Yes, you will get scammed. When you give up your hard earned money, you, most probably will not get it back. Spend or give what you are comfortable losing. If you are not comfortable giving or spending it, don't give it up. Certainly, if you are going to cry over it, have a grudge over an entire country over it, and put up a website embarassing the girl, it is better to keep your money.
I had one relationship in one country, in this scenario Ukraine, and I have reportedly "given up".
I have also had relationships in England, Wales, Cyprus, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Russia, Latvia, Uzbekistan, Australia ... And these are just the ones that spring to mind ... Moving on, relocating, is not a case of "giving up", it's a case of "moving on".
If we want to get down to it more geographically I grew up in Greater London, then I moved to Lincolnshire, then Shropshire, then Wiltshire, then Oxfordshire, then Cornwall, then South Glamorgan, then Wiltshire again, then Norfolk, then Suffolk, then West Sussex, then Surrey, West Sussex again, then Devon, then Norfolk again, then Essex, then South Glamorgan again, them Melbourne then Adelaide in Australia, back to South Glamorgan, then Aberdeen, then Merseyside, then Belgium, then Luxembourg, then Netherlands, then back to Luxembourg, then back to Essex, then back to Merseyside before back to Essex yet again, then West Sussex agaen Northamptonshire, then Shropshire again before back to South Glamorgan again before emigrating to the Philippines.
And in any of those locations where I might have had just one relationship it is claimed that I "gave up" ... What a sad and lonely fucker you truly are Ben Balagad!
Andy Colvin, in the other thread, tried to ridicule me that he is more Ukraine wise than I, he probably is but the mistake he made was tarring me with the same brush as the majority of the others here, Andy Colvin might believe that the whole of mankind wants to be Ukraine wise but that just served to demonstrate what a naive idiot Andy Colvin truly is.
Yea it's funny. " Ukraine is for amatuers", yes, but successful amatuers. Philippines is where you go when you are too broke to go back to the fsu, couldn't get laid, and have to live like a big wheel but in a 3rd world county. Also even broke ass failures can afford young hookers there when 2/3rds of the women are hookers. Supply and demand.