Also - while agree that she runs a risk even having a card in her own name - or even just being observed withdrawing money from ANYWHERE. That risk extends to a no-name card or even being seen exiting a Western Union facility. It comes with the territory.
I fumbled occasional with the Ukrainian grieva I was carrying. They are smaller bills than I am used to and difficulty to determine the denomination in bad light. I noticed that my Moldovan lady always quickly positioned her body between me (while I fumbled to find the right bills) and anyone else in the room so that their view was obstructed. Of course, she explained later that she didn't want anyone to be aware of how much I had. I appreciated her being alert and cautious. I wasn't used to the situation and she was always taking step to protect me in my somewhat naive western ways.
I'm not a small guy - considerably bigger than my Moldovan lady. Yet you should have seen her practically throw me to the pavement by pulling backwards on my shoulder as I naively stepped into traffic the first couple of times.
I used the same sort of caution that one would use in a big American city, thinking the cars would avoid me. That sort of thinking can get you killed, literally, on Ukrainian roads.
Fortunately, I only ended up with a slightly pulled shoulder. And enhanced appreciation for her.
You don't need to tell me about Ukraine driving mate !!! Ive been there and been pulled back out the road myself !! :o) And the rest of the FSU is just as dangerous !!!
They are mental !!!
All those of you who would assume a pedestrian crossing is a safe place hands up ?
Well don't try this rule in the FSU coz its broken !!!
You will get mown down if you don't keep your wits about you !!
Your lady sounds wonderful, and protective, which can only be a good thing :o))
I know what you are saying about "part of the territory" but at least with WU she can get the cash stashed in her bag before she leaves the bank,(NB, almost all WU offices are either in banks or have guards ) it is a little safer, but if IKobo works for you my friend thats great, anything is preferable to her having a card with your name on it !!! I did understand the "no name" bit, I didn't miss it as I think you may think I did :o))
Just one little point, its Hryvnia (pronounced Greavna ) and the itty bitty useless coins are Kopiks :o)) Damn they get heavy in your pocket after a while !!!
Tim: I know what the Ukainian monetary units are. I spelled it phonetically (minus the "n"). Because "hryvnia" doesn't resemble what it is called. I am also aware of kopics. And they are pretty much useless, realistically.
Tim: I'm guessing that you sned wuite large amounts by Western Union or that you send it to a country with a better transfer cost than Moldova. (For instance, here in the US you can send money to Mexico for $14.99 and I think that covers up to $200).
To Moldova: $1 to $100 costs $20. And Its $7 for each hundred (or portion) after that. That's obscene, especially for small amounts.
To send $25 costs $45, that's an additonal $20 (or 80%)!
To send $101 costs $128, that's an additional $27 (nearly 27%).
With iKobo its $2 and $4 for the above sums (there is a $2 minimum).
With fees like that and ATMs in nearly every city, you KNOW someone would come up with a better system. After all - this is the FSU. Not Mars.
I just did a 'quick and dirty' check. Given the variance in exchange rates, it appears that ikobo shorts the recepient about 5 - 10% on the conversion. Perhaps not a bad price to pay for the security of the system...
So far as I know WU doesnt charge the girl anything (weel neither my X or any other has ever mentioned it anyway) So the WU way might not be so bad after all.
KR... have you forgotten that the dollar has been devalued?
I found an official exchange rate of 12.77 Moldovan ley to the dollar. iKobo offers 12.57 - which is a 1.67% difference. That' a lot less than the 5% or 10% you mention.
I'm sure WU takes something on the exchange. But even if they don't, the 4% iKobo charges plus the 1.67% exchange loss still comes to 5.67%. Thats a HECK OF A LOT lot better than the 20% to even 80% (on small sums like $25.00) that WU charges.
Tim: The girls really like having the card too. I had to pay $19.95 to have the first one sent and it took ten days. She wasn't thrilled with the wait, but really liked getting "a visa card from america!" (she said). By the time I sent a card to the second girl - iKobo had dropped the policy of charging for delivery of the card. But both girls love carrying the card.
I checked. Western Union tends to pay in dollars in Moldova - but mostlikely she will have to exchange it at some rate anyway. Lei are only available at select locations. Also Western Union offices keep bankers hours (being banks, that isn't much of a surprise) and the notes on the web site say that for one to two hours each day - the bank will be closed for lunch so the money will not be available.
At least ATMs are always open.
I know very well that the $ is not doing too good at the moment mate :o))
I bought $10,000 a week or so ago at $1.84 to £1.
Its not all bad news though, when I checked today its down to $1.76 to £1,
so its getting stronger quite quickly again.
I am not looking to cash it in and make money that way, but later in the year when I head FSU way again it will mean a relativly much better value for my £`s :o))
As something of an economist (MBA and BA). I'm not particularly concerned with the devalauation of the dollar at the moment. (Or put another way - there are other threats to the dollar I see as much more serious). Out tax cut resulted in a greater level of discretionery spending much of it for overseas goods, increasin the trade deficit. The capital spending we hoped for is underway and temporary devaluation should be over by mid to late fall.
Never let it be said, by the way, that FSU ladies are not some of the brightest you will find anywhere. The day those news reposrs came out - and the dollar was first worth less than 13 lei - she was aware of it and asking me all about it. Bet if I polled the women in my country - 95% would be completely unaware that something was amiss.
I don't follow or know much about the financial world Jet, but as I said, I'm a motor trader !!!
I know a good deal when it presents itself and I know cheap dollars when i see them :o)) And 1.84 for a pound is a good deal :o))