Now seriously, ID
Balance in a man/woman relationship is a quite elusive creature. but we all want it and for the most part, deserve it.
I'm the strongest advocate of pre-marital defined traditional roles for both husband and wife.
This concept does not deny any of the partners' or household members' opinions. Quite the contrary, it provides the most effective antidote to prevent "household anarchy".
Everyone's opinions count, because it helps the head of household make the wisest, most balanced and effective decision each and every time.
"So when she married me and introduced me to her little friends I was a hit because I am English from a little village and those things are practically taught in school."
Say again?
"...druids..." ???
-gives an interesting insight into your country's School Curriculum!"
Britains educational system is/was very forward thinking. I lived in a village it was unavoidable to learn about "the old religion". Christianity is soaked with it. There isn't any aspect of Christianity that is not influenced by it. Christmas is a pagan festival. Easter is a pagan festival. Thanksgiving is pagan. Every village has a church and the way that church is laid out is pagan. The trees in the church yard are pagan. The holly and the Ivy - ring a bell?? Wise women, shamans etc etc they are part of the fabric of Britain. Every year the morrismen beat the bounds. Totally pagan. We have a blending of the 2 religions and anyone who does not realise this and accepts christianity at face value is a moron. In Britain this stuff is taught in school because it is a fact - not opinion, but fact. End result is that when someone like myself emigrates to the USA and meets a bunch of wannabes I can have nothing but contempt. Why? Because it is just another wacky American attempt to find its identity through somebody elses history. Ridiculous, find your own history. It is rich and corrupt, celebrate that instead of somebody elses stupidity. There is plenty of fresh stuff to be getting on with over here.
All in all hoenissen wake up.
To any of you Christians out there I have no wish to offend you. Neither do I wish to offend any pagans out there. However I wish both of you would wake up. You have so much in common it is ridiculous. Personally I don't give a rats ass. Just don't ever criticise something that I was brought up with and is in my blood.
Silly religious pursuit in preference to real family values is offensive to me. Soon as I see that someone needs to go to church every week I am out of there. Definitely wrong potential groom. Family first. Religion and all other pursuits are a poor, poor 10th place. Husband, family first in that order. That is why the FSU women have it over the American women. Those kids and that household come first your personal craziness doesn't figure into this.
Have to agree with Toad. Pretty strong stuff, Steve.
I was married in America and the family members and friends were all Christian and felt themselves part of a family. I don't mean the rabid religious right but normal good people, who impressed me very much with their generosity and warmth. I see no contradiction between religion and real family values. Would be interested to hear you explain the difference.
There may be some deluded out there but so what? Give me someone who is attempting a 'silly religious pursuit' anytime over cynicism.
There is one statistic, I was told, that is not generally known. 1 in 2 marriages outside the church will fail. Inside, it is 1 in 50. I do not know how true this is but from my own experience, religion plays an important part in social cohesion, keeping families together. This dumbed-down, trashy, atheistic, materialistic substitute comes a poor second in my view.
It all depends on what church I think. My brother told his minister to but his nose out of his business as his advice to my brothers wife was detremental to there marriage. In this church, church first and family or relationships second. Also a young man in the church, only 20, got his girlfriend pregnant. He was kicked out of the church band untill he married her, which he intended to do but was disapointed in the churches lack of surpport in this trying time. 1 in 50 you say quiet. I believe that as the church is one big fear machine that works well on believers so they will say in marriage from fear of going to hell. I guess marriage is an acceptable alternitve
You have to be outrageously naive to give the slimmest shred of credibility to such fabricated lie...specially if it comes spewed from a self serving pulpit loudmouth who will pork your wife if given half a chance under the pretext that GOD wants this to be the way to solve your marital problems, lol...
Divorce rates range widely from state to state in the US and I honestly wish the 1 in 50 retention rate was true, regardless of the circumstances. But it isn't. Period.
Bible Belt states DO enjoy a lower first marriage divorce rate, but it ranges in the low 30 percentile, compared to the 55% nationwide or the 68% in California.
Hear Hear ID.
I raised eyebrows eh? I had a wife who put her religion before me, her husband. End of story. I as her husband, come first. Everything else is an also ran. Same thing applies to her from me. That fact that it was a silly American resurection of something that was absorbed into the Christian church donkeys years ago just makes it more laughable.
hoenissen, criticised the educational system in Britain. Why I have no idea. I responded and I take back absolutely nothing. Every word was true.
The essential core of all that is called Christianity in the USA is taken from the old religions. When the Romans invaded Britain the 2nd time they brought Christianity with them. Not at first but some time later. In the effort to win over the native people they incorporated the festivals already in place into the Christian calender and did a good job of disguising them as their own. They then built churches over the very sites which were sacred to the people there already. On occasion sacred standing stones were actually used to build the churches. I could go on and on but I am not going to. What you see today is a amalgam of the 2. Anyone who denies this knows nothing about their own faith. This stuff is pretty much common knowledge in England and I remember being taken on walks around the village by the school and having the significance of the trees in the churchyard explained and why there was a litch gate etc.
Personally I am completely against organized religion in any form. I think it serves no purpose other than to further divide us and attempt to give everyone a guilt complex.
For me I do not need any help from the church to teach my children anything or get along with my wife or future wife. It is totally redundant. Sorry if I offend. I aim my comments mostly at hoenissen, not anyone else. The trouble with this subject is that it is injected with tons of kneejerk emotion that clouds the otherwise clear thinking of intelligent people. I speak as I find and to me the whole thing is nuts. Particularly Wicca. However if dancing naked around a suspended kipper is the way someone makes it through the day and they don't force me to watch, all power to them. :)
I nearly said something about superstition then I smacked my own wrist :)
The vast majority of first marriages in the US are performed under the auspicies or some type of religious institution. Therefore the majority of divorces resulting from those marriages are to be considered IN-church divorces as well.
"I see no contradiction between religion and real family values. Would be interested to hear you explain the difference."
Simple! One is based on reality the other on fairy tales and run by either
a. fairies (particularly ones who like little altar boys. Hence the expression 'to alter a boy')or
b. those that couldn't survive in the real world so they opted out.
Family values involves families not religions. Because then it would be called Religious values wouldn't it. Nobody needs any religion, state, government or any other nosy parker to tell you how to run a family. It is instinctive. All animals seem to do this without any problems. Only we daft humans try to interject something 'mystical' into it. Nothing mystical at all just good old common sense.
Dammit where's the codeine.
I think it's funny that many people equate religion to good strong values. Anyone remember the inquisition? Religion does not garantee good things. To be quite honest you do not need a religion to know what is proper when dealing with people you care for. Which one truly has good values? the person who only treats people properly out of fear of retibutioon from some diety or a person that treats others properly becaus ethey feel it truly is the right thing to do? Hmmm.....
The inquisition, the witch burnings, the bloodbath called the crusades, the persecution and burning of protestants by catholics, then the reverse, the conquistadors, manifest destiny, northern ireland, the invasion of Spain by the moors, the cutting off of heads in Iraq, St Bartholemews in Holland, the list never stops. Funny though, you never hear of Buddhists going on the rampage.
It is a never ending list of bloodthirsty BS. In the USA we have insanity over abortion and stem cell research. My god, wonder how they would feel about this if it was they paralyzed from the neck down and there was a promising cure. We need to progress at bit further along than needing 'magic' and a 'shaman'. Symbolic cannibalism - why would I think that anybody who practiced this would have anything worthwhile to pass along to my family?? I am lost and going straight to hell. I just hope they have codeine there and vodka especially if it is that Ukrainian stuff with the peppers in it.
The statistic came from an organization called CARE for the family, whose aim was to support family life. I dont recall any references to hellfire and damnation. Just people who cared. The stat may have been baloney but it impressed naive old me at the time and helped my marriage.
The organisation didn't do anything wrong. Just my wife and I could not apply the medicine. Had we done so it might have made a difference. It is very hard to change someone who doesn't want to change. Selfishness won out.
'Nobody needs any religion, state, government or any other nosy parker to tell you how to run a family. It is instinctive.'
Really?. So many adults clearly have no idea how to raise children. We never stop hearing about couples who lack basic 'parenting' skills. If this is instinctive, 'Gawd 'elp us.'
As to religion being bad. There is nothing wrong with the original teachings. Just the priestly class distorting the message for their own purposes. It's always been about power and control. Being a priest was a good career choice, if you didn't fancy being a politician. If religion was not a vehicle for manipulators to achieve their aims, it would be something else. Nothing wrong with the principle of organised religion either. If you have a billion people, many of whom want to worship collectively, some organisation is necessary.
I used to attend Church volubntarily, not out of fear, but gave up on it when I realised I felt closer to 'God' sat under a tree, than sat inside the church. There ARE some good churches. There are some good communities. Just hard to find.
Not everyone is manipulated by fear into adopting codes of conduct. Others are motivated because they know 'instinctively' they will gain from it. Religion, whichever flavour you choose, is a method of achieving higher states of consciousness and can serve to rein in our basic instincts.
I was once advised by a priest that if I divorced my wife, I could not be a Christian. This, at a time when I was extremely low and vulnerable. What he said was wrong. But it was just his opinion. As with anyone else here. Your experience may be different to mine. You express an opinion. Sometimes loudly. Sometimes caustically. However, it is just an opinion. It does not make it truth for everyone. Only for you. I make my own mind up based on my own existential experience.
There is a great revival of religion in Russia. Many women I met stated they were Orthodox Christians. By being rabidly anti-religious I would perhaps find myself a partner whose 'religion' is materialism or some other 'ism. Not everyone who embraces a faith is wacko, deluded or needy. Thankfully, the church IS there when we need it and more people have been helped by the church than have been injured by it. Despite the secular media's best efforts to convince you otherwise.