"Some are just looking for a nice evening at an expensive restaurant, and one was looking for a all-expenses-paid trip to Kiev" ....uhhhh bingo.
i had alot of experience with anastasia in the past. Currently dating a girl who worked for anastasia as a interprtor and as a girl on the site!! She is here in the US now with me and i have been to the anastasia inner offices after work hours and know all their secrets. The entire thing is a massive scam trust me. I think i got by because unlike the other men on my trip i am young, good looking, and extremly curious (i'm only saying this because i saw all the men being scammed by women twice as young) the entire setup is a scam and i or my fiancee will happily answer any questions. I really think the bigger scammer is the individual marriage angencies that anastasia employes in ukraine, more than Anastasia themselves.
I know some local agencies who work for Anastasia in Lugansk.... and had tons on complains about them... Anastasia knows who are their affeliates, but they are only interested in $$$ and don't care about anything else... You can easily refund your money you spent with Anastasia... I know guys who did and can help with it aslo :)
I'm being sincere here. What's the inside scoop re the "massive scam"? You implicate the individual marriage agencies more than Anastasia. Are the other FSU dating websites any better, e.g., Fiance.com?
I've befriended interpreters along the way. Most seem to believe it can work occasionally. But the interpreter who witnessed me getting mercilessly used on that "all-expenses paid trip to Kiev" strongly advised me to look for a wife someplace other than Ukraine! It's true I'm older, but I'm fairly good looking, very personable and have an excellent job. I plan to make one more trip this summer. Someone on another thread advised going to secondary cities a bit off the beaten track to find more sincerel women.
I'm all ears!
Re Anastasia's website, the women are not permitted to provide their telephone number to men through the website's email system. You've got to have the website arrange the phone call for you, or you can get it by snail mail.
You mentioned two very strong cultural differences.
First, attitude to swimwear. In America (South States) young, religious, woman usually do not wear bikini. They believe it is not modest.
In FSU young (and not very young) girls believe that they are modest and their favorite bikini do not interfere in any way with their modesty.
Second, money. In Russia it is normal then man pay for restaurant for a woman on their first date. That does not mean she must to pay back in any way. He just shows that he is not a looser or an extremely greedy person.
In America it seems that woman need to rely in financial items only on themselves – that means to start working 2 months after her baby is born in order to pay for herself and her baby. Russian women prefer to stay at home for 3 years. And expect that husband would be able to support baby.
There is one other strong cultural difference that you have not mentioned.
Average time between proposal and marriage in America is 16 months. In Russia it is usually 1-3 months.
I must admit I too was somewhat skeptical about Anastasiaweb.com. But this I can attest to, which makes me think that Anastasia is legit. I did receive a letter from a girl after three or four emails that said she did not think we were compatable. Another apologized that she "is reuniting with an old boyfriend." Any time I did make a phone call with a girl that was even somewhat capable of speaking English, she was happy to give me her email address and phone number. (BTW, I did talk with them on the phone without a translator after the initial contact.) There were many times that I was not able to make contact with a girl through Anastasia's interpreter service. I did not get charged. In one instance, the translator said "Vinny, I don't think you should bother calling her again. She always has an excuse." There were four girls that left the anastasia agency after numerous correspondances.
I did send five postal letters to five different girl. Three recieved them. Two did not. As far as girls not writing back via the postal system, that is true of American people too. Who sends Christmas cards anymore? I remember years ago getting HUNDREDS of Christmas cards. I think I get about five now adays. (I am guilty too, I am always remiss in sending letters and cards.)
My only complaint with Anastasia is the price, but hey, we Americans are capitalist, we should know the cost of doing business.
Ok, I too was skeptical about the number of letters I received from women. The first letter is usually a form letter. I can honestly say NOT ONE letter I received via Anastasia asked me for money for a visa, passport, ticket, or anything. The ones after corresponding that I did receive seemed to be very specific regarding what I wrote to them, i.e., answering questions, commenting about what I wrote. The length of the letters are never that long compared to the letters I wrote. Then again, I have a computer in my house. Do they? Probably not. Most use the agency's computer or a internet cafe or their schools. So I am sure that the amount of time and in some cases expense, is limited.
I still have questions and reservations, but I am far more skeptical about agencies that sell addresses and phone numbers. Are some of the women on the site scammers, I would expect so. Are some of the agencies that work with Anastasia illigitimate, mostlikely? Can some other agencies use forums like this to cast Anastasia in a bad light? Sure. (I owned serveral businesses and my competition often bad mouthed me as a way to increase their business.)
I can't afford to go on a tour right now, but I would like to hear from others that did. However, I prefer to hear it from their mouths, not on internet. Anyone can write anything.
I do not understand this... I cannot believe there is a forum for this crap. I really do not think any one of you have thought of the type of damage you are all contributing to in this world. Have you ever heard of human trafficking??? Do you not think in some way shape or form, some where along the way, you have contributed to it with out knowing you have??? Well I am telling you all you are!!! Think about what you all are doing and stop!!!!!
Your fist comment is the only correct one.
You dont understand.
No one is being sold here. It is only a means of contact through the internet.
Most of the women on these sites are smart, educated and have a far better idea what is going on than the guys do.
If anyone looses in this it nearly always is the guy.
You should try talking to these women. It would be an education for you.
I think that to be so simple in Your assesment of what We are doing here proves one thing: You are very "simple", period!!! I went looking for love, & to give some girl a better life. but they want much more than that, then want "real" love, & with somebody that they feel comfortable with, & they ARE quite picky!!!
I'm new to this forum so my apologies if this has been covered. Anastasia wants everyone to believe they are not involved in the scam but when Anastasia leaves profiles up of women that are asking for money or leave profiles up of women who tell men their mother has a weak heart and needs medical care (so you will sent more money) Anastasia has to accept some responsiblity. It is not enough to say the women is single. Big deal. Single women scam men also. I can tell you that Anastasia profile (1085034) of Tatiana or Tatyana Gorlakova of Zaporozhye Ukraine
is a scam. The girl uses Anastasia to get men to send money and gifts. I also corresponded with a girl from Anastasia that in short admitted that she was seperated but her divorce was not final. (She ended up going back to her husband).
Anastasia has done nothing to remove either of these profiles. If Anastasia was not making a per cent off these crimes and/or the local agency then Anastasia would be more diligent in keeping scammers off their site. I will be reporting Anastasia and it's various website URl's (Anastasia.com Anastasiaweb.com etc.) to http://ripoffreport.com so that everytime someone clicks on a Anastasia site the ripoffreport appears. I encourage all other men scammed by Anastasia to do the same.
One final thing. Men should dispute their credit card with their banks when it turns out these women and/or Anastasia scammed them. You have 6 months from the charge to dispute the charges with your bank. The bank will reverse the charges against Anastasia and perhaps this will motivate Anastasia to clean up their act.
Kost, I doubt that Anastasia staff would not have removed the scamemrs profile if you told them. It was probably a fault of somebody in their custmer service. COntact them again, they will refund your for thsoe letters most probably. as far as I know they remove such ladies, and agencies. I agree that their system is a rip off, but you had all rights and information to choose not to use it. Sorry that you saw that glamour photo and lost your head first paying per letter, second sending money.
I have a question to hiii98:
I am in correspondance with a girl from AW for quite a while. I have meet her, she is real and we exchanged letters for a long time. One day I received a letter from her account but it was a letter to another guy. My girl swears amd denies that she was writing it.
So its obvious that there was a mistake by the agency. The question is did they mistakenly send a letter which was for another guy? Or it is possible that the agency send some real letters and some fake letters in the name of a real girl?
luckyboy, agency could make mistake. but first of all. if you are in serious relationship with that lady, she must remove herself from the web site. why are you continuing paying per letter to the agency:)????
she is still on the aw web site, she may send letters to many men. so why should she write to you only? the same is for you, you are still on AW site too.
Lucky... if your girl is serious she will remove her profile "pronto.. fast.. quick". It was offered up to me when I met agency girls. Especially the picky ones who turn down every single guy that wants a second date.
Otherwise if she doesnt sign off from AW - she isn't serious and might be maintaining communique with others. Thats the hard reality Lucky...
But maybe she is only corresponding with you. Try to ask her to quit the site and you use a more efficient method -- atleast use her agency's own translator at a lower cost. If she agrees? She is cool. Make sure to save all your letters from AW for the Visa/Fiance portion of proving correspondences.
As I mentioned earlier on another thread. if you have not discussed marriage -- even after the both of you have met? You can ask her to stop corresponding with other men, but be prepared for the worst if she doesn't have a reason as to why she cant use her agency's translator to correspond with you and drop off AW like she needs to if she is sincere with you and you only. I don't envy you at this portion of your relationship with her.
... For what it's worth. On a lighter note...
PS> Yup AW does screw up, it is hilarious some times. I got this one misfired letter from a girl who was responding "No John. My toes do not twinkle when I get a new letter from you, but I liked reading both of them..." omfg! I was rolling! This is why I did not find it hard to agree that agency girls run into these flakes all the time. :)' Hoo Boy that was way too funny to read there "twinkle toes". :)'
Thank you very much for the good advise! You are right, lets leave the agency website as soon as possible to avoid seducing everybody envolved - the agency to make more money out of her by writing fake letters with her profile and us answering to the many incoming letters from somebody else. Sometimes, the best advice is simple!
Yes. I got other AW introductory letters from one or two girls who were already in the fiance portion of their relations with other men. So AW and their agencies will fire off letters without her knowing... I am pretty sure it is automated to a large extent if a guy is within the selected age range of the girl.
Another note was I received an intro letter and a girl put her age in it as 20. She was already 21 for the last 5 months. I was pretty sure her agency fired it off, but she denied that assumption and swore she was the one who sent it. I wasn't interested enough in her to continue corresponding, was just curious as to the inner workings. But I think you got the who le point.
hello Stevec1003!!!
Are you crazy!!! you need tell to "your wife to delete her profile from Anastasia. I think she wants that her photos stay in the site.