Felicedate, thanks but again I am a computer tech and the database issues are so elementary that my 10 year old daughter could clean them up. It is very simple programing that would automate it and eliminate repeats and consolidate the girls using multiple agencies. My experience has been that the girls rarely use more than one but that they are sold to the others by the agencies. I do not deny you your bread but again what we are asking is very simple and could be done quickly. I actually have several friends that are also IT folks there and I must dissagree with your portrait of them. Actually I must say that my favorite person there is quite beautiful and very computer litterate. I have addressed issues that have not been solved so I cannot agree with you there either. But I still appreciate your attempts to explain.
Tell me though that with only 500 people in your database it is childs play to administer such. It takes very simple queries to eleminate the repeats and old listings. Be reall with us you do not care for the girls that do not write or recieve letters as they do nothing for your bread. But to leave them there for fluff does help you. We are not so stuped that you keep them for their sake. Again anyone that has not written to anyone or recieved letters from anyone should be dropped. If they wanted to stay all they would have to do is write one letter every 2 months. This is a no brainer. Again all we ask is that Fiance.com honor their promise to check out every girl and to save us time. That is their purpose and we will continue to push for these issues to be solved.
Ok. Shaggy. Here is a task for your daughter how to eleminate the repeats... To be frank it is not relistic to make it on the passport base. At least because there are girls from more than 20 countries here and in all countries the documents are different. Well what field would you chose? Let's take Name and last name. This question is not very simple. Let's say I want to register with the site. My name is Alexei Severin.
It can be written as Aleksey Severyn as I was taught at school. I prefer to write it like Alex Severin. In my passport it is written like Aliaksei Seviaryn as it is transcription from the Belarussian sounding of it. I can register with any of this names even not taking into account that my name has about 5 rather official shorter variants here! Write a procedure lets say in Perl to eliminate all the variants and I will show it to our programmer to let him laugh a bit!;-) Besides there are names and last names that are very popular here and I am sure that there are more than 10 Natalyas Ivanova here.
Puzzled how and what to do? I know one place where this problem is solved but it is very technicaly difficult, the scrip checks several fields, I won't tell you what. It analazes them in the algorythm which is rather obsqure for me and then... When trying to enter a profile it shows an agency manager all the probable repeating profiles. We must see them all and if nothing is repeating we "force insert" the profile.
it is not this easy and among us the programmers that were making fiance.com are not too... Well, this is my humble oppinion.
As for the old listings. Actually we are the simple users of fiance.com just as you and this problem touches us also, most of the profiles of men listed in the Russian part of fiance are inactive.
But I think that this is not much of a deal. Some will write you back, some not. Any way it is not a hard task to copy and paste. Of course if you change name - it is twice more a burden!:-) besides I will insist that it is not fair to the girls that are not too beautiful. Today I see that someone wrote to a girl who had nothing in 3 months! Another question if she doesn't answer... This can be a reason to delete her. By the way in most agencies it is done so. either 6 letters unanswered or a letter not answered in a month.
As for the administration of 500 people database... Wanna try?:-) Download, edit and put back already acceptable photoes(checked it is impossible to do automatically) translate what those girls write in their profiles in Russian into English? And so with every profile!
Just imagine how much photos the admins of fiance.com process daily! I can.
I just propose to live with all this. For 30 buks a month it is a good deal what you have. We work with another network where just to send a letter to a girl and receive her answer with a couple photos costs about 40$.
And you are absolutely not right about selling profiles. We put our clients' profiles on 6 sites. To attract more men to them and yes... sometimes more money, sorry I want to buy a Porshe one day!:-) Joke. Money issue is not the main and a girl decides to what men she wants to write.
Felice, I manage databases of students and teachers in the state of Missouri. I have millions of listings and grades and scores and other qualifications from all over the state and 1600 different schools with different methods of records. It can be done and yes easily. I am sorry if your tech support is failing you but what we are asking is elementary. I fully understand that there is time with the input and organization of the site don't misunderstand me but once it is in place and your are doing maintenance it becomes like child’s play to cross reference a few key inputs and view them on a screen and eliminate the errors. Yes there will be those that use different names and cities and such but thats why you check several different factors and then yes human interaction may be required. It sounds as though you have it in place at your agency and it is very similar to what I think fiance.com should be doing. If guys with our access can readily find these mistakes the database should have caught many of them first. Try cross ref. Last name, city, date of birth and then show all similar in certain distance and I bet 99% of the double listings would be gone or readily found. Just a little more with those that are close and you will have them all. As far as other data there are not that many countries there and again all you do is make a set of search code for each country in your listing I still cannot believe that people there do not have unique numbers issued by government for licenses, college, taxes something.
I understand it should be both ways. Anyone who does not write one letter a month is not at all serious and doing no one justice. If someone is not getting letters it should be up to them to go out and find a person to write to I am sorry I should not pay with my time or money to go through such listings. I think it is very true of the men as well. If they are not responding or writing as it is said BAMB they are gone. It would be so simple to even just put them in suspension until you can contact them.
I think that problem is not that everyone is abusing the system is that everyone is just letting it happen and saying it is normal just move on. The simple truth is it is normal because we allow it to be. It really does not matter how much anyone else charges more or less. The bottom line is are the promises being made and advertised truthful and can they do it for the amount agreed upon. You will find in the west that we do not just live with poor service and excuses. We demand quality service even at a bargain price. If the service needs to charge more to keep its promises then by all means charge what you must but you will always have to go that extra mile to win the satisfaction of western clients. As you are fond of pointing out that our cultures are very different and in my experience it has been a problem for employees of mine in the past from such backgrounds that I do so much for you already, live with the problems. Needless to say they are looking for work elsewhere. Now this is a new enough field and it is passing but in time as the west opens its eyes and starts to enter more and more into this business you will find things will change and you will have to compete even harder to get your Porshe.
Again may of the mistakes we have found are very common and very avoidable. I am happy that at least your agency seems to have things in place to avoid such but it must be system wide to be a true solution to our problems. I understand your points very well and again appreciate your efforts and input to the possibilities but I still think there are many things on this site still misleading customers one way or another. Chat and verifications are two major issues that must be resolved.
Oh Felice, $5,000 a month and I will work on your database...lol. I am a little higher priced than the $150 a month employees...lol.
Again we do appreciate your comming out to take shots for fiance.com and answer some of the ongoing questions we are facing. I was wrong I did write to someone there but alas she has stopped writing. I don't think we really were making that click. It was early on in my search and I had to tell here I was writing to others. We still corresponded to work on our friendship but I guess she found someone else. You probably even know me!
OK Shaggy.
You are definitely right in the databases. I won't go for it with my our site at least because it is situated on the distant rented server and to buil an appropriate web interface for this function is not in our budget. For fiance it is easier as their server as I know is in their posession. Why they don't do this? Ask them. May be it is easier for them to live with one man shouting and all the other keeping silent. Chat will not appear here I am sure. Half of the girls are with agencies and for this part chat is not an issue. Actually I now have a thought that for another part this question is solved very easily... Well, this is anyway not our business, my interface has a couple more links in comparisson with yours.
Luckily or unluckily western business will never interfere too much with the sphere of Russian dating. And in general with anything that is going on in Russia, Bealarus(we'll see about Ukraine). Simply because the conditions here are not the same as all the rest world. I would not reccomend even to my severe enemy to have any business in Russia, here civilized rules do not play. Yes, on the American side of the rope different people can do some of the business in this dating or whatever and get their part of profit but as soon as they come here and try to get into a Russian Ivan's kitchengarden he will understand that it is the worst thing he could do in the world!:-)
Yes, you people are used to complaint of the services you are not getting, actually we are not. This is the difference. But I hope it will really change somehow although I am affraid that I will already not live in this time.
This is it. I am absolutely not sure that you will make fiance.com do anything as really it is too cheap for their customers. Still they are the best at the current moment and they use it. It is easy to say go there and pay 10 times more in their position. And something tells me that you will not go. Yes, there are places where you are getting a scanned original of every letter you get in translation but this is for the guys with thick wallets and not much brains to my mind. What we all seek for is the best price/quality balance.
Thanks for the "generous" offer!:-) I will keep it in mind. Actually my programmer gets about 6 hundreds a month which is almost 5 times higher than the average salary here, anyway many companies prefer to place their programing orders here. Chaps are talented and chap to hire!:-)
Actually I can't track all the clients going through our agency, may be if you tell your name I would remember.
TIm Arnold...but I understand. Yes we are loosing jobs overseas especially in IT. But I think it is because of the outragous salaries here for the stranges things. As always I appreciate your input as it is always better to hear first hand your points and views and not the usual just ignore that. I would love to see more post from you and other agencies as it is much easiear to form opinions and ease worries when you have an idea of who you are dealing with.
The problem with that consulting thing is 4 or 5 times a year doesn't cut it! :-)