek HIM. The people of the Ukraine & other FSU countries have an emptiness...a longing for the truth which is being filled by many organization's missionarys, not the old world order churches.
bpga wrote: "Just another reminder that these women come from a completely different culture. There is very little of what we take for granted in every day life that is common to theirs. Just to have ones own personal car is very rare. Here we feel completely isolated without one.
Once you have your lady here there are still going to be so many adjustments..."
This new way to worship by Bible groups is taking hold in alot of the FSU. I would love to move there & experience their way of know their mindset. I believe its the only true way to emotionally connect with a possible fiture wife. What better common thread could be better than a spiritual bond. Thanks for letting be ramble...Joe M.
Does anyone know that Christ was born in Sept. 3BC, and NOT Dec.25th? This is all Catholic tradition & not what the Bible teaches. My point being...if you truly want a wife that is spiritually compatible, we all have to have common ground on what to base our marriages on...Agreed?
Ralph29: How did you get this far woth your woman? & is she allowd to come to USA as a tourist or student or??? and for how long?...THXs!
Not to pee on your bonfire there John, but there's actually no definitive date recorded or known for Christ's birth. There are scholars, historians and archeologists who will defend dates from January through to December, and everything in between. 25th Dec is (like most dates in the Christian holiday calendar) originally the date of a Pagan holiday. The early church in Britain purposely 'paved over' Pagan festivals with their own, to help with the transition process (or to eviscerate the savages religion). This is why I have no problem marrying a woman who celebrates Christmas on 7th January (as they do in Ukraine). The date is of no significance to me.
I think many would have issues with the fact that Sunday isn't such a 'holy' day in Ukraine (from what I've observed) and that people just go to church whenever. Some get really hung up on this (there's a website I saw once going on about the 'evils' of the Catholic church changing the Sabbath to the Sunday. Some people need to read their Bibles a little more).
I tend to keep it simple. Where The Bible says yes, God means yes. Where it says no, God means no. Where it doesn't say - he'll either tell you or he doesn't really mind.
If it ain't Christ it aint spiritual, all it is is a bunch of spare-ritual.
In 2010, the western and Orthodox dates for Easter fall on the same date. It happens once in a while.
The date of Easter is based on a "formula": the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox (start of spring).
The orthodox and western churches use different standards to decide what is the date of the vernal equinox, and also which are the dates of the full moon -- for this reason, their Easter dates can be more than a month apart.
"My gf told me next week is a "Christian Party". Is this Easter? Last year, Easter in the FSU came five weeks later than ours.
Oh yea Mr Bull, trouble is I was in kiev celebrating orthodox easter on April 19th last year......and what day was easter celebrated in USA last year or are you speaking of phillipines or maybe some other country.....5 weeks, where did you get this from, your GF????
try 1 week.......gotta hear this explanation.....makes one wonder about other statements you make........I am surprised Durak did not notice this. Guess that happens once in a while too.
Thanks for that, Mr. Durak. You are always full of information. I got the five weeks from my memory. It might have been two years ago, or I was mistaken and it was actually just one week. I have said before that my memory is not that great. I should have verified it.
ragingbull, yeah here in orthodox churches women can be only nuns. And yes there are no pews in our churches. People have to stand for hours even those old 90 yo women.
Not sure about women's role in the Orthodox Church. I do not see that Church like some of the Protestant churches with female ministers. Like with Islam, there are no female ayatollahs or imams.
This all goes back to the 12 male disciples with Christ.
That is correct. If you went to Sitka, AK to see the St. Michael's Orthodox cathedral, you will see that there are no pews inside. Their faith sees sitting down for a divine service somewhat disrespectful. Somewhat similar to many mosques which also have no seating.