Here is a link with railway routes and time tables for Russia, Ukraine and most of the CIS. It includes the train numbers. Also you can get results in English, Russian, and Ukrainian. This makes purchasing the tickets at the train station a lot easier. There is also a PDA version you can download.
Gorlovka, is the most beautiful place with lots of small musems The best part is the people. Iused to live there, but my famly mooved out 13 tears ago I still miss my home very much If you like to visit my town , please do!!!
What trains have you people been riding? I've been up, down, and around so many trains in Ukraine I couldn't even begin to remember? I always take the first class compartment and often never even have to share with anyone else. I've never had any type of problem what-so-ever nor have I met any Ukrainian who was paranoid about using a train. To be sure, I've heard common sense pre-cautions from some but never to avoid them completely. The only hassles I ever had were in the Kiev Train station before they started posting the platform signs in English. Unless you dart directly to your train you're likely to get ID'd by the Militsia for a document check.
I'm actually thinking of taking the Kiev-Gorlovka bus, and have tramped all over the world--including some unholies in the US inner cities--with no problems, yet. Leaving aside the state of the equipment and such, is the fear that somebody's going to mug you in your SEAT, or how does the nightmare ensue exactly, I wonder...