I took one of my girlfriends in for an abortion. I will never ever forget how she looked and how she felt afterwards. Never will I do this again--the shock and misery was devesstating for me. But I do not say that you should all do as I do. I am corresponding here for my own education,and not in communication with any fiance women. I know that relationship failure is one more of life`s tests,and it must be done before it can be made right. For some--20 times may not be enough. For others--thay might get it right first time around. So to the naysayers--blow it out your anal pie hole!!!
I have a friend who was raped by her cousin. She was terrified to tell her mama-knowing she would be punished even though she was a virgin. She became pregnant and had the child,whom she loves very much despite the circumstances involved. But think about it,Troy--Ted Bundy raped a woman. She became pregnant, What does she do? Keep the child who becomes the split image of her attacker? Her daily reminder? Always there are choices to be made. There are too many incidences that contradict pro-lifers. What about incest? Would you want your mother and grandmother to be the same person? Think about it!!
Everybody wants to simplify this issue Spirit. It is not simple. It is not a right to life or it is my body it is so complicated and full of regret and sadness.
Anybody who goes through this either within or out of wedlock will never forget it. I was married and it is burned in my brain.
There are many necessary evils in our world. This is one of them along with guns, fossil fuels, organized religion and George W. Bush.:))
More like branded into my brain!! Okay,but what about Jeb Bush? Do you think he should be next in line for the new AMerican monarchy? Do you think the Floridians can make an accurate count if he runs against Hillary?
Kherson has an airport, but it doesnt work.
People fly to Odessa and go to Kherson by bus or by car/taxi.
The road from Odessa airport to Kherson will take from 3-3,5 hour (by day) to 2.5 hours (by night) by car.
It depends on road traffic, weather and traffic jams on Nikolaev bridge.
Pro-life folks always give a worst case scenario... i.e. rape, incest.
Pro-choice folks always say birth must take place no matter what.
Forget politics and Bush.
Here you have a choice. Make it but it will follow you all your life so think about it!
Don't beg for acceptance. Make your decision and live with it.
Don't expect everyone to agree with you.
I know a case very close to me where a girl was raped by her father and became pregnant.
At 16 she had the presence of mind to bring the pregnancy to term and the baby was adopted.
That is where the rubber hits the road...no political rhetoric.
These women are not to be judged but accepted and helped no matter what their decision.
hmmmm. he starts talking about abortion and then goes right to jeb bush? your all over the map buddy. why don't you stop fcking around and tell us what you really think.