Alenka, I'm an American citizen by birth and in heart. I currently live in Greece. Each time I visit a bank here in Greece, I greet the teller by saying "hello, how are you?". The reaction I get in return ranges from staring at me with a look that says "do we know each other? why this guy cares about my mood today?" to "ooohhh, I have to open my mouth now, move my tongue and lips and say hello back to this guy ... what in the whole world have I done to deserve this?". The best that I’ve got so far are boring hellos with a mixed hue of yawning and looking the other way.
Although I've lived in Greece earlier in my life since my father is a Greek and I am not surprised by this attitude, I still find it rude and inappropriate every single time and I believe that I am the customer and the teller should smile to me and welcome me with a nice hello and give me my "how are you" in the beginning and my "thank you, have a nice day sir" at the end of the transaction.
My wife’s a Ukrainian and cannot comprehend why there is so much buzz and overreaction and people taking to the streets and celebrating through the early morning hours when Greece wins the Eurovision contest or a soccer team wins a trophy. I explained to her that in Brazil and through Latin America they scream “gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooal”, so actually the reactions believe it or not here are more subdued:)
One of my cousins works in Libya, a Muslim country. All westerners who work in his city have their own community outside work and little interaction with the locals. He was talking to me about differences in how locals perceive things such as timeliness in the completion of a project for example, they say "if God wants it, the project will complete on time". Of course you can guess, God most of the time chooses the laid back approach in doing things:)
There are cultural reasons that explain such differences about what is right and wrong in human behavior. I understand you're attending school in the states or at any rate your stay is temporary. It is difficult to blend in a new environment if you don't have someone to help you. Home sickness is a normal feeling. Southern California has a large Russian community. Have you found any Russians in your area?
I have always found the Native American Indian to have a unique thought process just in how they interact their spirituality with mother earth and have very simple reasoning to what we might perceive as complex situations in everyday life or in the long run. Their culture is very unique or at least what is left of it. If any one race took it straight up the ass , they did. But yet they still maintained their dignity and accepted change knowing it was a lost cause. They are true visionaries. On the other hand what bothers me is that the black race cannot just get it overwith and move on . You dont hear American Indians crying foul for every little iota. Or maybe they are such a small minority they are just not heard well . I also am sick of the German nation and their new generations who have to keep on apologizing for a generation that does not even exist anymore . I think they have built enough memorials i am sure to remember the holocaust.
Free Leonard Peltier!! JMO I'm with you on the holocaust issue. Genocide has not only been perpetrated on the Europeon Jews but many others in history. I'm no anti semite by any means, but just look who controls the media and then you'll understand why the holocaust gets so much attention. Look at a the genocide Mr. Clinton helped provide in
Kosovo. Who were the architects of that?
Just look at the media attention the Koran Issue is getting in the states now. But does that same media tell how many are killed for their views on Christianity? Carrying a bible in an Islamic country could get you death. One woman in China had her feet cut off then beat with them and then killed because she was passing out bibles, how much media coverage did that get here?
What it all boils down to is the erosion and destruction of judeo-christian values that made this country strong in it's infancy. Now the echoes are always seperation of church and state, well that was defined 200 some odd years ago. The attack comes from the liberals, who are nothing more than wolves in sheeps clothing. Kruschev promised this country would fall without a shot fired. So the libs who say the are for individual freedom are taking their instructions directly from Marx and Engles playbook.
I'm still waiting for Rumsfeld to echo those very same words.
Everyone else in the administration has to bite thier tongues for the sake of diplomacy...but everyone knows he will not, lol.
Native Indians got their autonomous regions and built casinos, the white race made a deal with them. The white made no deal with the african. If parts of the glorious sOuth were to given to blacks as a separate country inside our country, the blacks would make peace also.
I had to-that is too funny. Hey Al,did you understand it yet? My daughter used to bug me about receiving tribal services. I did not grow up on a reservation,and always felt like it was a welfare system,and prefer to stand on my own 2 feet ( despite the bad knee ) I think every person should have a sovereign nation to attach to,no matter what color their skin is. If we should all survive on the wiles of our ancestors,perhaps we should also adhere to the values of native tradition too. I like to engage my boss ( jehovah`s witness )in debate about what they call "spiritism" and "paganism" which they reject in order to make their religion seem like the only valid lifestyle choice. But then again,most J W s like to drink a lot of alcohol too. I guess this takes the sting away from no Christmas or birthday parties. JMO-I love earth prayers,but they seem a little redundant after you have heard them all your life. The basic theory of evolution-men springing up from the mud,has been an often embellished story from many tribes. I can rattle that stuff out like no tomorrow--I am the leaf which falls away from the family of the branch,borne away upon breeze,and gently fallen to mingle with the decay of every other man. How the Mormons ( me ) were ever able to perpetrate their stories of the lost American tribes in Joe Smith`s book puzzles me still. I think where I am going with all this is that I,like many of you,have that underlying feeling of not fitting in-that we men want connection with more simple,honorable times,where women could always be counted on to be women-there was no grey area. Values were still more practiced in society. I used to hear people speak of creating communities of craftsmen and artisans who could live fully self-contained. This to me is tribal,and maybe similiar to Amish, Quaker,and Hutterite. I imagine small villages in Russia like this ( Fiddler on the Roof ? ) and it does beckon to my sense and belief in living deliberately. Wish I had a row of peas now to tend to. I would love to grow some cabbage too. Howzitgoin? Howyadoin?
Rumsfeld has made those comments already. Some of my above post was picked from some
of Rumsfelds quotes. He has also said, do you think our detainees are given bibles to read in Iraq? Hardly he said. These are not detainees, these are prisoners of war! And if you think it isn't a war on us, I have the clip of the lady jumping out of the Twin towers if you need to be reminded.
Hell I wish Rumsfeld was our president. Don won my respect many years ago, he really didn't want this job, but he is a patriot and came back to the fold.
The funny thing with Rummy is that the religious right hates him as much or more than the bleeding libs do.
The sob makes too much sense for anyone ti like him in DC, lol
Are we talking about the same hand-shaking, back slapper of Saddam Hussein? The guy that pretty much said too bad to reinforcing our guys Humvees in Iraq,while helping to negotiate another 48 bases over there and the largest US foreign embassy in the world? If you are into defense,he will be your most willing contractor,as long as we don`t have a beef with you---yet
I live in Siberia and that is me
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