jet, yes we have it,, to be honest its outrageously over priced,, i would half cringe when my girl would grab it at the supermarket, now i try to make it and she has excepted it, "with a wipe of the brow"
you have me intrigued now..
rag'n'bull, what a shame') Guinness is just the best at HongKong air-p for just the reason it is Guinness')
Guinness is possibly the easiest or best example of tasting a vast difference from the tap compared to the can which is passable or of cause the bottle which is completely diff,.
fact supposedly,, they add a bit of old Guinness that has gone sour(off)to the new batch of fermenting beer to give it that kind of sour taste..
Guinness is without a dealt the king of beers,, or best of britis- irish i mean')
So sure was I that I WOULD like Guinness that I bought 6 kits to make Irish Stout beer with my little Mr. Beer - home brewing kit.
I got the kit for Christmas and have not used it yet - have not had the time. But I found kits to make the Irish Stout on sale - and snapped them up cheap.
Then I actually tried Guinness - and well - maybe the stuff I brew myelse - WHEN I brew it myself - will be different.
Anybody else have one of these Mr. Beer kits? Or it considered to be more of a toy?
When I was last in the civilised world I brewed "Woodforde's Norfolk Wherry" in a back bedroom, it was so funny when Nick & Lena Boby sent the police calling, even the cops were joking about my in-house brewery :)
Woodforde's is outstanding stuff and is generally available, in kits, worldwide, just follow the instructions and, preferably, serve it from a pressure barrel and one gets an excellent result.
Apologies to the mods for any commercial advertising!
Martin, I thought you had better things to do than to be here in the cyber world with the rest of us. MartinSmartshit was going nuts while you were gone. He got on my case. I have an idea on how you can really get to his nerves: Stay away.
the biggest one jet is to use good beer yeast in liquid form, not the dried packet stuff from kit,, just google "white labs yeast" and pick the one for the beer you brew..
never again will i use the dried stuff.
i brew all mine with grain only, and white labs yeast, seems to have so much more going for it in taste compared to my brothers malt kits and its dried yeast packets,, but its a 3/4 day adventure for me.
he now steals my yeast for the improvement.
some kits are very good, i just got sick of getting bad ones down here, but more so the dried yeast, dump it..
after fermenting put some of the yeast from the fermenter into glassware(500ml bottle) semi sealed and frig for next hit.
i have found googling on beer forums a massive help with my brewing, heaps of tricks to get things close to what ya want in taste.
but again, trick is keep it basic.
rag'n'bull, i will look into this one, never heard of it..
I tried home brewing stout and it just isn't the same particularly if it's one of these kits one adds sugar to, I tried several different kits and none of them tasted good.
For a good English ale Woodfordes Norfolk Wherry is outstanding and no sugar is added to it, just mix the contents of the 2 can kit with water then add the yeast and wait.
Kiwi,, pigs and wild boar can eat almost anything. They will dig for roots and grubs.
I’ve shot 4 or 5 wild boars in the state of Tennessee. They can get quite big here,, 200 to 300 lbs.
I had one charge me from 30 feet away, and I had my gun over my shoulder. Nobody here wants to argue bolt action vs. semi auto with me! Lol The first shot was fired with him only 3 ft away, I fired 3 in all, and his snout landed on my shoe. All 3 shots were in the neck and head. It cleared a 6 ft circle on the ground. I used an 7400 Rem, 30-06.
If you are looking for larger capacity mags,,, check online in the US. Some of them are restricted,,,, like illegal to use, but legal to buy,,,, and own. People are still buying them.
Quite amazing that in Oztrailea yeast needs to be refrigerated to work ... in the rest of the world yeast needs to be in a warm environment to work, to activate!
Perhaps a new business is starting up in Cebu....Martin's Brew??..The business would have to be cleared by the Mayor first.
Any other Philippines news that needs adding to the Russian Wenches and other catastrophes Forum?
lonely, thats massive, even aussie have big fella's compared to us.
no animal can argue with that type of caliber,, nice piece, 308 is the biggest we need here..
we have so much hunting pressure here 250-300 lbs is something of the very passed for most places over NZ.
but saying that our pigs of 100 to 200lb would eat most other dog packs from around the world.
foreign boar hunters here are mystified how hard core our animals and ground is, it takes a certain breeding of dog to hold a lot of them, most dogs here are small and lean to deal with our environment.
but have heard the russian boar is our equal or maybe harder, then theres that size??.
we have a guy that has imported some intro the country to introduce into our wild stock,,,,, "just dont tell our govt wankers such,, to late for them anyway"
this year a mate has cleaned up at least 15-20 animals from around my house,, myself i like deer hunting,,, no smelly bloody dogs or broken bodys from such a hard sport when older..
our wild pig stocks came from Captian Cook(British explorer a time gone passed area)
like you my bolt action is faster then most of them dangerous auto guys thats actually on target, always have had fun with that.
yes the mag thing is also a drama here with restrictions,, brother at the moment is trying to get a armalite into the country from USA,,,, what a 2 year drama, i said to him he needs to actually go to the US physically,, the military stuff are just play guns for us including most autos except shotguns .22s..
Kiwi,, the Rem 7400, 74, 4, 740, 742 models are auto loaders. Perhaps I didn’t word it right, but I am for auto loaders in some situations,,,, such as wild boar hunting. If you have a good one,,, they are accurate and dependable. It should also be known,,,, that my gun didn’t chamber or load the 4th shell. I pulled the trigger pretty fast! I hit it all 3 times,,, one would have been enough,,, but it did have 3inch tusks!!
arr got ya, lonely, my mate uses one,, penny has dropped now,,,,, his is also 30-06(elephant gun)
i mainly use a bash around leave in the rain thing, the first of the ruger bolt actions 308,, came with the best synthetic stocks ever, but the barrels were and probably still are budget,, but its only a bush gun so it doesn't matter.
i am myself very careful around who i hunt with, when it comes to auto users.
some guys i have found to be to trigger happy for my own liking and rather forgetful.
of all rifles these need to be treated even more so as loaded at all times.
some just forget how lethal they are with the excitement of the moment.
most of our big gun auto shooting here is or was from chopper shooting mainly, most favored was or still is the armalite.
most of these older ones were cut down for chopper work into very strange looking things.
i have a nice early AR10 with almost the first serial number of the batch from ya factory.
sounds beautiful where it purrs, has a ring of its own..
i have an arrangement and the ar10 sits at the top of all the autos, in fun guns that is.
yeah i had the same thing once but not quite so close as yours or as big,,, it was wearing a wound from the day before of a smaller caliber that didnt go through its frontal head region, the dog brought it right to me in a matter of feet..
do the Remingtons ever double fire???? do you know what i mean?
jet, i forgot to add,, if you use those kits,, as well as the yeast i mentioned, dont use sugar.
add dried malt extract called DME(any type) at the same weight ratio of the sugar,, all brew shops have this stuff.
its dried malt purposely for making beer, it works great in dark beers with kits and will improve the beer by 40-50 percent.
your kits will not taste like guinness but with the dme it will be a very drinkable dark beer.
Kiwi,,, the 30-06 is just a hair bigger than the 308. I’ve shot a lot of moose with a 308. The largest moose was a big cow,,, 1,100lbs of “packaged” meat!!
Three years ago, I bought my nephew a rifle for Christmas. A bolt action “Teka” made by Sako with a synthetic stock and a detachable clip/mag!! It was 6 ¼ lbs in 7mm Rem mag! I sighted it in for him,,, didn’t kick as much as you would expect. I put a Nikon scope on it, rings and mounts, sling, flip up lens covers, case, and two boxes of shells. About 800USD. I thought it was a deal. He got a deer with it the first year. I asked him;,,, doesn’t it feel good to hit what you’re aiming for???? YES!!
I haven’t had any double fires with my rem,,, but my father's gun does. It’s a model 100 Win in .308. In fact,,, it does a tri-burst every once in a while. I check everybody’s guns out here,,, and when I sight them in,, I’ll have sand bags or blankets to shoot on. I’ll hold the gun firm on the trigger/grip,, but I might only have one finger on the barrel. It nailed me twice!!
The model 100’s were recalled because they had some defects. We never took ours in,,,, the modification may take away some of their value??
I bought that gun for my father too,, used. It has a 47xx serial number,,, must be a 1st year run.
You are right about keeping the gun pointed in a safe direction at all times,, with the safety on! My father had his gun over his shoulder,,, and then tripped on a stick. The gun was pointed right at my nephews chest,,,,, a foot away!! We were walking down a trail this year,, and had to squat to get under some downed trees. He had it pointed right at me. I asked him;,, do you have the safety on ?? No! It’s a stupid habit of his!
China likes the fact you guys are emasculated, dunt. You will so much easier to occupy than America.
And since you retired your F-111s and will be stuck with F35 planes America suckered you into buying you wont
be able to defend yourself either.
Australia doesn't need any Yankee sh1t to defend themselves with when they have the home produced GAF Nomad (affectionally known as the "Go Mad") to defend themselves with: