I'm a conservative so say again what are my views??
You must have Kerry bumper stickers on your car. You support abortion on demand and rail to pay for aids research. You don't want her to smoke like a chimney, isn't that choice? I thought that was what the libs were all about. It's only choice if it suits you.
Because Toad makes light of the male lifestyle you decide to insult a person on their political views or group a whole bunch of people in them?
Maybe your woman should be from the NEA, you like the artsy types.
Don't group me in with the French and Italians, and the Germans and Dutch less, I didn't know they had the market covered on moral values or are you trying to be a history revisionist on how the Germans tried to slaughter a race and how the Dutch tried to exploit people in the infancy of America.
So what if she wants to stay home and bake cookies, God bless her if she can. Do you need a woman to pay your way. I sure as hell don't
My mother stayed home and baked cookies, so she was an imbecile that stole money from my father?? My mother didn't start working until I was in School.
I would rather have a smart woman than an educated one, I know a lot of academic assholes. Bill Gates must be an idiot since he doesn't have a college degree.
She has to move to another country and learn a language and get a part time job???What's wrong with you learning hers? And you getting a second job?
And what the hell is too girly???Is that like being to manly?
I think you are a chauvinist with your description(Your Remark to the American Chauvinist)Why wasn't it just the Chauvinist? You let your
subconcious decide then try to rationalize? That's the cart before
the horse syndrome.Liberals have always let their emotions lead instead of their intelligence.
If this was a brainstorm it made about as much impact as a flea on an elephants ass. So what do I call you, a French Liberal, Dutch Liberal, German Liberal, or American Liberal? That's okay, your grouped republican conservatives in one group that thought a bowel movement was important, so without any prejudice I can dislike all the liberals I have just named!!!!!!
I went on the ladies forum a few months ago, was educational.
In my opinion a liberal means exactly the opposite of what it means.
Most liberals I know, promote abortion, homosexuality and other such lifestyle choices, however look closer and they really try to control others lives, especially those with opinions they do not agree with.
So a liberal wishes to ban smoking in public, foxhunting, try force people out of their cars and onto public transport. Why, because they do not agree with these choices.
So I will remain a conservative(Republican) I want to make my own choices, I want smaller government and traditional value. I personally do not chase a small red fox across the countryside in my spare time, but if others wish to, that is their choice...Too many people watch Disney films and think they give a true reflection of what an animal is. We are a predator and a hunter
Another point Ron, how can a woman be too girly? Too my mind that is the whole attraction of the opposite sex: girl equals girlie)feminine) man equals man. If you really want a woman that does not act like a woman, please take your search to the UK or the Netherland. you will find a girl who is not girlie
lol, I am trying to remain good humoured and each to his own, but God how I want a woman that knows how to be girlie, make me want to protect her and take care of her, make me want to be a better man and I like that feeling
Girly means female child, that is girl versus women, not girl versus man.
Especially sinds i like cute a lot what might have some things in common whith girly it is a difficult thing to precisly describe.
At least some French have the idee that men and women have a lot in common except for the differences and call that "viva la differance". I discribe to that few more than of men and women being two different species where one has to be pretty and cook and the other one work as much as possible and then die.
I'm not going into the argument which is the better american politics democrat or republican, i think both are kind of nuts (to rigit in their thinking), but that has probably to do with the risc of a two party system meaning that in the end they are both the same just put other words in the newspaper.
Or do you really think that John Kerry and George Bush don't have the same boss(es).
The only problem i see here is that many republicans see republicanism as a religion more than as a bunch of themes who are sometimes right and sometimes wrong.
And that, Ron, makes you a typical Dutchman - you've got your opinion about anything, and you will damn well tell them too! You live in one of the smallest countries on Earth, but you will tell the Americans what's wrong with their political system.
I suppose you've got some ideas as to restructure the economy in the FSU as well?
"So what if she wants to stay home and bake cookies" There is nothing wrong with that as long as you are not trying to make everyone live that lifestyle. My mom stayed home and baked but she would have liked it if she had the choice to do so or not.
If you describe liberal as being allowed to have different opinions than i'm a liberal.
If you say that liberals are so stupid as to spend tax money on aids research yes than i'm a liberal.
And that, Ron, makes you a typical Dutchman - you've got your opinion about anything. you are Correct. Although that was more something of the 70's. The average Dutch person is pretty conservative these days.
By the way thinking about things isn't illegal, and mobbing by a bunch of people who can't stand it that there is someone holding a different opinion is not gona stop that.
By the way i don't know if it was fiance women forum or an other, but somewhere there was a girl who disliked the idea that all American man wanted a doctor and then not let her use that (maybe she disliked the idea of having been to school 6 days a week for 6 years for nothing). And if that is maybe the right girl for me so be it.
Something about the American chauvinist, there are chauvinist everywhere and not necessary more so in the us, but i got the idea that the girls got the impression that they had to adapt to the views of that type of man to land themselves a husband. Meaning that they adapt there profile to those views.
nasfan6: "how the Dutch tried to exploit people in the infancy of America". Well educate me i don't know where you are talking about. If you are talking about slavery then it is right that some where brought over by the Dutch (i thought most of them where, but somewhere i read that it was 90% English).
Or is the America press and schooling going on the same route as it is in Israel, Palestina, North Korea where people are told what to believe (not necessary tru) and will be very upset if someone doesn't agree.
You can display any thought you like, I support the freedom of speech, but what you libs do is cry foul anytime someone disagrees with you.Then try to turn it around as if we don't accept your rights to speak. That we are trying to supress thought. I'm sorry pal I'm not politically correct and I will never be.
As far as the two party system goes it works well. See we are not a democracy, we are a republic and our communist news media in the states is trying to convince that we are a democracy. Democracy is
mob rule and opens the door to dictators.
I also like your comment on too rigid in thinking. It amazes me that many of the europeans think they are so enlightened in free thought. So if you want to support aids research you pay for it out of your pocket. I myself will not pay to support a decadent lifestyle. I will give my money to victims of the disease that are not homosexual.
Ron no one was mobbing you, Funny if your position is so popular, where is your support then? Or maybe the majority of people you share your intellectual ideas are too elitist to lower their massive IQ's to this forum. Remember we are trying in The way of the Dutch to create a new slave market here. I find it simply annoying when men of continental Europe come here and make negative comments About Americans and my Allies in England. I will not agree just to get along especially if I know and feel the idea is flawed. Along with someone making vindictive and snide comments about my country or anyone else's country. I really don't care what country you are from, it's your ideaology that is flawed along with your understanding of what America is all about. I am one American that won't stand for it.
Along the same vein, I wouldn't stand for an American insulting my future Russian bride because of her heritage.
Also, I would like to meet the guy that didn't want his Doctor to come
to the States and practice medicine. Talk about an opportunity to enslave someone. Hell I would quit my job,, I would take her to work everyday, go to my computer and day trade, be off by noon grab the clubs play eighteen at the club and stop in the 19th hole and annoy the bluebloods that I was a greeter at Walmart, leave there pick her up go home, life is perfect.
I really don't care what her profession is, or what she wants to be, I want her to be free to make the choice, whether it's a Doctor, Secretary or housewife. The choice will be her's and I will support her endevours.
pls tell this moron what "a greeter at Walmart" is?
They idea I get with that is too silly for words - and for sure will piss off the bluebloods you refer too ;-)))
"a greeter at Walmart"= Person who works for absolute minimum wage and must begrudgingly welcome every shopper who enters store with the infamous saying "Welcome to Walmart". No matter how bad they hate it!
"....What GLT listed are probably the American republican conservative views (there are also Philippine and Thai women).
Some Frenchman or Italians might also subscribe to those views. but Germans and Dutch far less...."
You've missed worse than Bush with the damn wmds in iraq, lol..
I am fiscally conservative, as I have repeatedly stated here many times, but shelving me or my ideas into an 'american right' generality is incorrect, to say the least.
I or my ideas are not led by the US socio-economic trends.
I was born raised and educated in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I have lived in 7 countries and visited 28 others extensively.
I represent exactly what my dearest friend Tony from London says about Argentine men (Italians who speak Spanish, drive like Germans, think they're English and act like French).
If you add to that mix the fact that I live and work in So. California you got an entire UN insde me, lol....
So go vent your anti-american spite elsewhere. Capisce?
Heaven is where the police are British, the mechanics German, the lovers French and it is all organized by the Swiss.
Hell is where the police are German, the chefs British, the mechanics French, the lovers Swiss, and it is all organized by the Italians.