To suggest another's emotional state, from circa 8,000 miles away, has to be interpreted as a personal opinion rather than a statement of fact and/or with any substance.
To suggest that I was angry, whilst I was displaying my humour to such members as nasfan6 and beemer18, is not only absolute nonsense but in total contradiction of a (below) previous post of mine.
Seems to me, merely my personal opinion, there is only one angry individual around these parts and he's a mega chip on shoulder lying Filipino twat!
Ivor 14.12.2010 20:08:08
Excuse my language ladies and gents, I'm just playing with the Filipino piece of shit who has no life outside of this forum ..... have a nice day y'all, y'all except one ..... or maybe two :)
In your book you would be a liar when you said I have no life outside this forum. I am a member of a church choir, and I'm the only man... only tenor. We do more than just perform and guess who gets the most attention?
By the way, you were angry when I said you got a check for false arrest. That means you were arrested for cause weren't you? Tell us what that was about.
Oh... your emotional state was not the only thing I suggested. Again, one only has to read the previous page. I also stated that you lied about having a wife. Was that really for five years? Don't say that was just one lie. You must have repeated it many times and a lie has branches. You will then say things as WE live here, WE had this for dinner, WE have friends.... And you have the nerve to call someone else a liar.
Hey, Rick. I was just trying to find out who Dunny41 was. This is nothing about Danny who is being shadowed. It is about Ivor who does not like Danny. Then, I was called a liar by the biggest forum liar of all time.
"To suggest that I was angry, whilst I was displaying my humour to such members as nasfan6 and beemer18, is not only absolute nonsense but in total contradiction of a (below) previous post of mine."
"I do not play to any audience, that's not my style"
These were posted by the same person on this thread who called me a liar. The lie I supposedly told was he was Dunny41. I asked him to produce it, but he won't. He can't.
Believe it or not, the woman he claimed he was married to was already married to someone else. Furthermore, he harrassed the couple with emails and a website claiming she was still his fiance!!!
Tell me I'm lying. Remember that when you call someone or anyone else liars.
I think you should change it to dickhead to save confusion.
I have a friend who has a doctorate in psychology…not an American ..bought off the internet doctorate mind…but a real one. Anyway; this guy has just completed a thesis on internet use and the behavior and character traits of the people who use internet forums to post replies that hardly deserve an adult response and in fact are often ignored.
I think the thesis is called “Hung like a toddler”
The subject of debate is posed as “Do people who post immature and pointless statements onto public forums have small cocks”
I think they have. What do you think?
That's my one and only response to you ...stupid wanker
Well, until the next lot, I've dug myself, and my imaginary car, out of the imaginary snow at the imaginary house, that some fucking idiots imagine I do not own, in the imaginary road, of the imaginary town, in the imaginary county of the imaginary country that, of course, I only imagine I live and own a house in.
Then I imagine that I am supposed to be in an imaginary court tomorrow morning in the imaginary city that I imagine is an imaginary few miles away from my imaginary house etc. Despite it being such an imaginary short distance away I can't actually attend the imaginary court hearing, in which I am the imaginary claimant, because in the imaginary town where I imagine I live so bad are the imaginary conditions on the imaginary roads that the imaginary bus services also imagine these same imaginary conditions and imagine they do not operate and I cannot use my imaginary car because the imaginary road in which my imaginary house is located is imaginarily impassable at the imaginary present time by the imaginary snow that I imagine to be present, indeed I have imagined several cars being pushed in the imaginary road today alone.
And to top all this there is some two faced mega chip on shoulder lying Filipino twat crying to a cyber acquaintance "Hey, Rick. I was just trying to find out who Dunny41 was", well why didn't this two faced mega chip on shoulder lying Filipino twat actually engage any brain he/she may have before opening gob and run an IP check as I did!
Meanwhile I'm helping beemer18 with counselling, because he's a wannabee two faced mega chip on shoulder lying Filipino twat you know, and beemer18 is helping me with anger managemement classes :)
You want to change this into a Beemer counseling and your anger management? Why don't you let him answer? I say he is jealous. If he is not, fine. He should not keep after me about my gf. He should not tell me how to handle her. The results of my relationship, I not he will live with. My mistakes I can live with. His advice whether sound or mistakes I can't. Why would that need counseling? It's your business if you want to go to anger management classes and want to take him with you. It's my business when you get angry with me.
You have not proven a thing I lied about. You have not proven that you checked anyone's IP address and you have not proved you are not Dunny41.
The fact is you came into this forum day after day for five years and told people you were married, and you have the nerve to call me a liar. Am I lying about that or shall I go into more details?