I think , that it is next myth , that American’s women are so different from Russian. Even if take 2 Russian girls in one city , they will be absolutely different from each other. All people are different. And I am more, then sure, that there are very clever and understanding American women.
It is hard to meet such woman. But it is hard in Russia too. And you must have luck , to meet her – such , as you want ;)))
Because real brilliants are found very seldom. ( joke , of course ;)))
Wow so much dis-trust, and anger against whom? I think bad past experiences, listen up, I live in The United States Of America the greatest country on the face of the Earth, but unfortunatly the liberals have turned this into a disposable sociaty, look what they have done to the African Americans prior to 1965 87% of African American babies had their fathers in the home, now 7 out of 10 African American babies are from un-wed mothers(what happend)well thanx to the liberals there is an excuse for everything you do even murder (sick huh) there is no need for you to pay the price for what you have done its someone elses fault and they are to blame ha-ha. We are tired of that, and see that it does not work, so we are looking elsewhere I am not saying American girls are all bad but materialism seems to flourish here so, I know 1 Russian American couple and and she is all about her man they have been together for about 4 years, be wise and good luck all
Imagine, they live four years. Is it a record ? :)
And who was tell you , that *The United States Of America the greatest country on the face of the Earth *.
To you have told a lie.
If you talk, that America is rich country, I will agree with you. but is isn’t the same.
I can understand , when human proud of his own country , but I never will understand , when human despise all another countries , only because it is another countries.
There is a lot of factors , at which America is far not the greatest country.
Start from that , that America was destroy all past of the country. All her history.
And new is only some more , then 200 years. It is a culture.
I’ll not talk about Russia, that you will cannot tell , that I am partial, but there is Greece, Egypt , China, India.
A lie is when you say something you know to not be true. In this case "I live in The United States Of America the greatest country on the face of the Earth" is a belief, not a lie.
I would imagine citizens of New Zealand, Australia, Britain, etc. to say the same of their countries. Since only ONE can be the greatest country by standard logic, then does that mean that one of them is lying?
Of course not.
I will not debate the merits of the statement. I, too, am an American, and proud of it. Are you proud of your country? Great!
I am not exactly sure of what you mean by your statement of "And new is only some more, then 200 years".
The Constitution of the United States is a remarkable document in that it was the first document that dealt with a form of limited government that stressed individual rights. As a consequance, I would proudly declare the United States WAS the greatest country on earth roughly 100 years ago. I think the erosion of the principles of the Constitution via various forms of socialism have destroyed a great deal of that philosophy.
Still, I am proud to be citizen of the U.S.
I don't know just how relevant this is to the overall topic, but I felt like responding.
The real truth of the cold war is simply is Two country's, who's people are much more alike then different and who got along just fine till Russia Government went communist. So It much more of a cold war of the American government Vs. the Russian government and remember that often government do not really represent the People also I been to ukraine for 6 week last year and loved it and plan to go back
fell free to reach me at magnusfl@tampabay.rr.com if you got any questions about my trip
I think he is right, I don't think Russians pose much of a threat, why clamp down so hard? Especially if we consider ourselves a country built on immigrants! The BCIS has the slogan "open doors, secure borders" yet, what kind of threat does a 25 year old lady from Russia coming to visit, or marry a good US gentleman?
Thank God that wall came down.As an M-109/Blackhawk fueler,I was train to fight the Russian hords,we would have been well outnumbered,and nuclear war would have all but a forgone deal.I met a girl here,Inna from Mariupol,I'd hate to think that we would have been at war over something stupid.Kids are now partying in our old missile silos.
We seek a Russian lady for exactly the same reasons mate, you and I !!
They want a man who will take care of them emotionally and for this they will do the same for him, they are not looking as you say for a BMW or a Prada handbag, but for a good stable family life and an equal partnership with their man, respect, care, and love which they have little hope of finding in a local man I'm sad to say not to spend it as fast or faster than he can make it !!
I'm going to put my neck on the block now :o)
I don't want a UK women, they are brash, slutty, in your face, selfish and self serving, not to mention they are like a condom !!!
Spending more time in your wallet than on your ...... well anyone who knows the punchline will understand that one ;o)
I want an equal partner, A Lady !! Someone who deserves my respect and respects me in return.
Having personally met 1000s Russians (No I didn't go and visit that many girls !! I should be so lucky !!)
I must tell you that there is a huge proportion of them who if Communism was re-established tomorrow, would cheer until they puked !!
Its by no means the paradise they thought they were going to get when the CCCP collapsed !! Even now they are "free" many many people complain every chance they get that "They had it better under Soviet rule" Housing was better, pay was better, medical treatment was better, the list is endless !!
In the FSU You went to a factory for example and did a job, each month you got a paycheck, always the same no matter if you worked your ass off or if you sat and wasted as much of your shift as you could, doing nothing !! If you slogged your guts out no-one noticed and no-one gave you any credit for it, so no-one bothered.
Now the tables have turned they still all want that monthly check, but it doesn't come any more !
If they want money they have to work, but they say "I didn't have to work hard for it before, I don't want to have to work hard now !!" But they still want the money !!
I have eaten in restaurants there and it is plain to see one example of exactly this attitude.
The waiting staff get paid very very low wages (just like waitresses in the US) but unlike the US girls the FSU girls haven't yet figured out that if you give good service you get good tips, and your income becomes a good one. The FSU girls attitude is "My pay is crap, so I'm not going to put myself out and give it any effort".
I have had plates almost thrown in front of me on occasion !! In time the ideas will filter through and it will improve, I hope !!
This attitude I will add (because I want to avoid anyone jumping down my throat !!) Is mainly in the older generation, ie: 30 up-wards, the ones who worked under Soviet rule and benefited from this part of it.
In 40 years time most will have passed on and the next generations which are growing up now (1 to 30) will have much different views, be far less dependent on the old ways and will have learned to be capitalists, just like us :o) Either that or they will have reassembled the wall !!!
The country not only must evolve, but some of the people must evolve too, the people of later age are having difficulty "unlearning" the old ways, the younger ones never knew it so hopefully will be able to succeed in their own right.
When you go there, and finally see the place for yourselves ( this will ring a chord with those who have been already I am sure of it )
as you go about the places watch out for groups of men at the side of the road, for example digging a hole, or repairing a pavement. Invariably, and I have seen this more times than I can possibly remember all over the FSU. there will be one, maybe two men actually digging the hole, and there will almost certainly be at least three maybe as many as five standing around it watching them work !!!
Its a left over habit from the CCCP, when they all got paid no matter how hard or not they worked, so each job had too many people there to do it, and none of them actually did a full days work if it could possibly be avoided :o)
I forgot to mention that under CCCP rule tips were almost unknown, because everyone got paid by the state so no-one felt hard done by or bothered to reward anyone who worked that little bit harder to please.
The clients also need to learn now that if they get good service they should give good tips !!!
There is fault on both sides, please do not think I am just blaming only the waitress`s/waiters .
So fella`s, if you are treated well and the waitress is friendly, courteous and "efficient" (the Russian word for waiter, or as close as it gets in English anyway, for those who didn't know !!) dig in your pocket and leave her/him a decent tip when you eat out there !!
$2 to you is nothing, its about £1.10 UK money but to her/him its enough to eat for a day !!! And most likely 1/2 what his/her boss is paying per day for an 8 hour shift !!
Just because everything there is cheap, doesn't mean we have to be cheap too !!!!
I agree jet, best way is to go there and check it out. I think I will in April, and I may visit a few of the women I'm writing to, but I really want to check out Kiev regardless. Losing your money and your heart..... happens every time I've ever gone to a strip-joint! Am I concerned she'll leave me in 5-7 years for someone her own age.... well, she should be about 30 by then with a couple of kids.... Hmmm. Ok, so if I treat her like a dog and lock her in a closet, she will probably start stepping out.... Yeah, I can see that from any woman. I guess it depends on whether you want a life-partner or a pet. Treat her with dignity, support her in her dreams-desires-goals-& ambitions, and treat her like the woman you truly love.... you probably couldn't get rid of her with a stick no matter where she's from! I'm pretty sure she can't spend more in a month of shopping than I do in a week at Home Depot. If she does manage to.... she'll be fun to watch! Take a hard look at your past relationships. Why didn't they work? What makes you think a woman from Russia or Ukraine will put up with your crap? It could be that the only common feature of all of your failed relationships is you......
My comments weren't directed at you, I was simply agreeing with you from your previous post. I just threw a few things out there for everyone to consider....
The reason I personally look for a Russian woman, and I cannot speak for anyone else on this matter, is that I Wont put up with UK womens crap mate, not them putting up with mine !!
The mind games, the selfishness, the slutty slobbishness of UK women I can well do without, I want a Lady, and she will always be treated as such.
Russian women are far stroger inclined to a happy family life with children and a nice home which they will guard and cherish with their heart, unfortunatly the women here are only interested in what you earn, and how quickly they can dispose of it !!!
Thats my own personal angle for being here, I want a princess not a pig !!!
Mindwire: Just looking at your post I was surprised to see you were aiming your questions at me. I quickly glance back at posts I had written in the last few months but you still have me confused with what exactly you are talking about. "What makes me think she will put up with my crap?" Excuse me? I have never ever treated a woman like crap and further I do not have a long history of failed relationships. I have dated a few women in the last few years but I was actually married for 21 years at one point. No crap involved. I don't look for a Russian woman to unload crap on that no American woman might take. I look for one for all the wonderful qualities they have. I think you have the wrong guy.
"..jet... Why didn't they work? What makes you think a woman from Russia or Ukraine will put up with your crap? It could be that the only common feature of all of your failed relationships is you...... "
But you aren't aiming anything at me?
You have an unusual style.
I have to say Jet I couldn't find the connection either mate !!
Maybe Mind missread somethin ? It isn't hard to do sometimes :o)
My two penorth :o)
We all have baggage, Ive been married 3 times now :o//
Its getting a bit tedious to be honest !!
First time we were both too young, second one lasted 8 years, she grew old and I didn't !! She was 3 years older than me and at 37 when I decided I wanted to end it, she was acting like she was 90 !!!
Third one was 3 months and you all know about that one !!
All that said, I wouldn't say it was a history of failed relationships, just damn bad luck with the last one, a mistake with the first one, and human nature with number 2 !!!
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Russian brides > Main Forum > From Socialism to Selling Themselves Online: Out of the fire and into the frying pan for Russian women?