My cousin in the Philippines wanted a divorce. Divorce is not legal in the predominantly Catholic country. He converted to Islam and was able to have a second wife. He left the first wife.
what was your reasoning behind purchasing an apartment Rick? Is it not cost effective to rent for a week or two? Is it a buyers market over there? I'm thinking of purchasing in Donetsk...theres an airport and satisfactory infrastructure there,or so a local tells me?
Re The Charity organisation you "promote," does that allow you to avoid the 90 in 180 day rule?
As I grew up for several years in Ukraine and Russia, I just love spending time there and my charity in Ukraine was an obvious choice when I got to that point in my life. I like the security and feeling of being home that my own apartment provides. It also means I can pack more stuff for my kids in Ukraine and know I already have everything I need there, especially for my kitchen. I have a Ukrainian passport Ive kept since a child so Its not an issue. I was born in Odessa. Mom is Ukrainian from birth, naturalized at 18, dad American.
Lucky devil!!
are you meeting many non-agency type women through your charity Rick? does your charity have any clout regarding the procurement of a long-stay visa in Ukraine?
Tom: A prenup is a neccessary evil. Not just for Ukrainian women, in my opinion, but for any woman you might marry. There is great disparity concerning divorce laws and too many guys get taken to the cleaners because they had stars in their eyes when they fell in love.
That said - trust is a big issue for Ukrainian women. They don't often understant the intracacies of American law - they HAVE no such thing (that they are familiar with anyway) in Ukraine, and to do a pre-nip seems to indicate that you don't trust her.
She is putting a LOT of trust in you to come to a country where she doesn't know anyone - and that you don't trust her (her perception) gives cause for second thought to her.
Honestly she doesn't sound a BIT like a scammer to me. There are people who date Ukrainian women who think they see a scammer behind every tree and under every bed. Just like the monsters you might have feared being in those places in your young childhood days, you can quit worrying.
You said "I bought and she uses my netflix "... in Ukraine?
How are you able to do that? When I try to stream movies to my netbook in Ukraine, I am blocked by NetFlix and told that based on my IP address - I am not allowed to downstream movies anyplace outside the US.
jetmba, use secure tunnel. for 14 bucks per month I can pretend to be in california, georgia or anywhere in US.
As long as you have good broadband provider in Ukraine you can watch anything you want!
Regarding orphanages, AFA (thats the company that does the Romance Socials) has started a new program where they will match any funds given by members to local orphanages.
When we went to Poltava, whiles still on the bus the tour guide asked us all if we woul like to make any contibutions for diistribution the next day. There were 35 guys on the bus and within 30 minutes, they had collected some $3,000. AFA then matched the amount and the next day they visited two Poltava orphanages.
One orphanage requested wheelchairs - so AFA purchased five of them. Another asked for things like food and diapers - so a number of participants went and bought hundreds of dollars worth of diapers, and food of all kinds.
AFA is a very decent company, that I respect very much. And the men involved aren't looking to exploit Ukraine or Ukrainian women. We really are looking for wives and to help out when we can.
well i will have to eat my words, i really thought all these company's involved finding foreigners a girl had no morals.
if there ever was a cause so needed it is to do with these orphanages..
thats hell of a endorsement jet..
any help to these places has to be Ukraines number one priority, the numbers of children involved here are terrible..
rather appalling really when their fat little men would rather play biffo in Parliament then do whats right.
nice to know theres some decency out there in this foreign girl game.
lonely ranger; mom married after 18
jetma: i think some girls prefer magic jack to skype if they have cordless phone and they can call
ANY number in USA and thats attractive to a curious girl, especially one with relatives in USA
Also love that AFA does this. I had heard that before. perhaps i can get them to help my kids at special needs school?
I also dont know of any advantages concerning visa from having charity there. charities have heavy regulation i now know,lol
goeast: cant say i have met too many marriageable through charity but i do keep those 2 parts of my life separate.
I meet girls everywhere but i cant say that an an agency girl is always a scammer. Ive met some good ones by agency.
Ok all its 5 am in Kharkov and I'm laying next to her sleeping. Got here 3 days ago. Her dadhad a car and drive to get me at the airport. Shook my hand like a man. Id met him once before when he asked me of my intentions for her child. He is genuine and obviously very affluent relatively. He's about 8 years older than me but insisted on caring my heaviest suitcase up to his daughter and grand daughters 5 th floor apartment. I went over each detail of three preup with her, explained how she will be ok after I'm gone (shes MUCH younger) and two days ago asked her dad for permission to may her.
Now let me say I am a fuckwit my god she is perfect. I dont belong on the same earth as her. (although I'm clever enough not to tell her that).
Yes, I will have a prenup, but it will never be needed. She is the most honest, loving, caring, beautiful woman I've ever known, and for my view of all the trips over here, money spent, disappointment, sleepless endless hours of travel, scammers, crooks, shoddy living conditions. .. They are all nothing for ten minutes of feeling this womans care for me . I'll never all god for anything else than perhaps another 10 minutes of life to spend with her. My God, I could not love her more, but tomorrow I will anyway.