Jet- you seem to say this same thing a lot lately. Are you going soon or just trying to generate some new ideas. I see the same questions all the time but why should one spend endless hour reading just to maybe find the answer to ther specific question when they could just ask as good people like yourself can easily answer?
I have no intention of leaving anytime soon ID. I was just making a comment. I haven't written a lot lately but I've been here quite a while. The only regualr contributor I can think of who outdates me is Thunder - he was already writing very frequently when I first wrote nearly two years ago. TurboZ started about the same time (I think) as I did.
It DOES make you feel old in a sense to see people come and go. wtrav (not WorldTraveler - who is a different guy) was sort of the dominant writer when I began - Turboz was right in there too. We've always had out share of annoying writers (consistant trolls) like chipster (actually his name was Chipscher).
Recent writers remember how often TimH wrote. There is always a sort of a dominant writer and it was Tim for a while.
Sooner or later I will probably mosey along - but for right now I intend to stay and will gladly offer any information to anyone who asks, and as well as I can.
I was just kind of commenting on the fact that this forum is certainly not as lively as it once was - we are probably due for a new wave and new players. My comment merely refered to how those players seem to take new positions - those abandoned by the guys who have left.
donīt critisize Ucraina and Moldova regarding prostitution. For sure you know, that 10 years ago also girls from the Baltics could be found in big numbers in brothels of western europe. The number of prostitutes is nothing else than the reflection of local economy. The average incomes in the Baltics rose up, so less girls need to look for good paid jobs as prostitutes.
About Baltic prostitutes...they were mostly slavic not natives (90 procent of estonian prostitutes are russians, ukrainians and belorussian), but your post is correct. Problem is prostitution is so easy for ukrainians, even that sweet Pticka says here its ordinary thing if you havent pasport or job. And what kind of family is that what takes prostitution money. In Baltic societies attitude has never been such as it seem to be in Ukraine and Moldova and its not useful for society.
Annika please read carefully, I didn't say that it's an ordinary thing, I said that if a girl comes to the foreign country and she comes illegelly then it's very easy for her to become a prostitute if she doesn't have another option. Here in Ukraine, at home, the prostitution is thought to be bad...
"...From Annika. My last comment here. Im actually 42 years old,Im mother of 16 years old son, my boyfriend is 50 years old and not rich...blah blah blah..."
What happened, Annika?
Did the subject of FSU prostitutes in Latvia present an irresistible opportunity to talk trash about the entire russian, belarusian and ukranian peoples?
Annika: Half a year ago my boyfriends friend from NZ lost all his savings to woman in Kazakhstan who was family oriented and beautiful (picture was taken 10 years ago). He was housewife (unemployed actually),took care of her 2 sons (they lived with her mother).
About East Europe : soon somebody comes and say what a pity where isn't GULAG anymore. That's why I was really angry yesterday!
Annika: He was housewife (unemployed actually). I sense here the believe that women are housewives and men are unemployed, a double standard i think.
Annika: soon somebody comes and say what a pity where isn't GULAG anymore. Well that is a wrong remark, that person probably does not know what the GULAG was. Although i do understand it a bit to. When i check the purchasing power (not the actual $)of Saint Petersburg or Moscow women with a higher education then i must notice that it is (significant) above mine. Women are women meaning every single of those women is out of my reach now. Why the guy always has to be richer, better educated and smarter than the women is beyond me, but it is even so over here where the full emancipation is said to have been in the 70's. Or in other words why do women have to be a little bit desperate before they play nice?
OK now i've mentioned it. On the women's forum there was a message that said 'me 35 not thin etc do i have any chance'. This gave me the idea to start a tread with 'me 40 not rich (about euro 20k common for mid level educated) (not gorgeous) is there any chance of an educated girl?? any comments?
Ptichka why would everybody be happy the USSR died, maybe the Baltics and Ukrain but not the rest. Also why does a significant part of the population (esp Kyrgystan) want the communist party or even Staling back if everybody is so happy?
ron as for "significant part of the population (esp Kyrgystan) want the communist party or even Staling back if everybody is so happy?" you speak about older people, about people who lived all their life in the USSR, this is where their youth passed.
But I know that the big part of the young population still remembers how it was. Ukrainians can't forgive USSR what was done to our country. When I said that "everybody is happy" I was speaking about my country. About people of my age and of my circle. I mean about people who like to work, people who like to develop themselves, the way like it wasn't able to do when there was the USSR!!! Could you imagine that if there was still USSR we would speak so freely now??? I doubt even if I had a chance to study English freely...
I understood you where talking from your Ukraining point of few. One thing though is it tru that only older people want the old system back or is it more tru that the younger good educated people like the new system but the rest who have to work in factories etc had a job a house and a pension before. The drop in welt has in the Ukrain been smaller than some of the other states, (you had like 50% of the industrie the good earth etc). How high is the actuall unemployment?
My parents worked at the plant, luckily they were lucky to get used to the new system and they left the plant. It is true that workers (who while there was the USSR earned much more then engineers - this is what I can't understand completely), the workers want the old times back, when they actually did nothing but their salary was high!!!
As for actual unemployment I don't know. You see many people work so called not officially (the sings in their resume are not made and so on), but they get their salary and work. So I'm not sure about that.
In a documentary about China it was mentioned that a fisherman earned 3 times what a doctor earned. They found that logical sinds a fisherman has to work hard and a doctor just sits in an office and they also where allowed to have studied at the cost of the fishermen. I've heard that people who just type a bit on the computer get payed for that, ;-) really weird.
From Annika, sorry she was housewife.
Ron, no comments.
My boyfriend is richer, smarter, hes education is technical, mine humanitarian but I think hes better educated. I dont see any problems here. Of course people are desperate in my age, who want to be alone? I think lots of men here too hate to be without family. Or Im wrong?
"I think lots of men here too hate to be without family. Or Im wrong? "
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
But USA men prefer Russian sales lady (high school, no English) over Indian or Philippino (University, PhD, fluent English).
Woman for bedroom and kitchen, not for talking?
Ranj, what shit are you peddling. The truth is most indian and philippino with such degrees and fluent english are just plan stuck up. Most asian women who have grown up in Austrlia at least like themsevlves more than any breed of woman I have ever meet. You speak foolishly and on subjects you obviously have no true experience in. Before the christen calender men thought all probems of science and such things could be thathemed by pur thought. Well it is 2004, where have you been?
Jet- I agree with what you are saying, the forum is in some limbo at the moment but as all things in life, we are on a down and soon enougth things will surely pick up
Ranj there are not many Philippino girl with a high education, although they are coming, but they are often so young and not looking for the 40 plus guy's as the uneducated did 10 years back. About India girls, i wouldn't know where to find them on the internet. In the marriage statistic in my country Philipino and Thai girls are far above in the rankings (5th and 6th or so) Russian (13th or so) and Ukraine (not mentioned).
Personally am i wondering where all those 50,000,000 single India girls and 100,000,000 single Chinese girls are. They are having their internet-access explosion right now.
ID of the new marriages (NL) 10% are now international/intercultural/interracial/interreligion so white=white is not everywhere true.
Ptichka There is a feeling of disdain i see you have against taxi-drivers factory-workers the lower and medium educated. I would say i've seen before that Russian/Ukrainian girls are a bit uppitty, that charisteric appears mostly in girls that are not all that just think they are. As i do not think you are of the type empty-pretty-girl I'm a bit surprised about the feelings that all people that work for their money don't work for it are drunks and dreamers, it must be a cultural thing. BTW it is not true that in the old cccp engineers earned less than factory workers, i know for a fact that at a certain time the architects earned so much money that it became problematic for state/Olympics? (long time ago, vague in memory).