"Trump said, we are the business of killing terrorists"
That's a very arrogant, outrageous, uneducated and probably illegal statement to make!
Are perpetraitors not supposed to be deained, arrested, by a law enforcement agency and tried, what was Guantanamo Bay all about, killing people or detaining them to face trial as applicable?
OK, there may be exceptional circumstances to the rule, Bin Laden and Gaddafi to name but two, but for a US President to make statement, to the effect, "We are here to kill the bastards" isn't what law and order is all about and USA may wonder why it becomes targeted!
Martin, NATO doesn't apply to the Pacific theater, unless Russia gets involved. 30K military personnel in S.K. and whatever is in Japan should be enough to "repeal and replace " Obamacare... just joking, I meant the Chineses.
I meant the North Koreans.......not he Chinese armada.
""Trump said, we are the business of killing terrorists"
That's a very arrogant, outrageous, uneducated and probably illegal statement to make! "
Wow wow!!! Don't get softy with the terrorists....my chief in Iraq said " we are here to put warheads on rat baster's foreheads." Yep! Cause I ain't here for vacations
"Earlier this week Chinese scientists warned of the possibility of the mountain caving in and releasing radiation after future tests, reported the South China Morning Post."