Books like Jane Austen`s,or even Cooper and Dickens, exemplify English contemporary society in the 19th Century. They are serious literature for students of english,but,like Melville`s works,can be terribly boring. Consider the chapter in "Moby Dick" which describes the `narwhale and right whale. Good stuff to read if you are suffering from insomnia.
Jane Austens "Pride and preduce" is fantastic book, very modern still. BBC have great film too, from year 1995 I thnik. What is in your opinion literature what isnt boring, spirittraveller?
I sincerely hope your addiction to extremes and affection for flatulence do not meet somewhere in the middle or at the most inopportune time...:)
"...And if you can't haaaaaave the one you the one you're with..."
(But not till you've exhausted all your efforts to get the one you want, mate..:)
My Dear Annika, I also Studied Literature in College, it is a pre-requisite to most degrees. Though I majored in Political Science, I have read most of the classics. Actually I very well versed and cultured for a gun toting right winged, God fearing American male. I have also travelled to many different countries in this small world. This is what amuses me the most about Europeans, that they are more cultured and in "tune" with reality than the cowboys from America. Your own arrogance in your writings to chastise many here display that. It is also interesting for the thousands of years of culture, that the cowboys here have developed an nation far beyond most in western and eastern Europe. As I used to annoy a French friend of mine, I would say, 2000 years of culture unhampered by progress. That is in economic,cultural and spiritual growth.
"... Jane Austens "Pride and preduce" is fantastic book, very modern still. BBC have great film too, from year 1995 I thnik. ...."
I never quite figured out the reason for the film's success.
Obviously somebody must have believed in it (otherwise it would not have been produced).
But, how much is literary quality and how much is due to the handsome actors, that (nearly) every female falls in love with?