Let me interupt this ecolitical debate wich is a cross between economics and politics if that is what this thread is all about because I think I must say sorry to geriatrix about the word realise. We not not use that word where I live but it is in the dictionary.
v 1: earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages; "How much do you make a month in your new job?"; "She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each month" [syn: gain, take in, clear, make, earn, realize, pull in, bring in] 2: convert into cash; of goods and property [syn: realize] 3: expand or complete (a thorough-based part in a piece of baroque music) by supplying the harmonies indicated in the figured bass [syn: realize] 4: make real or concrete; give reality or substance to; "our ideas must be substantiated into actions" [syn: realize, actualize, actualise, substantiate] 5: be fully aware or cognizant of [syn: recognize, recognise, realize, agnize, agnise] 6: perceive (an idea or situation) mentally; "Now I see!"; "I just can't see your point"; "Does she realize how important this decision is?"; "I don't understand the idea" [syn: understand, realize, see]
Well there is a lesson here for me, the more I learn the less I know and things are different all over the world.
Advise and advice are different here in the states!
the best advice I can give is to advise you not bring dictionaries up again wess in any shape or form.......you are treading very dangerous ground posting directly from such publications......next thing will be the exterior measurements I suppose??.....!!
the surface area of my dictionary happens to be 210.5"sq or 1358.1460 sq.cm. Do not forget escape velocity is 24,000 mph or 38709.677 kmph and 4.45 newtons are equivelent to a pound which by the way is 453.59 grams or 7,000 grains though not to be confused with (Newton-Seconds) for serious minds that want to know!
aint it amazing the amount of cr*p that is printed on the inside cover of your extremely fast book of words!!!
I prefer the ones that only have words of one syllable and loads of pictures..:)
Scottt and Drag,
Wow that was a lot to digest. I am in awe. I think it is great that these women in the FSU get not only marriageable men but people thinking even if they don't agree. This business of thinking is rare, especially here in the USA. Opinions, ideas it is wonderful. That is what America is about, not "where is the nearest MacDonlds". Thank you. Passion is good. Can I have another please?
oops thinking again Iz.........(says to self stop it),what is happening to me??
posting comments instead of hijacking the last comment.......oh I need to lie down.......
Earlier in this thread - before getting sidetracked - I refered to the common practice of Russian women getting or seeking "sponsors" - a few guys willing to part with say $200 or $300 per month - and maybe visit once in a while.
Some who have been there agreed with me. Others seemed surprised.
While browsing through the "Searches For" section of one profile I found a lady who mentions if (but mentions it as pertaining to her NOT wanting a sponsor) and who also gives a common Russian woman's view of men. Just thought I would paste it for you guys,
"You know, your exterior isn't so important for me as your interior, but in men I aprecciate manlinesss, maturity, pride... ... Everything I need I will find in you because all men are children, and the education of children is in the blood of each women:) Gentlemen, please don't propose to me financial help.I don't need a sponsor"
A bit of trivia:
General Motors is going to sack 12000 workers at the German Opel factory. -Probably because the German workers are too expensive.
Perhaps Germans are paid better - are richer - than US employees?
Perhaps Russian girls should study German and go and find a rich German man?
US men, there is competition!
No kidding there is competition: I know of many German guys in Moldova, Ukraine and Latvia. They were all over the place.
And with the devaluing of the dollar - many Western European Currencies including the British Pound and the Euro itself are valued strongly against the dollar.
You state the extremely obvious. Anyone who thinks that this is just an American and Russian thing - hasn't been reading this forum very well.