rtance/5386040 I don't like the fact this came with a political questioner attached with it. however nothing I have said on this forum is of my own thoughts. I seen lots of this. I am not so concerned with who or what started this now, as to who will be the ones to fix it. I also hear The larger then life figures involved in this are now trying to find a fix for it.
It is amazing how the Russians and those who back them takes one fact, put a spin on it and run with it. Steve's articles and those it links in, shows how the US, Europe and its economic positioning led to this aggression by Russia.
In the middle of it all is how the US spent $5 Billion to destabilize Ukraine. There is no evidence that the US spent this much money to any country during since the inception of Euromaidan or even to create it. The smoking gun and what many Russians and their sympathizers are running with is a speech by the Assistant Secretary of State of European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland that the US spent the $5 Billion on Ukraine. That $5 Billon was given to Ukraine since 1991 to help its economy and build its democracy. The Russians and their sympathizers spin this as if the money was to destabilize Ukraine in Euromaidan.
The time period of Euromaidan is when the US was doing some cost cutting measures. The US did not even spend the money for the security its ambassador in Benghazi a month or so before Euromaidan. A week or so before that, President Obama announced to the world that the US is cutting its troops to 1940 levels. To spend $5 billion on a country to destabilize it is ridiculous. Further evidence is how much US troops are involved in Eastern Ukraine, which is none.
Regarding politics, I think it foolish to talk politics about our home countries. Many times men have made comments about this, and once I was stupid enough to get involved. However, the question of Putin using force and violence to assert control over his neighbors very strongly affects people in every corner of the former Soviet Union, and some of us who travel there. rb clearly labeled this thread, and men who don't want to read about this need not click on it.
Regarding Big Brother, until March I was very circumspect making comments about Russia. Russia has been a very important part of my life for 10 years -- every time I left, I was dreaming about when I might visit next. I knew what a repressive regime controls Russia (in sharp contrast to the Baltic states and Ukraine where political freedoms are protected). I knew that it was very unlikely that the sayings of one dumb American would come to the attention of the FSB, but the idea that I could be banished from Russia frightened me.
Now, I am speaking my mind without censorship. If they revoke my visa for speaking truth about the murdering thieves who run the Kremlin, I shall consider it a badge of honor.
@ Durak
Your comments are well respected and your wisdom on years dealing Russia/ Eastern Europe are very appreciated.
I had also make the mistake to get involved in politics and nothing good came out of that. I had realized that I don't get paid to do this kind of PR and once your burn that bridge,,, was it worth it ? I rather be a low profile, since by my looks puts me out of place and once I start talking American, all eyes are on me and my lady. And then you will had to double your guard because of some nut-head did not liked my English.
I was briefed to be a good ambassador to any country I were to be sent. Respect it's people, comply with the laws and have fun in moderation. This also applies to this multi-national furom.
Durak,,, not only what Putin does, but how the west reacts effects these people too. I would have liked to see more action taken and much sooner than they did. Perhaps Putin would have realized the consequences sooner?
Regarding Big Brother,,,,,, I think all of us have been on lists the day we joined a website or this forum. Not only are they curious about our activities,,,, but those of anyone we might bring home with us. Espionage is alive and well in the “21st-century” and it wasn’t just too long ago when Moscow snuck some escort/spies into DC!
Putin and his Russia haven’t surprised me in the slightest,,,,,, but I thought the problem was mostly in the government, and not in a growing number of the population. But that shouldn’t surprise anyone either,,, they did after all,,, elect a former KGB agent!! Nuff said!
Anyone that takes Russia’s side in this conflict hasn’t had enough evil and oppression in their lives I guess.
As to Big Boris listening,,,,, there is a cure for Putin,,,, and it comes in several sizes; 5.56mm 7mm, 7.62/30cal , 9mm 45cal, 50cal, etc!
One participant in this thread wrote, "Obama just blew a big gas deal".
I didn't see any evidence for that, and still haven't seen any.
I asked how American natural gas could possibly be supplied to China (liquefied via a fleet of specialized ships) at a price competitive with a pipeline from neighboring Russia. If there was any answer about cost considerations, I missed it.
From today's NY Times:
"Iran and Russia have the largest reserves of natural gas in the world, and that will not change soon. Their reserves are cheaper and easier to extract than much of America’s, because they do not require the advanced technology and vast water resources that shale gas extraction demands."
America is in an impossible position to underprice natural gas produced in Eurasia.
Well, he was actually referring to China (as he clarified in subsequent comments).
You wrote, "how the west reacts effects these people too. I would have liked to see more action taken and much sooner than they did."
I have one bit of evidence to underscore your point, from one of my Russian contacts who despises Putin (even if the majority of Russians want to kiss Putin's ass, there are millions who are disgusted by him). This person, along with a circle of friends, have been hoping for much stronger sanctions from the West, to defeat Putin's program and possibly dislodge him from power.
If the US and Europe had made strong sanctions (cutting off banking, for example), Putin would probably have been out of office before the end of 2014. But sanctions will almost certainly stay at the "pin-prick" level.
And because of this, Putin will very likely continue to run Russia until he dies, or at least until his health fails. Even Russians acknowledge that he is President-for-life*. He began his first seizure of control over Russian TV even BEFORE his first presidency, while he was still a candidate. He has been controlling the Russian government for 14 years now, and has rigged Russian politics (by total control of popular media, anti-democratic laws, abolition of term limits, abuse of the justice system, and brute violence) so that no future election can dislodge him.
Only wretched banana republics and tin-pot dictatorships have a "president for life" ... Russia is now a proud member of this club.
Russia is FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT from Europe and the US. Those of us who understand this, can be grateful for how very lucky we are. And when you make the comparison, you can see how much more advanced Ukraine along the road to liberty, and why it would be a God-awful tragedy for Ukraine to be sucked back into the Russian sewer.
"Anyone that takes Russia’s side in this conflict hasn’t had enough evil and oppression in their lives I guess."
I agree 100%. I suspect that a lot of Putin's apologists in the West (and he has millions, to be sure) imagine that somehow he is basically like a Western president or prime minister, looking after his country's interests in the usual ways. Because important Russian guys put on 3-piece suits and listen to Tchaikovsky records like we do in the West, many people fall into the fantasy that Russia is some exotic version of European civilization with a funny alphabet.
When we visit, we see many wonderful kind people who treat each other well. But these people do their best to make decent lives in a system laced with tyranny, corruption and brutal violent oppression unknown in the West -- at least since Berlin was conquered in 1945.
.17rem is the smallest one that I know of, the same dia. as the common BB gun! Effective enough on most vermin!!
Gosh,,, people might get the impression that we don’t like the guy?!
There are ups and downs to both methods. With the exception of that one night at maiden,,, and the new fighting in the east, remarkably few people have died.
It would seem that the EU, NATO, and the West are ready to stop the Russian advance at Ukraine’s border,,,,, at their western border,,, not the eastern border! The West won’t allow Russia to invade any part of Western Europe,,,, but we wouldn’t ever put offensive forces in Russia,,, no matter who is president. Everyone seems to be content to let Ukraine be the battleground,,, something I hoped would be avoided.
One reason why Putin has some support from his people, is that many no longer remember the USSR! They don’t remember the bread lines or the shortages in basic necessities.
Today in Crimea, they are out of medications for serious ailments like AIDS and Diabetes,,, Moscow promised the supplies will arrive in a couple of months?!
During my Dec 1998 tour to Moscow,,, or shortly after, the power to a whole city was out for the winter. The city was located just east of the Ural mountains. I believe both power and gas was cut off. The basic message from Moscow was,,,,, See you in spring?!
In the US. People still remember Bush and FEMA for being a few days late in New Orleans.
It is easy to see what Putin has done with total control of their media. If someone wants to get word out and their voice heard,,, they may not live long. They have a list of missing journalists from Ukraine and Russia.
Media is the new weapon of tyrants,,,, control what everyone sees and the masses are quashed!
Kiwi believes that America is wreaking havoc in South America. Stevc believes we are responsible for hardships around the world. Do I think that both are lying,,, No,,, but just what did they see to think that? Was it the truth or mis-informing propaganda?
I’ve watched the news in three other countries besides the US,,,,, and we are on their news a lot. The American are doing this,,,, the Americans are doing that. Then they will show crimes that are taking place here. I often thought it was an attempt, to make people believe, that life is better where they are,,, and not in the US! It must wear on a people to always be on the outside looking in?
“many people fall into the fantasy that Russia is some exotic version of European civilization with a funny alphabet.”
What you wrote made me think of St Petersburg,,,, it was built to trump Western European society. What they always fail to accomplish,,, is to allow or provide access to all of their people. The few rich must always feed off of the poor.
During my time in Moscow, I walked through Red’s Square, on the Kremlin grounds, thru Revolutionary park or square, been to GUM, Platza, the old stone post office, and the other mall. My date seemed frantic to show me all of the riches of Russia. On the way,, to and fro, children and old women were begging for handouts. I didn’t make an issue out of it,, as I could tell it was killing her to have me witness it.
It has come to question if our discussions here on politics will affect the worlds outcome. Probably not, but opinions matter. It's impossible to tell. People who do not have an opinion might read what we are up to. Our reach is much more than what some people think.
Cut and paste the title of this thread and paste it in Google Search. Now, do the same thing except in correct grammar. Change the "Is" to "Are".
We made page one of Google Search. If some think that is insignificant, there are thousands, perhaps millions of bloggers trying to do that.
“I’m sure it’s the same story in every country,,,,, but when they need us,,,, it’s,,, Where’s America?? Why aren’t they doing something?? “
Today,, Iraq asked for us to help again. Some might say that we didn’t belong in Iraq in the first place? For the 1st Gulf war,,,, wrong, we did need to be there. For the 2nd war,,,, no, we should not have been, if we’d done a complete job the first time. Now when we do it for a 3 rd time,,,, it’s because we didn’t go far enough the first two times.
America now has a conflict on 4 fronts.
You know lonely and durack, I have had a bad feeling about the way all this has been handled since the start. I said build bridges. You 2 are under the impression bridge were built, then were mined. Well according to the news today your bridge in Iraq just burn't up. And instead of removing the mines off the Ukraine bridge, That's burning to. So what's next. Doesn't any one look behind them any more. A lot of little calibers make into a big caliber. Lonely Just reread your second last paragraph. I don't think things are better looking in. The States as well as all counties have there own problems with crime corruption and oppression, maybe at different levels. I think people adapt to what they have and make the best of things. You know people don't look for trouble, (well maybe not everyone) but sometimes the alarm goes off you wake up, and all hell breaks loose, sometimes its just not in our control. But there are simple rules that have been instilled in all of us, that if followed make that day of hell a little easier to get through. Problem is a lot of people seem to forget these rules. And no Russia in not just some exotic European country. Its another country of people who live there lives as we do, as best they can. And there is a lot of good ideas sitting within its borders. We are all pieces of a puzzle waiting to be fit together for the common good of us all. This is the thought that gets me through the night, anyway is just my thought. So say what you want, just remember how and what you do and say, has a ripple effect like throwing a stone in a pond.
You know lonely and durack, I have had a bad feeling about the way all this has been handled since the start. I said build bridges. You 2 are under the impression bridge were built, then were mined. Well according to the news today your bridge in Iraq just burn't up. And instead of removing the mines off the Ukraine bridge, That's burning to. So what's next. Doesn't any one look behind them any more. A lot of little calibers make into a big caliber. Lonely Just reread your second last paragraph. I don't think things are better looking in. The States as well as all counties have there own problems with crime corruption and oppression, maybe at different levels. I think people adapt to what they have and make the best of things. You know people don't look for trouble, (well maybe not everyone) but sometimes the alarm goes off you wake up, and all hell breaks loose, sometimes its just not in our control. But there are simple rules that have been instilled in all of us, that if followed make that day of hell a little easier to get through. Problem is a lot of people seem to forget these rules. And no Russia in not just some exotic European country. Its another country of people who live there lives as we do, as best they can. And there is a lot of good ideas sitting within its borders. We are all pieces of a puzzle waiting to be fit together for the common good of us all. This is the thought that gets me through the night, anyway is just my thought. So say what you want, just remember how and what you do and say, has a ripple effect like throwing a stone in a pond.
It was a close call . but this regime has snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq and soon Afghanistan. The economic tactics with surely work, because the American stock market will soon reflect the policies and the world economy will crash again. Everyone on the planet will suffer and as misery loves company, it is a victory for the despots, yet their pockets always get full in a redistribution of property. ( i.e. Yanucovich) Time for another round of golf!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. now that there is a void in Iraq and Afghanistan the door is wide open for a redo of 1979. Sad, but in this case, it is the only hope for the region. The lies and rhetoric of the last 4 months in Ukraine is the truth in Iraq today.
Stevc,,, I won’t and can’t defend anything Obama has done! The proper words to describe the Obama administration are: One Giant Custerfuxk!!! He isn’t siding with or helping the enemy,, he IS the enemy. I’ve been saying for years that he belongs in GITMO,,,,, just maybe others will finally understand why???
Almost half of Americans hated Bush so much,,, that they actually voted in the enemy!!! No lie!
I’ll defend Bush for most of what he did,,, but not the bank bailout or our Patriot Act.
Everything that is going on in the world,,, has to do with timing! Every Rogue country including Russia, is taking advantage of a jihad friendly president! Every time I turn on the TV,,, I hope to see one thing!
Russia is far from being a decent country,,, they have a lot of blood on their hands over the Ukraine crisis. Russian government has kept their people in poverty for centuries, and it wants to control everything on their horizon!
There are no maybes or almosts in this,,,,,, to say Russia is on the side of good is like saying the earth is flat.
"New York (AFP) - The detained US soldier convicted of leaking a trove of secret documents to WikiLeaks made a rare foray into public life Saturday to warn Americans they were being lied to about Iraq once more.
Chelsea Manning is serving a 35-year prison sentence on espionage charges and other offenses for passing along 700,000 secret documents, including diplomatic cables and military intelligence files, to anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks in the largest-scale leak in US history.
"I understand that my actions violated the law. However, the concerns that motivated me have not been resolved," the soldier formerly known as Bradley Manning wrote in a New York Times editorial.
"As Iraq erupts in civil war and America again contemplates intervention, that unfinished business should give new urgency to the question of how the United States military controlled the media coverage of its long involvement there and in Afghanistan."
President Barack Obama said this week he was "looking at all the options" to halt the offensive that has brought militants within 50 miles (80 kilometers) of Baghdad's city limits, but ruled out any return of US combat troops.
Obama has been under mounting fire from Republican critics over the swift collapse of Iraq's security forces, which Washington spent billions of dollars training and equipping before pulling out its own troops in 2011.
While the US military was upbeat in its public outlook on the 2010 Iraqi parliamentary elections, suggesting it had helped bring stability and democracy to the country, "those of us stationed there were acutely aware of a more complicated reality," Manning wrote.
"Military and diplomatic reports coming across my desk detailed a brutal crackdown against political dissidents by the Iraqi Ministry of Interior and federal police, on behalf of Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki. Detainees were often tortured, or even killed."
Manning, a former US Army intelligence analyst, said he was "shocked by our military's complicity in the corruption of that election. Yet these deeply troubling details flew under the American media's radar."
Criticizing the military's practice of embedding journalists, Manning charged that "the current limits on press freedom and excessive government secrecy make it impossible for Americans to grasp fully what is happening in the wars we finance.""