At this current situation, I won't deal with Russians or anyone who thinks badly of my western standards. Why sleep with the enemy? Instead of Russia invating Ukraine and show force against NATO, they at least help the Syrian govn't with bombing ISIS.
They do care now! They are bitching that their pension money is going to pensioners in Crimea and if they absorb eastern Ukraine it will get worse. Crimea is a bottomless pit of failing infrastructure that will be a economic drain to Russia, for a region that will never compete as a world class resort area. No one wants to vacation in a "jack-pot". It may be peaceful, but the taste is bitter, might just as well go to Syria.
The friend to whom I wrote (see my FAREWELL post above) replied today. For her, Putin is the Great Man, and I have fallen victim to anti-Russian propaganda. Also, she thinks the reason I won't come to Russia is that I'm scared of Putin :)
I also got news about the man I mentioned, as the only Russian I know who understands Ukraine -- the expatriate who has lived in Ukraine several years now. For months, he was debating (mostly by phone and email, I assume) with his family and friends in Russia, who all accepted the Kremlin fairy-tales. His wife just wrote me, "He doesn't even try to persuade his relatives any more."
You wrote, "we must have completely different Russian acquaintances". This obviously true, and I wonder about the difference.
You referred to social media -- maybe Russians who are (a) active on social media, and (b) communicating with people in the West (which, by definition, your acquaintances are), have a wider world-consciousness, and have immunity to Kremlin-speak.
There might also be a generational matter. With one exception, all of my Russian contacts are at least 35 (the exception is a university student, who I think is genuinely open-minded).
It's an interesting question, and I would like to understand what makes the difference.
You offered (I think as an example of an attitude), "A year ago all Russian and Ukranian women were the same. Now Russian women are the villians and Ukrainian women are the victims. Yeah right."
Personally, I've never said or thought anything along those lines, because I don't think that way. I don't blame ordinary individuals for the policies and actions of their government, especially when that government is ruled by a despotic president-for-life.
Well, to summarise, we agree that ordinary Russians are not to blame for the actions of their mad president. Also that, yes, many Russians believe in Putin but here is my analogy:
It is the same as a country with its team in the World Cup. For as long as the team is winning, their manager is god. When their team gets eliminated, they want the manager's head on a stake.
Still, why farewell to Russians because of Putin, I do not get it. I have recently started exchanging messages with a lovely Russian girl. If I fall in love with her, Putin and his supporters are of no interest to me. And if the lady turns out to support Putin, then it is my job to make her see reason.
Well, for the sake of clarity, it was not "farewell to Russians," but "farewell to Russia" -- we keep having a misunderstanding about that point, they are NOT the same thing!
Country ≠ Citizens ... surely we agree about that.
After pondering the matter for six months ... I can't be comfortable in Russia, and enjoy visiting there as I did for ten years. The thought of setting foot on Russian soil is repugnant to me. I will see the blood of Putin's murder victims.
I haven't given up on the possibility of visiting Russia, or meeting a good Russian woman. In fact, I just sent a letter to a lovely lady in Siberia.
If I have a good, constructive reason for going, I will go. But to enjoy Russia again, is beyond my present imagination.
I spent a decade of my life dreaming of the next opportunity when I would have the time and money to make my next Russia visit. Those days are gone ... at least, until Russia decides to honor its treaty obligations.
The best way to show that Ukraine's desire to have more ties with the west is to help it prosper. East Germany a former satellite of the Soviet is a prime example. Should Putin throw the rhetoric of Russia taking back the spoils of war from 1945 and see how the Germans react to that. The failure of the west in the last 23 years is that Crimea does not have the same clarity and solidarity. Tyrants thrive when the proletariat is weak, ignorant, without hope and desperate. Shame on that failure.
"And if the lady turns out to support Putin, then it is my job to make her see reason."
Big mistake. Have you ever tried to change someone's mind politically? A Democrat to a Republican? A liberal to conservative? Vice Versa? Liberals are unreasonable to me. Yet, they say I am unreasonable. Even in the forum, if you win an argument, rarely do you change minds.
Durak,,,, I feel about the same as you do on Russia,,, but I’ve felt that way since 2009! Back in 1998,,, I felt welcome in Moscow,,,, and people’s heads turned out of interest or curiosity. In 2009,,,, it was more of a cold blank stare. All I needed to do was cross the border into Ukraine,, and relations improved. And it has nothing to do about bias over dating results,,, I met up with scammers or time waster/chair fillers in both countries.
I have or had several fb friends from Russia. I post a lot of political links on fb,,, and lost some Russian fb friends. One girl is still a friend,,, but she has swallowed the Kremlin’s BS hook line and stinker!! She doesn’t understand why Ukrainians are trying to kill the people that are trying to help them??!
Her profile is still in my list of friends,,, but there hasn’t been any action in her profile for months, and she is not replying to emails.
I did hear talk about Putin blocking access to Western fb?
I've been thinking more, about the reply letter from my Russian friend who lives "in the cold northwest."
My Russian is still minimal, and though her English is very accomplished, she writes only in Russian that is very idiomatic and informal -- too difficult for a student like me, so I rely on computer translation, which is quite rough at best.
Through the jumble of the translation, I scarcely saw at first ... but now that I've thought it over, there was much anger in the tone of her letter. Though I certainly didn't intend (or say) anything critical of her, I was strong in my language about Russia, and I'm sure she took offense.
As I wrote above, I've generally been avoiding communicating with people I know in Russia, partly because if I write my truth, it is likely to go as in this case ... and partly because I'll probably never see most of them again, and writing to them is a sad business.
I respect those of you, who can set feelings about these Large Issues to one side. I'm not as big as you guys -- I don't know how to be friends with people who approve Russia's brutality toward its neighbors.
"And if the lady turns out to support Putin, then it is my job to make her see reason."
Big mistake. Have you ever tried to change someone's mind politically? A Democrat to a Republican? A liberal to conservative? Vice Versa? Liberals are unreasonable to me. Yet, they say I am unreasonable. Even in the forum, if you win an argument, rarely do you change minds.
There is some difference: if you are having a political discussion with someone from your own country, you are exposed to the same news, education, people, politicians, etc. You both form your opinions based on similar knowledge. With a Russian lady, you could expose her to the views and news of respectable Western media and people like the BBC, the Guardian, the real Ukrainian people, etc. You could ask her to compare that with what she is told by the Russian propaganda and the Kremlin and ask her to re-consider her position based on the truth of what is going on.
I don’t even need to guess, about what my ex’s thoughts would be on Ukraine. It would be the same as when Russia was crushing a small country back in 1999 and 2000,,,, Georgia? The people of the Caucuses or Province, are dirty people,,, always fighting amongst themselves, trying to disrupt the lives of honest and peaceful Russian people.
Try to change her mind and opinion?? No way,,, she was able to watch the news here on any channel that she wanted,,,, it didn’t seem to matter.
Some of these women have such strong views for their country and against the west,,,,, why do they still want to come here??
With the resurgence of the Cold war and the Soviet Empire,,, we need to consider that some of these women could be spies?! The KGB never went away,,, they just got a new name.
I have talked to many Russians on VK, FB, Google Plus, Yahoo and various other article comments. Their ways and their beliefs are just like Putin. Even after you show them proof of the lies, they still believe it and still repeat it. They will also lie just like Putin.
Just how many have you asked to reconsider their positions and how many have you converted?