" I also remember reading about the one well in town with drinkable water. " ha ha bullshit. You can buy bottled water everywhere in Ukraine no matter what town you are in even when you were there 5 years ago.
TomZ: “You got a thick skull looney. I'm telling you she never lived in that town!”
Oh?? I mailed letters to her too, via her parent’s address and she received them. I had both addresses,,, her hometown and Lughansk where she went to school. The only thing she didn’t tell me,,, is when she moved back home.
TomZ: “You were being played. Don't you get it?”
Tom,,, I’ve known what the Lughansk taxi scam was for over 6 years now,,, I wrote about several times. I didn’t follow the taxi,,, so I’ll never know! No one here followed the taxi either.
TomZ: “ And if she did a genuine and sincere girl would never ask for taxi money.”
When did I say that she was a sincere girl??? I don’t think that I have met one yet! I called it the “Lughansk taxi scam” not the “taxi my girl took”.
TomZ: “They were just trying to scare you.”
Tom,,, I learned about the hotels, lack of internet, and the one well, from MY research BEFORE I went!! Yes,, I also read about the bottled water before my trip,,, two brands,,, and only one was good.
You seem so desperate to find others that have lost money and have been scammed. Every guy that has gotten on a plane,,, has been scammed! Does that make you happy??
I’m not saying that everyone should pay for taxis via an agency,,, I’m saying that I didn’t care!! It was a long trip, I was sidelined for over a week with an abscessed tooth that was pulled in Odesa,,, I lost 10 pounds over that. The thought of spending over two hours in a taxi each day did not appeal to me.
It was my money Tom,,, not yours! I don’t take a pliers along to pinch every penny like you do.
Timooshka,,,, Yes, they do read the forum. Agency owners, interps and the girls themselves read the forum. Their response to the forum is:,,, Such horrible men,,, calling all of us scammers, thinking that every person in Ukraine is after their money!! And sometimes:,,,,, What are these men thinking?? That just because you fly to Ukraine, a 20 year old girl is going to sleep with 40, 50, or even a 70 year old man??
About your last paragraph,,, when they plan a wedding before the first meeting,,, it’s never the real deal.
Tim - if she's putting high pressure on you to go and to use agency services this should be a red flag. I think looney got scammed in this way. He travelled all the way to Kherson just so the interpreter could make $80 in interpreting fees.
It’s like I said,,,, TomZ is desperate to find others that lost money in Ukraine so he doesn’t feel so bad!!
How many girls burnt you Tom to make you this way??
The only money I 'lost' in Ukraine was to a girl in Odessa who used me to eat a free sushi dinner. In revenge I put up a scam report about her. I also wrote the US Embassy about her. She is still in Odessa.
Moya,,, the info I read about the girl’s hometown,, was sometime before 2009. It was a tourist report,, not sure which website, but they didn’t have anything good to say about the town from a tourist’s view point. There was also an issue with the city water being safe enough to bathe in,, and if you could cook with it?! That’s why the “ONE WELL” was mentioned. Tom thinks he knows a lot,,, but he really doesn’t!
They wrote about the local brands of water, and wanted to warn people about one brand. I have a favorite brand too,,,, but I’d need to sample some to make sure.
TomZ is your friend?? Good luck getting him to buy you any beer!
Olga: “It shows who is who, and how active lady is. So you have all tools necessary to make right decision.”
Olga dear,, unless something has changed since I was a member,,, I’d have to say that is not entirely true.
It does show the girl’s full name,, which is very handy for checking how real the girl is. It also shows how many letters the girl is receiving,,, which is something she is not able to control though. The one thing, that would be very handy, is to know how many letters the girl sends out?! Be it agency intro spam, or actual letters from the girl herself.
How serious should a guy get, with a girl that keeps sending out letters to other men??
"How serious should a guy get, with a girl that keeps sending out letters to other men??"
This begs the question concerning when do you stop "looking around" on dating sites whether from the male or female side? Both sides are trying to narrow down their choices. If you are insincere, then you don't ever want to narrow down your choices because you want the "party to last forever".
Someone posted the old saying that "it is better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all". I just used this old saying in one of my letters to a lady. I was indicating that I did not quite agree with it because I have seen many relationships (and marriages) that never should be developed from the beginning. Some turn out with regrets and bad endings.
Dc,,, I stop looking around when I decide to meet someone, with one exception. One time I caught a girl in a lie just weeks before a trip, so I quickly found another person to write to.
I have rather rigid rules concerning fidelity and loyalty in a relationship, and contrary to what some stupid little girl here on the 4um says,,, I’m not a hypocrite.
"How serious should a guy get, with a girl that keeps sending out letters to other men?? "
She owes you nothing before the actual meeting and she can write to as many guys as she wants, so as you.
And i remember, that you Lonely, was that "serious" guy who was planning 4 meetings per one trip. And you are talking about how many letters should she write? :)
TomZ, thanks for a virtual champaigne :) i'm fine with a beer though :)
And to all of you guys: stop thinking with double standards! If you are okay with writing to two girls that means each of those two girls will write to at least two guys and you'll have to live with that.
If you are okay with cheating your wife, that means you should be okay with her cheating you.
“She owes you nothing before the actual meeting”
“ And i remember, that you Lonely, was that "serious" guy who was planning 4 meetings per one trip.”
“She owes you nothing before the actual meeting”
“And you are talking about how many letters should she write? J”
“She owes you nothing before the actual meeting”
On one trip I was to meet 5 women,,, but only met 4,,, ALL for a FIRST meeting. According to you,,, I owe them NOTHING before the actual meeting?!!! But to be honest and fair,, I told them that I was meeting others.
After the meeting, if both want to continue the relationship, especially if they want to move towards marriage, they both better end the letters to others, otherwise they have nothing.
When there’s a woman who says that she wants the relationship,,, but won’t stop writing to others,,,, she just a scamming agency girl.