It's great to know that there is everything good between you, and I wish you luck and happiness:)))
I never even would intend to advise somebody something, I just share my opinions, and views on different things:)))
I have told people here before that what they say is only there opinion but was met with odd replies, nice to see someone using there inteligence Ptichka.
Abba is one of the few I recall, Busk Fizz did pretty well out of it too, and some of them are still making a good earner from their Eurovision start today.
Others who have continued to benefit are
Secret Garden, The biggest of them all Celine Dion !!! The other biggies, The Brotherhood of Man, and of course Dana !!!!
How many more success stories would you like from a Eurovision start point ?
I thinks thatsa heck of a lot of success considering your views of Eurovision !!
Nothin` wrong with Sandy Shaw dude !! She did a collaboration with "The Smiths" thats cool enough for me :o)
Dana was HUGE in the 70`s, And Celine Dion still has a massive following too, OK I don't particularly like her myself either, but I'm just one person, there are millions who love her and prove it by buying her albums, no matter what your personal opinion is, to the people who buy their work these artists are Gods. "One mans meat is another mans poison"
And just because I don't like an artist myself doesn't mean they are shit, or is that an Aussie thang ? ;o)
Just remember ID, Your opinion is that these people are shit, many thousands of fans disagree with you :o)
You will be happy to know honey that ABBA are seriously thinking about a come back tour :o) If I hear any more about it I will let you know :o)
I personally don't slam any musician, if I don't like their stuff I don't buy it. But I have to give it to you Brits, the best ever and bar none is Sir Eric Clapton. He just doesn't play a guitar, he speaks with it. I play myself and I could practice 30 hours a day for the next 200 years and not even get close to his talent. I'm going to see him this July in Indianapolis. Hey Tim let me know his concert dates in England. I would fly there to see a show. So I would have to change my dollars into pounds and now my drink is going to cost me 50 P? Have a great day guys
I know that tim, its my opinion but I also think that most modern chart music is commercial driven shit. teenagers with underdeveloped taste buying singles with drive the charts.
If you think the Eurovision songs suck, try watching the unjustifiable American Idol joke of a contest for supposedly talented amateur artists....GGGGGAAAAGGGGG me with a spoon, lol!!!
Be patient with the world in recognizing Ukraine sovereignity and identity. It will take much longer than a decade+
I was born and raised in Buenos Aires. Argentina has been an independent country since 1816 and so called civilized western people still think Rio De Janeiro is the capital of Argentina...or that Buenos Aires is the Capital of Brazil....or that argentines speak portuguese, lol....
In the US, international professional sports athletes have done a very good job representing their countries and home culture.
Even though, he is still short on defensive skills, we enjoy having your Slava Medvedenko wear the Lakers' uniform.
Okay, going a little off topic here, but I think this transcript from SNL sums it up well.
Common Knowledge
Bob Albert.....Steve Martin
Les Shermeyer.....Kevin Nealon
Jeanne Kirkpatrick.....Nora Dunn
Tracy Pollackson.....Victoria Jackson
Kyle Knopfler.....Dana Carvey
Bob Albert: Hello, and welcome to "Common Knowledge"! I'm your host, Bob Albert. You all know our champion Les Shermeyer, a high school guidance counselor. Now, let's meet our challenger, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, former ambassador to the United Nations. Jeanne, are you ready?
Jeanne Kirkpatrick: Yes, quite ready.
Bob Albert: Well, that's good, because we're going to start with you. What category, Jeanne?
Jeanne Kirkpatrick: Well, actually, I've been a professor of History, so I decided to make it interesting, and I choose Literature.
Bob Albert: Alright, Literature for $100, and the answer is: "Author of the 'Grapes of Wrath'.
Jeanne Kirkpatrick: John Steinbeck. [ buzzer ]
Bob Albert: Ooh, I'm sorry! Ernest Hemingway! [ approaches Les ] Les, you want to stick with Literature?
Les Shermeyer: Uh.. no, Bob, let's go for State Capitols.
Bob Albert: State Capitols, for $100: Oklahoma.
Les Shermeyer: Oklahoma City. [ ding ]
Bob Albert: Alright!
Les Shermeyer: Uh.. let's keep going.
Bob Albert: New York State.
Les Shermeyer: New York City. [ dings ]
Bob Albert: Very good, Les!
Les Shermeyer: Let's go again!
[ Jeanne looks on curiously ]
Bob Albert: New Jersey.
Les Shermeyer: Jersey City. [ ding ]
Bob Albert: Whoa-ho! You're on a roll!
Les Shermeyer: Let's go again.
Bob Albert: Virigina.
Les Shermeyer: Virigina City. [ ding ]
Bob Albert: And last one. Washington.
Les Shermeyer: Washington, D.C. [ ding ]
Bob Albert: You swept through that category! And now, let's go on to..?
Les Shermeyer: Literature.
Bob Albert: Literature, for $200: Author of Christmas Carol.
Les Shermeyer: Ebenezer Scrooge. [ ding ]
Bob Albert: Okay!
Les Shermeyer: Literature for $300, Bob!
Bob Albert: Literature for $300: Author of Huckleberry Finn.
Les Shermeyer: Tom Sawyer. [ buzzer ]
Bob Albert: Ohh, sorry. The answer is Ernest Hemingway, sorry.
[ addresses audience ] And now, let's take a minute to explain the rules to "Common Knowledge". Questions for our show are show are selected by educators from Princeton University to express a broad range of common knowledge that every American should possess. Answers for "Common Knowledge" are determined by a nationwide survey of 17-year-old high school seniors. And now, back to you, Jeanne.
"I also think that most modern chart music is commercial driven shit."
ALL chart music EVER has been mainly commercial driven shit !!
Nothing new about todays chart !!
But every now and then a good song will get into the charts by the virtue that its so good noone can ignore it, even if it did originate on a fringe someplace.
"American Idol joke of a contest"
Nothin new there either GL, "Pop Idol" the original show (nice to se we are shipping some crap TV to you guys for a change, instead of shipping it in :o) ) Sucked Donkey balls mate, that Simon asshole should be shot at dawn, and the rest of the shows makers and cast too !!!
As far as I can see, this is just a discussion of tastes...but as the old, very old proverb says "tastes differ", so we just can't say that this or that singer is a bad one, because there maybe be lost of people who like that singer, and that may hurt them...and this is not correct, I think...
TimH it will be great if you could tell me when ABBA will return...but I think that they may return just like Modern Talking did, they returned for some time, presented us some great songs for dancing (I know that their songs may not be the masterpiece, but they are very good for dancing;))) and then they went apart again...
But if their returning will be just like the one of will be great!!!:))) At the day when I heared the new album of A-Ha after alsmost many years of silence, I was so happy, and smiled all the time:))))