I wasn't trying to offend anyone who contributes to this forum, I was just sharing my experience. I found plenty of shallow people whereever I lived, whether that's California, Minnesota, or East Coast. I suppose in my heart I still like California, and just feel it's unfair how the rest of the country looks down upon them as morally inferior, that's all. I found that in California people accept you for who and what you are and they don't bather you whereas in the Midwest and East Coast if you are not from "here" and don't conform to their expectations they will not be so nice. As for the dating philosophy of people, you may be right,obviously I can't prove my point with statistics.
Man - you are right that there are plenty of pretty girls with few letters written to them, but you have to admit those that are true knockouts get disproportionately many - which proves that statistically speaking most men on this site also go for the looks, just as somebody was describing a California man's dating philosophy. How else would you explain some of these Miss Wow's getting 3-400 letters in couple of months? If a girl shows a bit of skin in her photos men will flock to her like flies. And if a girl has a pretty face but maybe a bit heavier than model look, nobody will write to her.
It doesn't mean she has lot's of men writing to her, if you looked at the girl I was going to visit next week, it say she has had 93 letters, however 65 of them were from me, and her total, minus mine has only gone up 3 in the last 6 weeks.
And actually at the first look at a girl or a man, what do you see??? Do you see the character, the sense of humor, depth of mind??? No, you see what is outside, and if you feel attracted, you will start learning more about this person. It is the true for meeting in the real life, and I guess it is the true for the relations which appear through the letters. :)
Tradman, I once made a comment about the number of letters a girl received in my letter, and I will never do that again, she as rather offended. Perhaps you thought of that anyway, but just in case I wanted to share that with you.
Ptichka - you are right of course that the first impression is visual, and only if we are attracted by what we see will it go any further. But it seems that somehow it is politically incorrect or shallow to admit that. And again, my point earlier was with reference to the comment about the dating scene in California being so bed, in part because men only go for looks.
jjbarrier I'm very glad that the term "politically incorrect" didn't still come to our life here:)))
At least girls don't find it offending if a man uses the words of saying how pretty she is to start his conversation with her:) It maybe of course a rather old way to start the conversation, but a very pleasant one:))
I agree with you Ptichka, has to be a visual attraction first, I do not care for politically correct, I like to say it, as far as I know, a girl likes to hear it
What you say in defense of most california people is true, but only when compared to most other parts of the country...most, not all.
However, the californians' laid back pseudo-friendly disposition is only weather related...and only earns merits when compared to the beligerent manners and loudmouthiness of east coast people or the blinded biblical surrender of the midwest and bible belt...
It's true that if I have to choose (at gun point, of course) an american womn with whom to spend the rest of my days, it would probably be a califronia woman, though.
amen....from the land of sunshine and perfectly enhanced body parts..:))
I could not tell you what is wrong. The truth is I write to american woman until I am sick of it. I have only gotten one truely honest reply and that was I can't stand to be around someone smoking but thank you for your interest. The rest may communicate for a while then disappear. Others never even say get lost, I'm not interested, nothing. It's like they don't exist. The beauty of a lady is in my nature to see. I believe it is part of procreation. To accept it graciously is accepting procreation. I have never communicated with a beautiful woman who are as wonderful as those in Russia. We have more in common than any lady I have ever known. The surprising thing is there is not just one but many. The ones I communicate with now after a few months have beauty from the inside and out. One told me a joke about the cold. Don't you know things are fresher when they are keeped cold. She humbly accepts the compliments and thanks me every letter. I do communicate with one amierican lady that is wonderful and has the same hopes for life. She is a single mother, family is very important for her but she raises her child on her own, with no help. Very sad to say she does not have time for a relationship, between work and taking care of her child. I have the most respect for her to give of herself as she does.
most american women who are actively seeking a man seem to prefer non-smokers these days...
In and by itself that particular preference does not make any of them bad people or undesirables in any way shape or form.
Water seeks its own level, so it's natural for non-smoker/non-drinkers/non-whatevers to seek others with similar traits.
Man, I'll never hear the end of this but let me tell you what I think about American women-----------I'st let me tell you how hard I have tried to find one. I joined every singles service, match making joint, fron yahoo personels, to american singles. I did get a reasonable amount of replies from women using those services----UNFORTUNATELY not one of them, was acceptaable for one reason or the other. I WILL be nice. (most were fat or looked older than my mother) Got nothing against those kind of people, just don't want to start over again with one. If we got that way later then love would pull us thru---Ain't I sweet?---Anyhow, even though I meet this geat lady from Kazan and will be seeing her in Mosow in August ( I sort of feel guilty) I saw that ad about E-HARMONY and their sure fired 19 step way, to match you up with the perfect women for you. I thought, what the heck. It won't hurt just to fill out the forms and see who they match me with out of curriousity. KNOWING all along that it was really a waste of time.
I spent what seemed like 2 hours filing out their forms. It was like taking a blame MMPI. Asked you the same questions 5 or 6 times in different ways and so on. It was like pulling teeth, filling out all those forms.---WELL, when I was through and pushed the buttons to find my matches--Amoung the THOUSANDS of e-harmony females, and the THOUSANDS that are joining as we speak now------I was a little excited. Thinking, maybe after answering all the same questions the women had, that the matches e-harmony picked for me would have to be what I was looking for after all---using e-harmonys theary that is-- It took forever but the results finally appeared.
Out of all the Thousands, there was ONE match for me. Frigging ONE--LOL, in the Whole US, LOL. (OK, I know I'm some kind of missing link) Anyway, I'm in NC she's in MINN. They wouldn't let me see her pic, know her weight, religon, personaity profile, Nothing, Unless I paid them 50 bucks a month for membership.---SOMEBODY please tell me why, I would of even done it out of curiousity, when I had a good woman already interested in ME.--- I'm sticking with russian women.
American women are CORRUPTED, just like files on your computer. The media, loosing family values, drugs, wanting to have it all, everything, their cake an eat it too, eating habits, lol, thinking their own mothers were stupid for living the lives they lived, space invaders from uRANUS and I don't know what else, all played a role. But AMerican women have changed over the last 30 years (also raising their babies to be just like them), therefore, just breeding an even worse hybred, sub species or what ever you want to call it----TODAYS WOMAN--a bom bom munching, I've got my toy in the night stand beside the bed, soap opera infected, I don't have enough time for myself, unkindly LIBERATED, know it all, I'DE RATHER have my cats than to put up with any mans sh-t, soon to be old maids, spinsters, Who will like US even Less!
OK-I'VE been drinking, lol, lots, of coffee and I got a little wound up. I think I'll go to bed now and dream of my russian sweetie and forever forget about these things called American women. Good nite to all-- BE KIND
Ben, that s?#t is funny. It is a complexity. I have about the same luck as you. Even on some of the adult sites. Even that picky about a one time thing, Ok maybe a few time a day. but no strings, right. BULLS~~T!! I enjoyed that Ben. Be good to yourself!!!
It does not take long to recognize the malicious intent that organized feminazi movements in most western industrialized countries have to emasculate and pussyfy men...
What Ben describes out of frustration is true, but misses and important element....
over the last 30 years those same women have been raising their BOYS, as well as their daughters to pee sitting down, to wear girls clothes and to play with dolls, not GI Joe's....THAT is the worst consequence of males being raised without a father, and that's why the feminazis are winning.
If you are a single/divorced man with a son somewhere, the best thing you can do to change the overwhelming tide against men is GET INVOLVED with his life.
If you do not have a son, GET INLVOLVED ANYWAY!!
There are countless ways to help influence a young boy's life, even if he's not your son.
You know what is the most weird thing for me??? It is that after 70 years of USSR rulement, when people were made to look like each other, not differ from others, have the same clothes, thoughts, ideas and feelings and so on, after all that we here still have the will to have our own line of behaviour, style of life, girls tend to differ from each other, not to be like dolls which look all the same, look, think and feel, no we still are women:) That's what is really strange to me.
And we here always thought the USA was thought to be the country of freedom, where everybody has the right to differ from others, and now I learn that many women are the same...isn't that strange, when you compare the 2 situation???
Maybe I'm wrong, but from what I see here and from what I read here, from what you all told;) I see that it's the thing that I can't understand...:)
Not all that related, but there is a line in the movie "The Presidents Analyst" that I think apropro. The quote was in regards to the U.S. being Capitalist and the U.S.S.R. being Communist.
"Nonsense, ever year the U.S. becomes more socialistic and the U.S.S.R. becomes more capitalistic. One day, we will meet in the middle and shake hands."
Ptichka- A woman here(U.S.A.)can be as different as she wants to be. But most women are getting materialistic and wants the finest things life has to offer. It is sad when that is as much of a priority as their own family. Not everyone has the money to do that. In most families, the man and woman must work to live that style of life and they sometimes borrow money from the banks if it is still not enough.Almost everyone is in debt up to their necks all because they must have something that their neighbor also has. We also hve poor people that live in cardboard boxes under bridges in my town who beg for money either for food or a cheap bottle of wine. It is getting to be a country of people who have everything or nothing. The economy was very good when my parents were raising me and mothers stayed home and took care of the children. Now most children are raised in daycare centers where the parents pick them up after work. I liked the old days better. FSU women's family attitude takes me back to bettter days
Part2- Everything is extremely fast paced here where there is never enough time for anything. Even with all our modern appliances such washers,dryers, microwave ovens, vacuum cleaners, and so on, half the people on my street still pay other people to mow their yard, clean their house and do their laundry. I still prefer to do everything myself.Restaurants are all over the place, where you can get a meal served to you in less than 2 minutes. Almost all of it is junk food with lots of fat in it. I think that is why we are getting fat though I try to avoid those types of places. We are a nation of spoiled people due to the luxuries of life. This is just a little bit of how life is in my city but if I choose, I can move a little bit further away from the city to keep my sanity and to slow my life down a bit. These are words from a country boy that moved to the city only because it makes my drive to work a lot shorter.
Dale thank you very much for explaining me a little bit about the life there:) As far as I understood, correct me if I'm wrong, there can be nothing or everything, and the middle??? Is there any middle between nothing and everything??
Also my city was known back in the early 1800's as "Porkopolis" due to the large amounts of industrial meat-packing plants for pork. Now that phrase has a whole different meaning. lol