Hmmmmm, eat and not be poisoned....
If you knew me, I come with no expectations. Things are what they are, I put no one in any kind of place. Life is too short to be worried about small things. Being happy and being around people you care about most important!!
I am sure that you keep your "spelling police" badge close to your heart. It is, no doubt, one of the few things that you can be proud of. Its just too bad that your spellcheck doesn't correct your lousy English GRAMMAR!
What guy (over the age of ten) has a ready-to-use image of a witch, to pull out when a reference is made to some woman's looks? Since you are OBVIOUSLY over ten (physically anyway - you have flown to the FSU, presumably not with your parents), I can only beleive that the picture you presented for us is of your mother.
Again, I tell you, kingarthur, you may be proud of her - but we are looking for FSU ladies and don't need to see her. But thanks anyway.
Now isn't there a s misspelled word here SOMEWHERE that you can fret over. (Does anal retentive mean anything to you?)
I don't understand why you guys are catering to this bimbo idiot! She's a waste and a loser. Probably some former member in drag trying to start crap in here as usual.
She's a hack and useless in the forum. Though I guess diversion is entertaining, but I find her useless. I have yet to glance at one post of her's and her second personality Quasi, where they either/One offered any advice to finding a woman or understanding a woman.
Remember, Marty was going to Ukraine to do something. I think and you guys are getting your chains pulled. Proves a point how useless he was, not, the mental problem wants to play silly games here.
40 yo ugly materialistick stuck up bitch turned to be BIMBO!!! HA HAA!! I DIEEEE LAUGHING :) )) ))) ) )
Will let you into a secret: I have never thought that :))
This is a rare occasion, but I actually have to disagree with you concerning the legitimacy on MONADA. There is an underside to this whole pursuit of FSU women thing and she represents much of it. What she says is to characteristic of some cynical Ukrainian and Russian men and women (not necessarily out-and-out scammers) to be dismissed outright.
Many over there resent us. And it goes much further than the Russian man who resents a well-off foreigner having a better chance with his local ladies than he does. Many women fell it is their right (and maybe even obligation) to take advantage of a naive foreigner. After all, they feel, it is not THEIR fault (individually) that their countries have been oppressed by dictators and bad economic situations. And it is not because of anything WE DID (individually) that we should have so many advantages, for merely being born within the right political boundaries. There IS a sort of prejudism against against westerners for what seems to be taking advantage of FSU women. They want compensation! And the vocal few like MONADA don't hesitiate to ASK for it!
I was just testing MONADA when I mentioned that she isn't gorgeous. I have persoanly experience with an FSU woman who is very good looking, but thinks that she is nothing short of a supermodel. She has an ultrahigh opinion of herself (like Monada) and that whatever she does is okay as she is above any mere mortal man's rules. THAT seems to be a characteristic of Modada as well.
The mention to this lady I refer to, that there might be someone better looking than she is - will immediately set her off (her idea of self importance cannot take it). And Monada reacted exactly the same way.
one of the few things you can be proud of is your talent as a stirrer. Have a wonderful day!"
When I make chili, it almost never sticks to the bottom of the pot and burns. I stir it very well. Not quite sure how you knew that, but thank you for pointing it out to the group. I AM very proud of it.
Ladies and gentlemen, Jetmba the Grammarian releases licences for this forum. Scary as it is. And cooks chili by himself, without his mother's assistance. WOW!
Surely you jest? I hope you are trying to humor me. The underside? Nothing but forum baitors at best. A couple of bozo's that couldn't find their way from Mariupol to Poltava without a google search. I happen to know the region, That is where my wifes mother grew up as a child after moving from Kremskaya Russia.
Knowing that we are not welcome in many area's is about as much as a surprise as knowing scammers exist. Actually you are looking at defeatist trying to ply their wares here to discourage good guys from finding good women in Ukraine. Bottom line Losers, and the smooth under belly of corrupt morals and personalities.
"As for my appearace. You think that in day-today life I use luxury make up and pther stuff to make pictures able to impress others????
No. It could be stupid.
My trick is that I am as I am. Without make up, with unbrushed hair, wothout manicure and other women shit tricks.
IF I WANT I will make myself looking SO that you'll feel pain in eyes looking at me, the same as I look at sun.
I know how to move, to walk, to make voice sound, what to say... that creats CHERMING ENERGY AROUND ME.
That's why I am sure I'm much more attractive that youe moldovian girl, if you put me and her together.
but it is no matter, bcs for women her buity is also her ability to be WEAK AND STRONG, WISE AND FOOLISH etc...
I am able to see the inner buity in exhausted eyes of tired 40 yo lady and say "oh, she is gorgeous"... DO YOU ABLE TO DO THE SAME?"
Where, pray tell, do I tell the whole world that I am so gorgeous as you seem to think that you are. Find me just ONE post where I go on and on about being the best looking guy in the world - and I will gladly back it up.
There ARE no posts like that. In fact - if you look hard enough through archives you will find posts where I admit that I am not particularily good looking.
YOU, on the other hand RAVE about how good looking you are. That's why I asked to see.
Find me just ONE post that I wrote - like the above, saying that I am so beautiful that your eyes will hurt - and I will GLADLY give you pictures to back it up.
All I was asking you to do was to BACK UP your fabulous claims about yourself. (AND no I still don't want to "clean your bones").
I have seen your photos too, Monada..copied and pasted your link and had a good perv at that them..hmmm sugar and spice and everything nice..definitely bedroom material and those supper flat abs you have after having a ex-wife would kill to have a flat abdomen like you, Monada..she had to have a $4,000 tummy tuck back in 2001 after having the 3 kids but it did quite work and her belly button was misplaced 2 inches lower than where it should be ( it give her shits, that happen ) and now she has flabs of skin on each side of her to grab now..we call them "love handles", my kids told me, my ex has got love handles now days.
I think the screwed up tummy tuck and her misplaced belly button is kind of funny now and she will never have the money to get that fixed but her boy friend of today has love handles to grab on the skinny bitch now days!
And the way you have yourself bent over backwards in the gym, Monada..super flexible like a piece rubber ( did that not hurt your back to take that pose ).
One thing that is missing in one of your photos, Monada is the ipod mp3 have a bomby old cassette player or cd instead..what NO IPOD!, did you not screw one of the Western men that visited you for an ipod player?