So we all need to know, do you touch their asses too? Yes when a beautiful woman smiles at me I'll go talk to her. When she wants money for sex to prove I "care". I'll walk away.
I hate idiots like you, which think that if a girl smiles this is the reason to talk to her, ask for her t number.You are stupid twise when suggest a sex.Do you think that here everybody expects you sugesstion?Say us the truth- how much times you have been beaten here? I think that after every your visit you need to medical help
So we all need to know, do you touch their asses too?##################
Unfortunately for you- no! when i come to cage they both run out to me,want to play.
Their paws are pink.The black head rat's eyes are black, the beige's are pink. Do you want to know more? I havent named them yet, say me your real name, maybe I use it to create funny one(s).
Yes ves, if a woman smiles at me I will go talk to her. If shes smart and nice I may just ask her out. If she wants to later I may take her home. I won't give her money after sex to prove I care. Normal women would be VERY insulted. They think just holding them close and talking shows you care. If we ever meet and have sex just tell me how much "care" I have to give you after sex before we start.
In ex-USSR countries the moral norms are different to the west:
Marriage for social advancement or financial gain is the norm.
Scamming money from anyone outside your immediate family/friends circle is generally quite socially acceptable (its viewed about as "wrong" as paying cash in hand to a tradesman is here).
Zero work ethic. People do the absolute minimum they can get away with and would much rather scam a living than earn it. If someone drives by in a flash car, onlookers will say "wow that guy must be a great scammer to have such a good car" - getting rich by scamming is of course what they aspire to themselves.
Money is for burning through as quickly as humanly possible ideally on things you can wear and display to your peers, certainly not for buying saving. Really who would waste money on carpets for your apartment when you can buy an iphone.
Of course these are many of the same reasons why these countries are in such a shit financial state even now and not growing like emerging asian economies etc - doing business efficiently requires hard work, trust and forward thinking.
Oh and the whole sex-for-money thing doesn't have the same stigma as in the west, casual prostitution is very common way of women supplementing their normal wages.