You know ID, It makes me wonder!!!!!.........none of them came from Fiance, though.
The funny thing is I think they actually read my letters. I know that one pays close attention. She just now blatantly ask for money for her T/V to the USA.
I know it is entertaining for some of you to string the scammers along, but frankly I cannot bring myself to waste time doing it.
Once they're exposed, I'm finished with them, done, morto, finito, kaput...
There are far to many honest ones among the lovelies of FSU to justify even one minute of my time paying attention to a scammer after she's shown her true colors.
Well guys here we are again. She sent me another email. She attached what is supposed to be her passport as proof she is who she says she is and not trying to con me. Ummm.... she forgot one thing or is counting on one thing. I have no idea what I am looking at so this thing might as well be the lable off a bottle of liquor.
Glad, we definitely have the same sick sense of humour :o))
Ive actually done that, twice, and Damn it feels good :o))
Groon, send it to me by email mate, I will translate it and send it back to you, I know how to read a Russian passport. (I was married to a Russian and have read hers, and know what each bit means :o) )
Scamming a scammer :o)
Write to her for a few months, send her a few bucks, go and visit her, a few times, marry her, bring her home to the US/UK/where ever, get her pregnant, a few times, have her look after you and your children and provide everything for your family, then as you are lying on your death bed, hand her a copy of your will, which says she gets enough for a ticket back to the FSU and the cancer research program gets the rest :o))
That will sort her out :o)) She wont scam anyone again after that :o))
Yeah I believe you should, but there is no harm playing games with this games player, after all, if its games she wants, then dont be mean and dissapoint her :o))
I sent ya the password scan she sent me. As for stringing people along... I have too much of a conscience to mess with people like that even if the deserve it.
yeah mate, Ive seen it, it doesnt really help you a huge amount though.
It doesnt show her address, and it doesnt show the pages which state if she is single/ married or divorced, nor the pages which say, or do not say if she has children, what are their names ? And how many.
All it proves is there is a passport with the right name, and age in it. The only way to be certain is go there, but isnt this woman one of the bad 2 ? Anda non starter anyway too ?
Yeah. I was just curious. I ahve started writing with 2 women from Hope they pan out. Oh the 3rd one that seemed to be ok...? Well the other shoe fell yesterday. I got an email from her again professing her love for me and and all that mess. Then she launched into how her friend at the travel agency is telling her how much it will cost for her to get the correct Visa and airfare and all the. Then she asks me to send her money to help speed our "being together." Then she ends the email telling me about her dream of our first meeting telling how much she wants to make love to me. Man what a load. But I can't say I wasn't expecting it. Looks like all 3 are scams. Oh well. I will focus on the two that have started writing me here. Man this ordeal makes me question if it's worth it. For now I am willing to see where this may go.
Yep, the third one should have biten the dust by now, you sussed her right, she was a scammer too !!!!
I did say stay away from the "free to post sites" didnt I mate :o))
The biggest headache with such sites is noone polices them and the girls can ask 100 men for money and if they get 2 that fall for it they have cracked it !!
Yes it is worth it, but keep your wits about you :o)