Dale - Its not easy, believe me. The only reason I'm here now is because shes showering and preparing for sleepy time. I usually don't let her see what I write. She doesnt know about this place, but shes on to me. As soon as she hears nonstop typing or me laughing at the screen she becomes very very curious, lol
The latest studies show that children do not have any better apptitude to learn a language than adults. Anyone who is willing to put in the hard work can learn Russian. Pimsleur I II III is good for obtaining good pronounciation but you will still need to learn your cases and grammar. New Penguin Russian Course by N Brown is good for that. Whatever you use make sure your textbook has exercises with the answers in the back somewhere. And learn vocabulary. You must study every day. Formal classes in a college are not that good. They are too slow and can only go as fast as the worst students in the class. Golosa (Голоса) is used by some institutions but Golosa sucks! Persevere! I know of a Russian guy who leared to speak English from only listening to BBC broadcasts. Russian is not that tough really.
Well I don't subscribe to the "Oh it's just too haaaard for me, I better just quit trying now, ohOhohOh!! theory of learning. That's probably why I can talk to a Russian and you can't.
the next lesson of Russian from me( I think I'm the only Russian here): Good night or spokoynoy nochi("spokoynoy" is calm in English) Tomorrow morning I'll say "dobroe utro" what means "kind morning"(good morning) As you can see really Russian lge is very rich in different words so we have very luxery literature heritage.
I was talking to a Ukrainian guy in a cafe the other day, in English. He had only been in the USA for 6 months and was speaking pretty good English. I don't know any 6 year old local kids that learned that quickly! That oughta prove that adults have the ability to learn a language faster than children........oh yeah and dobroe bloody ytra....mate!
"Well I don't subscribe to the "Oh it's just too haaaard for me, I better just quit trying now, ohOhohOh!! theory of learning. That's probably why I can talk to a Russian and you can't"
This is about as stupid as your previous post. I have better things to do than invest a ton of energy and time in learning a language that I will have very, very little use for. Come and live in South Florida and tell me how useful Russian will be for you. NONE!
Spanish is a much better bet. Go read some more studies. They prove everything right. I talk to a Russian everyday, she wants to have a relationship with an American therefore it is best she learns English which is what she has done.
Oh, touchy are we? I never said that I thought that YOU should learn Russian. I don't give a hoot if you will never be able to talk to her family. This thread was about the best ways to learn Russian and I am just trying to help the poor guy not scare him off from even attempting.
Good job, Gustavo. You know all neccesary words in Russian to survive there. Go ahead! (Joke) I like vodka but I just can drink it on special events like birthday or marriage & very rarely & a little. Did you like vodka in RUSSIA? How was your Russian after the first drink?
No vodka for me, Izi has made me nervous. Actually the first thing I ever got drunk on I was 18 got sick as hell and puked in my friends fish tank, really pissed off his parents. I'll stick to Sam Adams and Ukrainian Cognac for now.
A that darn English.
Allenka and me use the same frase "Hi gay's" meaning Hello dude's fellows,chaps.
I pronounce one more like kai and the other word more like gaaj, i write both of them as gay.
Now i have fetched the dictionary but i don't get where this mistake arrives from. Anyone know the word that sounds like gay but means fellow/feller?
Now i don't dare ask what "as queer as folk" means. ;)
While writting this i come up with two other problems not solved by dictionary (probably got it from tv) instead of writing to come i almost wrote something like coms/cumms wich i think means something quite different.
And 2 instead of using lad i thing i could sometimes say lad-dy and then i don't mean lady.
or a gay lad a lady, if he wears a skirt he/she might not mind.
a gay guy lad
I just found it laddy is probably laddie which is a ("" 1. A young man; a youth.
2. Informal. A man of any age; a fellow."")
but also (""laddie
A lad; a male sweetheart. "" from cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk)
Darn, now i get it it the word i was looking for was GUY :-)) hm i need a better dictionair.
Buy the way i need a South-African teacher i talk boers.