OK....I'm awake now!
Jet, I'll take it from here, now.
Thank you for standing up to these whining spineless amoebas (no backbone, no direction.)
I direct this post comments DIRECTLY and EXCLUSIVELY to the supposedly watching eyes of the attractive, available and willing women of FSU.
(If you're fat, ugly, married or just not-female-born please go read something else)
I hope you spend some time reading and understanding the comments of weaklings like Quietcharm and Jmoluv or confident, hardass doers like Jetmba and myself.
Read them carefully because they expose fundamental character aspects of the western men you want to attract.
What kind of man do you want, FSU princess?
A man who needs you to be careful on how you cherish his feelings is like a china doll, incapable of much action, production and decision making on his own and in constant need of dusting and polishing to make him shine.
On the other hand, a man who leads his life not by the way he feels, but by the actions he takes, the decisions he makes and the results he produces will ask you to respect and follow him. If and when you do, he will cherish you...so YOU can shine.
Choose wisely, FSU woman....and keep in mind, many western men are here because we're tired of the western women who want to lead us, change us and mold us into shinny, pretty china dolls.
small toad,
your ego is as inflated as your big mouth
is. you never did impress me to say the least. get on a plane and take your ego with you over there. we will see how you do. come back with a real thread you blowhard. what comes out of your mouth is exactly what comes out of my ass. one hand on the keypad and the other hand between your legs. that is where you are the hardhitter.
eat shit you asshole
Just for future reference I refuse to be bullied, cajoled, or stifled by anyone who thinks they have an advantage over me because they have traveled to Russia or Riga or any other Fsu country and was rolled by the locals. Both of you morons know who you are. You keep saying that you have all this experience and that because you have been there any one who has not been there should just shut up. When I read you whining B.S., I am left discouraged because you guys have been at this for almost three years now and all you do is make excuses for your pathetic and inappropriate behavior. Both of you guys are great at blaming the women you meet for your inability to connect but the truth is they can see how pathetic you really are and dump you. Both of you continually state that though you can't meet Miss right you can get laid over there. You have shallow values and principals which by the way all can see by the way you act here. You guys are abusive, sarcastic, insensitive, rude, obnoxious, selfish, and moronic.
Just because you have been to the FSU means little to anyone here for the simple reason is individuals filter their experiences which create their realities, your reality and others will always be intrinsically different, people are different and your general experience is not the facts it is your experience and we all have a perspective.
For me I am tired of your snide, caustic, deprecating remarks and comments. I have said nothing deserving of anybody’s personal attacks nor has toad or anybody else you two guys are the real losers. Most of the people try to be polite here but your actions are intolerable. I think you two most likely did not play well with others as children. Your people skills are quite insufficient as well. Sick individuals like yourself might back you up but people that are healthy with values can see that you are acting like real jerks.
OH , please wess, you better read small toads (john wayne) previous paragragh earlier here. he is the only true man out there. (LOL) so when is the good ship lollipop departing again.
SO, YOU ARE A SELF PROCLAMED HARD ASS DOER AS YOUR PARAGRAPH SAYS. please enlighten the membership on what you have done that makes you such a hard doer as you are self professed to be. please tell us how we can even come close to being the big man that you are?, little toad. john wayne needed you on the sands of iwo jima. less men would have died with out you!! LOL oh and i forgot please tell the membership about your FSU experience. oh and i forgot wess as you said he has never said anything to piss anyone off didnt mean to hurt your fragile soul. enjoy your tea.
My opinions and deliveries are hardass enough to cause you to type in all caps and spew a litany of senseless insults.
Your posts in this forum are not a reflection of a grown responsible man's ideas, thoughts or goals, but those of an emotionally driven capricious little girl.
I rest my case. Next topic, please
i cant wait to whip my dad because he did not raise me to be the man that you truly are. as far as i can remember you have been the king of insults . i am still waiting for your contributions other than an acid tongue licking you truly enjoy spewing. like i said , get your ass on an airplane and go do it and then give us some advice. you had it coming and it has been long overdue. and i rest my case.
right back at you loser. Oh I wish I knew as much as you with your reseach wess and your life experience. Russian or westurn girl, I see you are single also therefore by your own judgement, a loser
For the life of me, I still can't figure out why you're still at each other's throats....agree to disagree once and for all. you're both grown men with diffferent ways to go about your bizwax.
let it go, men...
funny wess, you are sticking up for toad saying he dose not deserve it. Please switch on your brian. Toad is O.K. by me but he pushes people around, no doubt he is one of the reasons this thread was started. Why do you continue to show you lack of brain matter for all to see. Gone to Russia, not gone, either way you will still be the same. You continue to call me and jmo negitive but its all in the reading realy. He and I continue to go and look, how negitive is that. I have met girls who would come home but I am more causious after my last bad experience and do not even try to say you understand anything about my situation. You would have to pull you head out of your backside first and listen, something you do not seem to good at. Talking is more yor thing. Giving opinions against proven on the ground facts. You are lie a football fan who has never played the game. You sit, watch TV and yell at the players who are in the thick of it as if you would have done a better move, you think you know the secrets but sadly you cannot understand why no one knows what you know or will not listen. Why he says, why?
Toad- you make me laugth. OK it is over and next topic Toad has spoken. Get over your self. And no I am not looking to drag you into anything to prove I can quarrel. You just make me laugth is all
Toad- Before I go, just want to say that I agree that there was no need for this topic in my personal opinion but it has been interesting non the less LOL
Believe it or not, I'd be much happier if my never ending all encompassing wisdom would simply grow on whinners, moochers and other forms of lesser male life forms without the seemingly unavoidable verbal sparrings.