Monada, if people on this Forum have a reason to complain about fsu women, then this is the place to do it, telling men here not to complain when they have scammed, is like asking birds not to fly.
I have more respect for a cockroach than I do for you and your supposed hunchback husband.It takes a quite unique worm to find any kind of joy in another persons grief.In fact I would very surprised if you were even Ukranian!!!,your attitude is more becoming of a juvenile westerner.
I mean you have it so good..your life is so perfect..why would you even bother to spend time here?
Ahhh wait I know now,another sad deluded internet geek intimately related to their right hand,unable to make it in the real world,who resorts to malicious comments.
You do realise mulitple personalities can receive medical help these days don't you?????
I pity you,you are truly a poor excuse for a human being.
Sorry Monada, you couldn't wipe the dirt from my wifes shoes. Let alone compete in the intellectual department. You're a fraud and useless to anyone on this forum. You remind me to much of Annika77 same old BS just using another name. Funny how you post then immediately the wimp of your alter ego Quasi posts. Way too funny.
As far as Glads issue goes, that's left between him, his friends and his wife and really is nobodys business to comment on in this forum IMO. Monada your trampish attitude about the situation just tells what type of person you are, and you other personality deserves each other.
And regarding respect, you deserve none! Not one ounce, you came in to this forum to create problems from the get go. You are a small minded trouble maker. Just because you are a woman doesn't give you instant respect. Your remarks here, I will stand by what I referred to you as.
MONADA, we all know you are MAN put your photo up on a free web site for me to see. i wanted to see if your doc martin boots match the colour of your dress.
FSUfemale …now this is a very good question…. the answer is that this forum is a private club…….to be member you have to be married to an FSU woman or looking for one, either for entertainment or amusement, obviously describing the process involved (sort like going fishing) and than rubbish them in this space… the way ….are you a member???