this one has been getting a bit of air time here, i guess since we have the biggest share in milk producing and russia wanting investors..
link gives a good basic idea of there world and business
this guy is still in jail i last heard and the wife is still hanging on with the business.
Rag, no wonder you are one of those singled out in this forum. I was reading an article. You fit one of 5 scientifically designated forms of "wierdo" es-of-weirdo-identified.html
Gee, you can't get a typo passed your trained eye? Fiance You are really challenged... You don't know your own posts label you for everyone to see do you Rag? In Bull? Or did you mean RageNBull? So you are on the Rag? Obviously. ;0 Your title means, On the Rag and Bull? It fits. Unfortunately...
Anyways, this thread is about business in Ukraine. Not about your daily tripe about filipinos contractors trying to scam you out of a dollar or two for a days wage.
Back on thread. I had one guy I know who asked if I'd be interested in buying out a water bottling company in Ukraine for $500k. Any takers? First thought was the marketing and branding fiaco. Put something like Chernobyl Pure and I'm sure it would be a winner all over the EU. ;)
Then try learning to spell "Philippines" you fucking idiot! :)
P.S. Of course English isn't your primary language ... you're from USA aren't you where your primary language is American.
They speak American here also, whenever I mention such a word as "tap" to girlfriend she looks at me as if to say "WTF is a tap?" then I realise I need to speak American, not English, and say "faucet" ... Perhaps one day you'll learn to read and write in English Apal!
We are now back on the island, fed and watered, and with my (hired) 10 wheeler truck due to dock in the island port in 30 minutes with some PHP200,000.00 of my building supplies on.
Workers + temporary workforce totally around 6 lined up to occupy a few hours unloading the truck, hoping that the truck can make it to my land without bringing down any overhead power lines, and have borrowed from next door Aussie some temporary lighting from his bar.
When you've lost, you are really lost, Martin. You have nothing left except there is no such thing as Phillipines and we speak American, not English? You must have done a search like I have about Filipino mayors. Do you even know what you are doing?
You know how you think everyone is an idiot who does not follow your ways, Danny? You probably made sure they were told why they are idiots. This is them coming back to get you. It's not like they are the only guilty party. You are at least, partly to blame. Why cry to the moderators?