Have the moderators removed his multiple user identities again? :)
And RB ... I can assure one and all that I am not responsible for him being repeatedly removed from this forum, for years we've been waiting for the powers that be to get their fingers out of their butts and do some moderating ... Are we to criticise them for doing exactly what we've been crying out for?
I haven't been posting because I've been busier than hell here, indeed I'm only posting now because I know that it will wind him up in to a frenzy causing his to respond :)
I've been busier than hell here these past 3 days, over these past 3 days I've installed 10 UPVC windows whilst re-plumbing 2 showers, I wash basin and 1 toilet, new faucet and new innards to the toilet cistern, later today I need to finish sealant-ing in the last of the windows whilst I have a couple of towel rings to install, yesterday the postman delivered our 10 aluminium soap holders so I have those to install whilst he also delivered our 10 flexible (hose P-traps, we have one kaput P-trap (in our room) at the moment so another job for me to do whilst we have 2 bathroom doors in need of new hinges (that I have in stock) so I'll be re-hinging and re-hanging those also.
I read his recent bullshit that my wife is to take control and kick my butt out ... or similar.
These are far from the discussions that my wife and I have, indeed these past 3 weeks she has not so often been here whilst she has been in and out of hospitals with a fractured arm, she's here at the moment whilst waiting for her medical insurance paperwork to materialise from Tagum City and, with all due credit, she's doing what she can but I am the one running the place, I even have to cut her meat up for her at dinner of an evening.
We haven't changed our business identity, our name, we've simply needed to register a new identity/name with the DTI and local government to pay our taxes etc. via, we'd be stupid to change what has become such a successful business identity for the sake of some bureaucratic bullshit, indeed only yesterday, having been let down by 2 previous suppliers, I was ordering the hardwood for our sign to be out the front.
As for our restaurant, if I or we had wanted to open a joint that serves shite burgers and chicken so overcooked it is dry whilst one waits an hour or longer for their food I/we could have opened such a dump back in 2013, call me "picky" but paying attention to detail is my specialty and I will NOT open a restaurant until we have "Quality" and "Control" in the same sentence, that said my wife and I were only enjoying a conversation 2 days ago and there could be developments regarding the opening of our restaurant in the not too distant future.
During January we were 66% occupied, during the first 3 weeks of February 92% occupied ... Who gives needs to give a f*ck about reviews, blogs and videos? ... Only businesses that depend upon reviews, blogs and videos hoping to one day become as successful as we have become!
"reviews are written by customers and guests after they visit or stay at various businesses, giving a rating from terrible to excellent"
"they give traveling people an honest opinion of the places they have stayed in or visited"
Do they really,
You mean that having, just as two examples, Liezel Espenido and Mark Latham writing and posting fake reviews of your dump gives people an HONEST opinion?
How about the reviewer that left your dump his honest opinion that you are an arrogant son of a bitch or similar, for you to respond accusing him of a criminal offence in full knowledge that his HONEST review would be duly removed?
How about the review that an 'Alan C', now I wonder who he could be, left of our business some 3.5 years ago including his review of the food he claimed we were then serving in our restaurant and the sexual innuendo he addressed to my then girlfriend, such reviews give people an HONEST opinion do they?
How about the verbal review that we received of your dump whereas a quite pleasant and respectable couple enquired of you if there might be a room discount available if they stayed a week or longer for you to, word for word, call them cockroaches and tell them to fuck off, now that's what I call an HONEST review.
How about the German expat local that came in to your dump of a bar the other morning, had 3 beers and when he offered to pay you waved him away gesturing that the drinks were complimentary but when he returned the same lunchtime for 2 more beers, when there wasn't any audience presence, you demanded that he pay for all 5 beers, now that's what I call an honest review.
And your mate Latham down the road, he that lists on booking.com, agoda.com, hotels.com, expedia.com, I mean that he's so desperate to sell his rooms he lists just about everywhere. Well last week he had a walk-in enquiry to stay for around a week but when he found out that these people were staying at our place rather than offer a customer service he launched in to a verbal onslaught whilst threatening physical violence against myself ... What a muppet, these guests would have stayed with him if only he'd kept his big mouth shut!
Earlier this month I've made five hotel reservations for my wife with Expedia, I've been inundated with "Don't forget to leave a review" emails, thankfully I have a "junk" function in my email client.
There's a Philippines shopping website here whereas they ask for product reviews except that if one dares to post a negative review it doesn't become posted, it goes in the trash can, is that what you call HONEST reviews?
As for reviews of our business, when we're 92% occupied during the first three weeks of this month, and overall generally busy and often turning people away, this serves to prove the point that reviews aren't necessary, the accommodation industry survived and prospered before these review websites and, our business's success demonstrates this point, the accommodation industry continues to survive and prosper with these review websites.
As for Tripe Advisor ... I made the point recently that the #2 hotel in Butuan City has a rating of some 3.5 out of 5 whilst our business has a better than 3.5 out of 5 yet is, by Tripe Advisor's reviews, the worst place to stay in town yet we are invariably heavily occupied so ... The worst place in one location has better reviews than the #2 hotel in another location which just serves to demonstrate that establishments in this location are faking their reviews whilst the reviews in Butuan City are honest reviews.
But ... Some 9 or so years ago when I wanted to buy some website building software one review site that is excellent is 'Amazon' and, on there, I read and read before selecting my chosen software and it is perhaps the best GBP19 I've ever spent!
"Do you leave reviews mr Martin, for other businesses you have used"
The thick bastard seems to be confused here, partly deliberate and partly because he is exactly that, a thick bastard.
What I may or may not do as a private individual has no bearing whatsoever upon our business, my wife's business, what I may do when I am off duty has nothing to do with our business.
It's a little alike interrogating a police officer "Were you drunk last night?" for him/her to respond "Yes, but I wasn't on duty so what's the problem?".
What "Mr Martin" may do in his private life has nothing to do with what he may do when he is on duty!
Pointless discussing with you because you will NEVER accept that you have erred, I have erred I have have had my posts up for approval in the past but the powers that be and I called a truce many a year ago and they trust my judgement, my word, the reason that your posts are up for moderation, as you know, is because you and that other idiot wallpapered this forum with your arguing and nitpicking causing just about every other forum member to complain and/or stop posting.
And gl jack makes the the same spelling and punctuation errors as all his other make believe buddies ... LOL
Some of this crap he utters, that I went to jail for something stolen from here ... He won't put that and other libellous shit in writing using his own name and my own name, let's say on facebook, he has to hide behind using silly names on a US registered forum because his buddy Brown tipped him off that I was going to file against him for libel.
P.S. My wife has left me again ... She left this morning to take the 11am ferry, she'll be back tomorrow morning :)
Now the village idiot has a make believe friend "greg" posting who makes the same spelling and/or punctuation errors as the idiot and all his other make believe friends :)
And as for his other buddy that he calls “Jack” rather than “Jacques”, well people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, and the shithead can show the geriatric sex tourist this with my pleasure:
Jacques claims to be circa 74 y/o but I recall that he was already in to his 70's when he arrived on this island five years ago, his first island girlfriend, a friend of mine, dumped him after he repeatedly insisted that they have three in a bed sex with other girl(s), thereafter he got kicked out of the resort that he was leasing because he was f*cking it up, causing it a bad reputation.
Thereafter, as a 70+ y/o, his only criteria for a girlfriend was that she be 18 y/o and, for a period, he dated one 18 y/o island girl who had a 'being a bicycle' track record, that relationship fizzled out, I guess, because he found out that he wasn't her only sexual partner, that she was sleeping around with different guys, that she was just taking him for his money.
Then he met his current girlfriend who, at the time, met his criteria of being 18 y/o, going back to 2015 a 19 y/o friend of hers made it clear that she wanted a relationship with me, I'm not a sex tourist, a pedophile nor am I into child sex unlike Jacques, letting his girlfriend know that I wasn't interested she questioned “But why, all you have to do is pay her family circa PHP1,000.00 (USD20.00) a month and you can sleep with her, Jacques pays my family to sleep with me”, I responded that I wasn't interested, that I'm not in to paying for sex, and left it at that.
I had never actually crossed a word with Jacques then during December 2015, during a rainstorm, one of the local idiots have left his motorcycle parked, in a blind spot, in the middle of the road, on a motorcycle I was driving I collided with it, I suffered a broken collar bone and broken ribs and I was laid up, pretty much crippled, in bed for a week or longer.
During that week it got back to me that the geriatric sex tourist was badmouthing me to the effect that the accident had been my fault because I had been driving too fast when, had he enquired, eye witnesses would have confirmed that my speed was between a mere 30kph and 40kph, no sooner had we next bumped in to each other than he verbally assaulted me accordingly, I bawled him out telling him that he had no f*cking idea what he was talking about, probably calling him a few choice names in the process, and there he had a warning, that I would not tolerate him badmouthing me.
Moving on, he regularly drinks, he doesn't eat there because he's clearly not prepared to pay as little as PHP70.00 (USD1.40) for a meal, his girlfriend is rarely ever with him, after all what could a 74 y/o geriatric and a teenage girl have in common, she's only with him to provide sexual favours in return for him paying her family, where I come from we call that “prostitution”!
Well my wife and I normally sit across the restaurant from where the geriatric and other expats occupy a table and often in the restaurant shall be women and children. From their table there is regularly one voice that booms above all others, yes you've guessed it, the geriatric sex tourist, where it seems he cannot put a sentence together without including the word “f*ck” or “f*cking, and he booms such obscenities across a restaurant that regularly accommodates women and children.
During September 2016 we'd had a problem with a previous guest, a 65 y/o American sex tourist this time, he'd lost his room key and had refused to pay for a replacement, he'd broken a bathroom window, the guy was constantly spitting and swearing, he'd been sexually harassing a friend of my wife, I mean the guy was a walking nightmare.
Well at the same restaurant one evening it was my wife that started questioning him, to pay for a replacement lock, to stop sexually harassing her friend etc. and it was only when he started threatening my wife that I stood up to him, with that the geriatric sex tourist, he with the big mouth, verbally assaulted me again including an accusation that I had had a motorcycle accident two months previously, clearly another motorcycle accident, and that I had refused to pay for motorcycle repairs.
What nonsense, this asshole makes it up as he goes along, he'd had fair warning during his previous offence that I will not accept him badmouthing me, this time he wouldn't accept me bawling him out and I ultimately took a swing at him which he narrowly avoided.
Moving on, at this particular restaurant I/we are friends of the owner whilst I am also friends with one of the owner's son's-in-law, we eat there regularly and it's, pretty much, self-service. Estimating that I/we had eaten there 200 times whilst also estimating that I drink 3 beers per visit then I would have gone to the beer fridge to serve myself a beer, as so many other do, some 600 times and with no previous problem nor complaint.
But on this occasion, as I was taking a beer from the fridge, all I could hear, booming across the restaurant, was our geriatric sex tourist “Look, he's got the door open, that's why our beers are warm etc. etc. etc.”, I mean this guy is well in to his 70's, not really in a position to defend himself physically, and he simply will not shut the f*ck up offending myself and others so as I closed the fridge door I turned to him, and again, bawled him out only for him to respond with more nonsense alleging that I had thrown my dog against a wall breaking it's leg.
Hasn't this geriatric git got anything better to do in his sad and lonely existence that to f*ck teenage girls with three in a bed sex that he's paying for whilst making up stories about bona-fida non sex tourists that don't believe in paying for sex, that I'm driving too fast at 30kph, that I had an imaginary motorcycle accident that I had refused to pay for repairs for and, now, I've broken my dog's leg whilst throwing it against a wall.
He then accused that I had thrown a bottle at him (if I had thrown a bottle at him then it would have surely hit him!) and he came towards me in a threatening posture, taking a weapon of self-defence from my pocket and warning him with it he suddenly lost his nerve instead jumping on his motorcycle to go and cry to the police.
Minutes later the police arrived, the asshole is so loud he can be heard across the restaurant, he was complaining to the policeman that I had thrown a bottle at him when there was no evidence of any thrown bottle to be found, more nonsense that I had threatened him with a knife and I could hear the expat sitting next to him attempting, in vain, to explain to him that “No, Martin did not throw a bottle at you” for the geriatric git to angrily shout “HE THREW A F*CKING BOTTLE AT ME”, all this in the presence of the policeman.
The policeman came across to speak with me, I explained to him that I could hear how the other(s) was disrespecting him, swearing to him, shouting at him, that I wasn't going to do that, that I was going to speak to him with respect explaining that all I wanted to do was sit there quietly enjoying a few beers before I order my dinner from Mr Lalay, as I do every other evening, and if anybody on the other table has a problem with that then they need to deal with it.
The policeman spoke with Mr Lalay who confirmed what I had said and that it was the geriatric git who was the one causing trouble, the policeman returned to me requesting that I file a complaint against the geriatric git for me to politely explain that all I wanted to do was have a few beers and my dinner and I had no wish to waste police time as the geriatric git was doing, the policeman accepted my explanation and left.
This 70 something year old sex tourist, one regularly sees him kerb crawling at circa 20kph looking at the girls, often he is driving “without due care and attention” with one hand off the handlebars waving at people to slow down or whatever, I have witnessed him driving an overweight vehicle (a Honda XRM is licensed to carry a maximum payload of circa 125kg) with two overweight males, sometimes three people, on his two seater motorcycle where he was barely able to control it, no crash helmet(s), that would be three driving offences that he would be charged with were he in a western land, whilst he has previously verbally attacked me that when I may have been driving on a rural road, perfectly legally, where the speed limit is 100kph, at 60kph that I had been driving too fast.
I am an advanced trained driver, at age 19 I was trained as a professional military driver, passing my test in, of all vehicles, a Landrover, aged 35 I took a LGV1 (the largest articulated trucks on the road) course which is about being more observant than any regular driver, one is required to drive to the speed of the road and will fail their test if they drive, unprofessionally, too slow, I also drive economically whereas I rarely need to brake going in to a bend because I have already reduced my speed by natural deceleration whereas were I driving too fast I would repeatedly need to brake, so if the French Canadian asshole can't, or is too old to, drive to the speed of the road then he should quit driving and the sooner this geriatric sex tourist is dead then the better, someone worthy could be using the oxygen that he is wasting!
This is a forum about Russian women. The top of of the page says so. Therefore, according to your friend, this is not about Ukraine. But apparently, it is about the Philippines.
Travel agent 'Agoda' have owed me some PHP36.5k since I cancelled the contract with them during June 2016, for 13+ months I have tried to resolve this and other matters with them and, pretty much, I couldn't even get an office junior to converse with me.
Patience exhausted on 23 July 2017 I filed against their office registered in London thru the County Court of England & Wales for the debt plus interest plus court costs, by 27 July Agoda had got wind of this and were contacting me suggesting a resolve, except that they continued living in denial so I told them to go boil their heads, and in recent days the court have formally served the papers upon them and the shit has well and truly hit the fan :)
Most recently I have the head of Agoda here in the Philippines offering me what they believe they owe me, that they can wire transfer the payment to me within 2 days, when previously I couldn't even get an office junior to converse with me, I've told their Philippines head to pretty much go boil their head also as they are now liable for interest on the debt and my court and any subsequent legal costs whilst there remain other matters to resolve also.