For me, Muzzy's "breaking down" of the sequence of posts is on-target. I'm completely OK with strong opinions, strongly expressed -- when they have SOME connection to the topic. If I post such-and-such, and somebody replies, "no, durak, you got it wrong, it works this way," that is fine by me.
The problem that severely damages the value of this forum is posts DIRECTED AGAINST OTHER MEMBERS. It leads to something like 10 junk/feuding posts, for every one that has some real communication about FSU dating. And on this thread, lonely and rb were the guys who brought in the bickering, absolutely needlessly.
This thread is already up to 5 pages, and before the first page was done, it became all-feuding, like so many other threads here. What a garbage dump!
Guys, I really don't care if danny squished your teddy bear and made you cry, OK? Get over it! Once in a while, somebody writes something about me on the forum that I feel as a "sting." And because I am a MAN, I have the strength to exercise my powers of self-control, and not waste my energy hitting back. I have plenty of better things to do!
Like others, I have seen that in off-forum communication, almost all of the guys here are quite decent fellows, including just about all of the worst bickerers. Talk about Men Behaving Badly ...
I guess it comes down to different conceptions of manhood. The bickerers usually say (more or less) "when somebody insults me, I HAVE to fight back! I HAVE to defend my self/honor/reputation!" Do you think this makes you some kind of a tough goy? Because what you most resemble, is a row of little old ladies with your wheelchairs side-by-side in the nursing home, sniping at one another with nasty comments.
You might think that by writing this, I'm hypocritically taking part in the bickering. What I'm trying to say, is that it's some of your behavior that stinks -- not you!
Mr. Durak, your post is coming before mine because mine is going through moderating. I do not disagree that I brought the bickering in. You have not been a target of Danny's abuse. What he wrote about you is mild. I would have no problem with it either. It is where he was going with it and what he would have done with it if you did not answer it his way. We are all here to discuss our experience with women, are we not? Why do the women have to be reduced to what Danny has done time and time again?
Danny just came up with a graph. He has categorized forum members. Notice that they are all criteria for abuse, nothing positive. We have a vote from Mr. Durak to tolerate Danny and end the bickering.
Muzzy...thanks for your play by play...I guess we see it a little different.
Interesting how you say " but it was him making a point in his usually ham-fisted way." Well that way...kind of ignited things. It reminds me of how Manny Ramirez(baseball)used to do some oddball things....yet people would is Manny being Manny......all it is is making excuses for behavior, bad behaviors.
As far as history part...just reading past posts does not fill in the ambiance of that can read through any thread yet in real life it was several going on at same time....real time. Like I said Muzzy, what does one have to do to get kicked out of THIS forum...think about it!!!! You can speak to whomever you want.....I'm just making a point.......from being there.
" Are we not grown-ups?" Classic..... Muzzy!!! Isn't it clear the answer to that question??????
There I've been in life, I completed my schooling whilst achieving reasonable to good educational qualifications, not too long thereafter I served Queen and country in the British military in a highly trained and responsible 'Air Traffic Control' position whilst gaining further educational qualification(s) in the process, thereafter a very successful career in commercial aviation working, literally all of it, in supervisory and/or management positions and over recent years have had my own companies.
Meanwhile there is a uneducated imbecile, couldn't be bothered to complete schooling, has no educational qualifications, is not sufficiently educated to even converse in the national language of his born and bred country yet claimed to own multiple business, claimed to have bought a fish and chip shop just for the used chip fat that he could fuel his boat business with, he even suggested that Virgin were operating their jetliner fleet on bio fuel, then he claimed to making thousands per month importing tropical fish from Thailand whilst he claimed to be living in Russia in retirement, that he was so financially well off he never needed to work again, never mind the two aircraft he claimed to fly around his owned land and without a pilots licence nor the slightest clue of how to fly an aeroplane.
Then he profiled on Elena's Models ..... He profiled as a carpenter / cabinet maker and living in South Australia!
I'm trying to leave this forum alone but at times it is just so funny, right now I can't stop laughing at the crap he's been posting. :)
I picked up the smokeless tobacco habit when playing baseball. I once told a doctor I didn't have the WILL to quit. He said it is not the WILL that you need, it is the WON'T. Interesting view of it. So to say one tried to quit (leave this forum) is the same as saying you do not have the will to quit. Rather, just say you won't... If one is so educated and above the others, one would see that his presence is nothing more than a diversion to his otherwise incredibly outstanding life. And this is a way to come across as superior to others by ridicule. Unless of course that one does not actually have a life. I wonder what Freud would say about that. I quit arguing with rb. Why? Because I realized the futility of it. The problem is that this is not a fish bowl. If you put two fighting fish in a bowl it won't last too long because one will die.
Here we are in some sort of a 'fish bowl' scenario. However, there is never any physical presence. The fish battle it out endlessly until one of them discovers another bowl to haunt.
Find another bowl.
Actually Ivor, I believe he was asking others to quit the forum - a sentiment no doubt shared by many. As Beemer points out, it's not likely that anyone will ever get kicked off here, as there is no such control from the forum owners. People can stay as long as they like, and say what they like without redress.
As I alluded to previously, it's therefore up to us to 'moderate' ourselves, and unfortunately our little "forum of the flies" experiment does truly show the character of all of us who can post here with impunity, doesn't it? This is who we are when we're unaccountable to anyone. The way we behave here is a truer reflection of us than who we are with people in 'real life' who can challenge our behaviour.
Take a good look in the mirror, folks! Like what you see?
Well I have no particular interest to stick around these parts too much longer, unlike another, or two/few, that immediately springs to mind I do have a life, a very interesting and worthwhile life, outside of this forum, just that at the moment waiting for my house sale to go through is like watching paint dry and/or concrete set, I'm just waiting and waiting.
Alas, currently, I'm online more than usual, not only because I'm selling products on eBay, just to occupy my mind whilst making some money, but tomorrow I'll be online shopping for stuff(s) such as a few years supply of Avloclor, the next day(s) etc. I'll be online shopping for something else, my conveyancing solicitor/lawyer communicates with me by email so need to keep an eye on my inbox, I'm browsing properties for sale online etc. etc. etc.
But, fingers crossed, give it a few weeks and I'll be darn busy and away from the internet.
I've only sold 7,170 items so far, in recent months, on eBay.
It's amazing what one can achieve with some files, a PDF writer, some blank CD's, a computer, a good quality external CD/DVD writer, some CD/DVD cardboard mailers, a printer, some mini data cartridge labels, some postage stamps and a postbox!
Oops almost forgot ... One needs an education also.
A lot of time has passed, but nothing has changed! And it would all be better if I just stopped?????????? Is it any better?? I’ve been off-line for weeks!!!
Muzzy,,,, it’s so brave of you to single out one person from a group, when he’s gone!! Going back to your Sept 5th posts,,, do you really think I have started everything????
Sure,, I let some posts spill over into others,,,, I did that so everyone would read it!! It’s when I re- posted danny’s own words! In one, he was telling everyone how he would not stop!
In another,,,, it was how members who had many user names were cowards and a few other choice names!! He changed his own name 3 times in less than two hours that night!! Three times that I know of,,, who knows just how many times he did this??!! His reason,,,, to keep others from using his name???? Everyone here knows which idiot is danny!! His true reason for this was to annoy everyone, and to see just how much he could get away with!!
It would seem he can do anything!! And why not,,, he always seems to have a couple of fools to help defend him!, I have wrote this before in posts about danny,,, waiting for a couple of fools to fall for his lies! These two fools that I have referred to several times are Muzzy and Ralph!! Why do you treat him as a credible and legitimate person??? He has been the anarchist on here from day one!! He most likely will outlast all of us,,, it seems to be what management wants??!
I treat him exactly the way he should be treated,,, like something I might need to scrape off the bottom of my shoe!! Like a bump on a log,,, or bacteria in a Petri dish,,,, all of these things deserve more respect than danny!!
So many times,,, both of you told Rb, Ivor, and I to leave him alone,,,, don’t fuel the fire??!! After being told that so many times,,, it gets to the point that you feel like saying;,,,,, screw it!!
Don’t fuel the fire???? Imagine someone on fire,,,,,, Ralph and Muzzy are yelling; Don’t move,,, the fire will go out in time!!!! Sure,,,,,, in time the fire will go out! Can you imagine someone not moving??? And to make matters worse,,,, Ralph is on one side spraying fuel on you,,, while Muzzy is fanning the flames!!
When it comes to danny,,, you two need to plug it!!
Several times I went back into the archives, to see what danny has wrote,,,,, he has been slinging mud, talking trash, or saying things that he should end up in jail for! He’s still here!!!
This guy had several women die on him,,,, how can we really know what happened?? I caught him in several lies,,, and I haven’t been here very long!! He once said; Only one woman died on him! My reply was like;,,, I’ve heard so many different stories,, that I thought it happened more than once!! Well,,, it did happen more than once!! We’ve all learned just how much respect he has for women ,,,,, or any living creature for that matter,,,, it’s not much!!!
Your circle of members seem to pick on Rb a lot,,,, why??? He’s just a mild mannered guy who fell and cared for a fsu woman!! Isn’t that what we are all supposed to be doing??? Are you guys saying; that we shouldn’t care for them at all until they are in the US.?? We sit over here nice and smug counting our money, while the women are working ten hour days making pennies??!! Is that the right way to do it??? What Rb spent on that woman is a drop in the bucket compared to what I spent in Lugansk and Kiev!! I knew how it could turn out,,, but it’s my money, and I will worry about it if I decide to!! Rb’s money is his money,,, and he can choose for himself how to spend it!! Danny should have zero say in it!!
Danny often writes; I am loved in every country I go to!! I have many friends all over the world!! I can speak and have video chat with Skype for little or nothing!! Well,,,, why don’t you??? Why are you here, if you have so many other friends???? You do more posting here, than all of us combined!! Why??? Don’t you have something else to do??
You wrote not too long ago,, that you spent 200,000.00 on your search, over a ten year period ?? But you also state, that you are a cheeep bassturd??? How much time each year do you dedicate to your search??? It sounds like a lot??!! 200,000.00 and you are not married yet??? I’d be damn embarrassed to tell everyone that I spent so much, and have nothing credible to show for it!! Oh,,, you have your worthless videos?? A 2 minute video with 1:30 of ice and snow!!! Thanks for that,,,, I don’t get to see very much ice and snow living 60 miles north of Green Bay!!!!! Danny,,,,you’re so damn worthless, you can’t even hold the camcorder up !!
Posts against me, I can get over. Posts against the women renders this forum unusable.
We are here to discuss searching and understanding the love of our lives. Because we ourselves are not perfect, we cannot expect these women to be perfect. Combine that with coming from a different country and we should be ready to overlook and forgive to a point. But, before the woman even shows anything dishonest, Danny takes some information from the past, some from the present, makes things up to make a story to rub the woman's face into the ground.
Danny's success is not complete without another's failure.
Dunt,,, do you really think,,, that if someone reads Rb's posts,,, that they will not return for a second visit???? I don't think so!!!!! I don't know how many times Rb went over or not,,,, but that is for him to decide!!
Who said anything about needing to spend a small fortune??? I just did,,,,,,,,, it was my decision and I knew it could be wrong. Don't you think men are going over to meet women,, and will buy them a little something???? It's normal behavior!!! When I dated here,, I would buy them things,,, that's normal,,,,, Dunt!!!
And Dunt,,,, I need to read your crap,,, before I can call it crap!!! Maybe that's your problem,,, you don't or can't read?????
You are a liar. After all of this, now you don't care what we do? We went after you for nothing? I have never told anyone to do what I do. I rarely write anything that I do anymore because of you. I give my opinion about others situation and that's it. Yet you choose to comment about the situation and make it personal about me.
If you don't care, you would have kept quiet when I told you I do not want to talk about her. I told you that many times. How many times did I say to mind your own business and get a life? The chocolates is a good example. All I did was ask if anyone else had trouble with the Ukraine post office. Yet, you made it about her mother and she was a scammer. Her mother did not even see the chocolates.
You choose to make things up from the little information that you have to drive the woman's face into the ground. You have a low disregard for anyone else's woman. Noone has asked your advice. I no longer want to talk to talk about anything about any girl because of you.