Oh Big Ed, when did the Muslims reconquer Jerusalem? You also accuse them of breaking a treaty with Muslims? Here's some information for you. One Jerusalem was captured six years after the death of Muhammed. Muhammed had broken treatys with the Jews on several occasions. On in particular where they had a treaty for over 2 years and Muhammed just changed his mind on the Arab pennisula, attacked and beheaded 800 Jewish men in the city square, so save your anti-semitic prose for someone else. It is preached in Sura that it is a basic Muslim right to break treatys without provocation. I will get to beheadings here in a bit.
Kirkland I'm far from ranting. I'm calm my blood pressure doesn't even raise one point. Though I know the tactics of the left. Call all who disagree with you, Angry, rage, ranting, homophobes, bigots, racists. Well it doesn't work with me. I don't go on the defensive because of some unsubstantiated charge. Which of what I listed I am none of the above. Attack the sacred institutions and attack the man when you can't win in the arguement. I do stand corrected on one thing. Mohammed dictated the Koran.
Now to the wonderful practice of beheading. We just had on honor killing here in the states done by a man who runs a Muslim TV station. The station was used for propoganda on how we here in the states misundertand the Religion. He was proud when he went to the police station and informed them of what he had done to his wife because she filed for divorce because of his domestic brutality. So don't try to use the cultural argument. It isn't cultural it is Koran related. Reason being, Arab Jews and Christians do not practice this. Iranians aren't Arabs and Practice this, Indonesians aren't arabs and practice this. This is a Muslim trait. Accepted in the Koran. In Jordan, an honor killing will only get you about 5 days in jail, because they are so afraid of the Muslim retaliation.
Now in the UK they are reopening investigations on about 100 Honor killings. The UK has become to politically correct. Look at the number one birth name there now.
Gemini dreams, the bible is fiction. So Christ didn't exist? You may not beleive in his works or miracles but Jesus was far from a fictional character. Christianity is under attack from many fronts. Again destroy and discredit the traditional foundations of a country and it will fall just like other great dynastys did in the past.
If the stories are fabrication, misinterpretation, legend, manipulated and passed down aurally for generations the it does not matter whether some characters may or may not be real, the story is not fact it is fiction.
Societies regularly undergo change. It is those that resist adaptation that fail. Advanced societies are becoming technologically and scientifically driven. Faith of all persuasions are becoming irrelevant and those that dont adapt will be left to bemoaning their abandonment of their gods.
Nasfan, I don't know what to say... I just feel sorry for you. You will never learn, it is because of people like you who make up stories or read made up stories that the religions will continue to collide. Make no mistake, no religion would condone killing the innocent. So please use reliable sources instead of the crap you keep writing or simply shut up!
Nasfan you live in a country with capital punishment and you are quick to condemn a regilion as a small number of muslims carry out honor killings. Like you said, one recorded case in the US...out of how many muslims?? (estimates suggest as much as 8 millon live in a US). And like you say its not culture its religion. So 1 in 8 million over many years.
And anyway within Islam people are divided on how the Koran is meant to be interpretated. Women are now starting to ask for more rights to stop this practice altogther. It wasn't long ago women weren't allowed to vote in America.
Here's the problem Ben. Most devout followers of any religion try to emulate the life of their founder and leader and follow their teachings. So your arguement falls short just like your analogy of Capital punishment and honor killings. There is no comparison between Jesus and Muhammed. There is also no comparison between the four gospels and the Koran and ahadith.
Islamic apologists are now trying to compare Muhammed as Christ like and Christ more like Muhammed. Unfortunately the fictional Gospel disspells that myth.
Well I take from that it your against capital punishment??
Of course you would say you can't compare Muhammed to Christ being a Christian. As in christianity Christ was the son of god, in Islam Muhammed was a prophet. So your hardly going to believe they are the same if your a christian.
They do try and follow their founder/leader like I said the koran like the bible is open to interpretation.
Nas I think the bible is mostly fiction. Whats your point. Will it change your beliefs? The point is that more people in this world are not Christian than are. Same for Islam. You arent on any high ground here you are a minority.
I'm a mixed race black/white American. In the name of full-disclosure, I'm a 'Bible-believing' Christian. I've traveled to Ukraine many times, and speak Russian. I'm amazed at the 'blind-eye' comments by the supporter of Islam (equivocator), the atheist(fool). The reality is that the 'spirit of Islam' is the greatest perpetrator of violence in the world today. Not only against infidels (Christians, Jews, and ATHEISTS), but against other muslims. More muslims are murdered by other muslims (even within families, ..as 'honor killings'), than by any other identifiable groups combinded.
I'm not saying ALL Muslims are violent(I know muslims), but there's NO QUESTION that this ideology does not lend itself to peace and tolerance of other beliefs! It's sometimes easy to want to equivocate, based on your own best intentions and desire for harmony, but a frank and honest assessment demands the truth about this ideology, this way of thinking,...this value system. Trying to 'smooth out' the unspeakable terror by equating it with Jim Jones or David Koresh (well-known kooks who's acts were never justified or applauded by 95% of those who call themselves Christians).. is laughable! Why do so many muslims 'celebrate', and 'applaud' 911, beheadings, bombings, killings and burnings of infidels, and suicide murders by their own children? How is it possible for you to contort your own moral values, in order to find reason when there is NO REASON,.. only a very dark and destructive spiritual force?!
I have seen the dark spirit of Islam first-hand, with my own father. It justifies violence in the name of 'righteousness'. Nation of Islam is a little different than other forms of Islam. But growing up in the 50's and 60's, I have an interesting perspective. On the one hand seeing KKK lynchings, institutional racism, and 'Jim Crow' laws. While at the same time seeing the hateful reverse racism of Black Muslims and Nation of Islam, and other radical offshoots like the 'Black Pnathers', I have a unique personal perspective. I've seen one evil spirit(thoughts and ideas) battling against another evil spirit, while riding on the coat-tails (justifying it's righteousness), and an idea (spirit) which was good and right,... the idea that 'ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL'.
Often evil (bad ideas) attaches to a rigthteous idea. It's the nature of deception! Today the confusion and deception is at an all-time high, in regards to the basic tenants of Islam. There is no such thing as peaceful (tolerant) Islam, because it's foundation, the spirit which initiated it, is false,... not based in The Truth of God's Love. This Love is fully expressed in Jesus Christ. Islam attaches to Jesus (Yeshua ha Meshiach,.. in Hebrew), only as 1 of 5 'Prophets'. Islam completely denies the divinity of Jesus. (Not so different than the atheist, who denies God at all, yet sets his own righteous standard). Islam contorts and twists the Bible ... (just as some who call themselves Christians,... and some, who centuries ago did, while not understanding or even knowing the basic truths of the Bible, and did unjustified violence against innocents, Jews (Pogroms) or others. Still, even the 'Crusadors' were simply pushing back against Islam incursions into Europe). But within my lifetime, there has been no so-called 'Christian' violence. I distinguish between Bible-believing and 'nominal' Christian. For some people Christian is a fuzzy, political designation,... simply meaning not muslim, or not atheist, or not budhist, etc.. Christianity tolerates many different views under it's heading. But Bible-believing narrows it somewhat. The same is true about Bible-believing Jews. Bible-believing Christians and Jews have very similar 'value-systems', though they disagree on the identity of the Messiah. There are many who name themselves Christian, for example President Obama, but yet don't believe or understand the basice principles or 'Truths' of the Bible.
I'm not enamored with President Obamam,... nor was I enamored or inspired by Muhammed Ali, like so many others. Even as a youngster, I saw the despise America spirit that he and gave voice to. Islam does not teach love (except for those that follow it's requirements,... which can be determined by it's mulahs) but rather power, and vengence. There is NO Christian EQUIVALENT! Those that claim to be Christian, but promote bigotry and hatred, have been proven many times over NOT to believe THE BIBLE. They are part of a dark and deceptive spirit. Islam doesn't teach that Love is the highest virtue. But rather bases it's righteousness on rules and regulations (including jihad), It's not based in God's Love and Grace. The truth of God's Love, .... it's designed to allow 'Free Will'. There can not be Love without 'Free Will'. There must be freedom in order for Love to exist! There can't be coercion,... forcing someone to Love God or others! The Bible teaches this, and the Quran does not!
I can help explain much about this, but there's not enough space or time here. So I'll just finish by saying,.. resist evil ideas, but remain gentle and tolerant up to a point. It's OK to expose Islam and other false teachings, though it may cost you your life. It's OK to defend against violence and bad intentions designed to subjugate you. FREEDOM IS WORTH FIGHTING AND DYING FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! The posts here which
Basmiti actually has a point! In Christianity you turn the other cheek but in Islam it is an eye for an eye! I think the main difference is that one religion sets unrealistic behavioral goals for human beings while the other acknowledges the fact that humans are not perfect. If you consider that to make one religion more violent so be it. You can't really judge either religion by what is happening now, things have gotten way out of hand. How many did "Bush the Christian" kill to defend freedom and democracy?
What has being a minority have to do with anything Gemini? Also if it is fiction what do you base your belief system on? Bigotry as you have accused some on here? Does Christianity offend you? You seem to have some disdain for it.
Literally speaking, If the new testament is fiction, how do we know that any history is authentic? Maybe people from another world created the pyramids? The holocaust never happened, at least there is one world leader that believes this. Hitler was actually a innocent victim persecuted by the communists and capitalists.
Religions are becoming irrelevant? That is an amusing quote of yours. Ask the innocent who fell to the knife of the islamist radicals. Ooops can't do that, they're dead so it's irrelevant. Whether you want to accept it or not, the Bible is a historical document. It bears the same creedence as any history book whether you're a believer or not.
Big Ed you are a little inaccurate. Turning the other cheek does not mean pacifism. What you are quoting is the Gospel of Matthew, where Jesus is giving his sermon on the mount. Turning the other cheek has to do with revenge and nothing to do with self defense. Or as your true colors showing "The Christian Bush kill?" Keep apologizing for evil Ed it's the European way, We saw how it was handled with Hitler and Stalin. What was once said, "Woe to those who call evil good? Moral pluralism has had more to do with the death of innocent people than Christianity ever will.
Also an eye for an eye has nothing to do with the Muslim faith. That tenet is excerpted from Hammurabi's code which was written some 2000 years before the birth of Muhammed. Though that is probably fiction also.
The point of this discussion is that in Russia and Ukraine the attacks on Muslims are rising. So called Skinheads are attacking not only Muslims but also Jews, Blacks and foreigners. Again it is fear that is driving these killings. I saw a beautiful Chechnyan Islamic center in Odessa, a great symbol of tolerance but what the Chechnyans are doing in Russia is stupid and is creating more hate. So no, what is happening elsewhere is not going to happen in Russia and Ukraine. What about Muslim babes in Azerbaijan? I heard that they are very nice? Baku is supposed to be full of single beautiful girls, anyone has been there?
Nasfan, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, has been adopted by the Muslim faith. According to your argument Christianity is more passive; you said it, not me!
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