Wants, hopes, and plans to marry one of the men she is writing to! Doesn’t go to met her boyfriend or husband after writing letters to foreign men,,,, or after letting an agency write them for her!!
Sunvolt, look in Donetsk. Use fiance.com. Look only at women who speak passable English. At the agency there ask for Julia. She's a sweet heart, or send me a pm about what you are looking for and ill send it to dozens of my etudes friends who are single and seriously looking.
"Wants, hopes, and plans to marry one of the men she is writing to! Doesn’t go to met her boyfriend or husband after writing letters to foreign men,,,, or after letting an agency write them for her!!"
That is the one thing agency women will lie about before you meet them. You would be foolish to believe them. Then again, if you are a first timer, you will probably not know better.
Why would you hold them to that anyway? You have not met her. She says she wants to marry you. Sorry, FSU or not, you still have to go through the motions of knowing each other for compatibility. Many times the first impression is enough to sway the feelings either way.