DannE, the rules are somewhat vague, regarding marriage, but it looks like you can just plain get married. The citizenship regarding marriage is somewhat vague, too, but here it is:
Are you married or living with a Swedish citizen?
Have you been married or living together (cohabiting) with a Swedish citizen for at least the past two years? If so, you can apply for Swedish citizenship after only three years in Sweden. If your husband or wife is a naturalised Swede, he or she must have been a Swedish citizen for at least the past two years.
He might be an westernized Swedish citizen. I know most americans want all the answers handed to them on silver plates. That's where I got the information I passed on to him. Good links, they were.
For those Dann, you need to talk to locals who have done what you want to do, asking us in the UK and US isnt going to be much help with Swedish laws and rules. We can help you avoid scams, Del` can do lots of work on your PC, Ens can provide a lot of land and a shovel if you have some bodies to get rid of, Jet will advise you on where to invest your savings, Nas can tell you just about all you want to know about Racing and I can fix you Jaguar if you have one, but as for Swedish law, it might as well be martian for us mate !!
the only help I can offer is to tell what happened to a friends girl, when she was interviewed for her residence permit she did not know the name of her mother in law to be, and was permit denied, don't know if she could lodge an appeal and get another try at the $1000 question;-)
As I have mentioned a few time Nisse, it is imperatvie that your girl knows as much info about you as possible !!! What you do for a job?
Have you any kids ?
What are their names?
What is tahe name of your street, house, village, town city?
How long have you lived there ?
Do you live in a flat, cottage, house, condo, house boat, caravan, tin shack ?
The list is VAST, but she Does need to know as much as you can tell her !!
I sent my X wife a crib sheet, names, address`s, detail after detail, some of it she knew, some of it she didnt know but needed to know, just in case, and a few of the points came up in the interview (as I have said, I was in the cubicle with her for her interview, You Wont be, so do the homework very very carefully)