If Blair gives me another 30 pounds a week in my pension money, I could fill up my car, buy tobacco for my pipe, take my wife out to a pub for a few drinks and something to eat, and by the following week he would have 95% of the 30 pounds back again !!
I would like to add that if 18 is to young then I will take two. That's pretty close to my age, 36.lol. Really, I will not put a stumbling block between us. IF it does not matter to her when she answers or writes then why say anything about it. Our age is posted.
That reminds me of a perverse friend of mine who used to say,
"What would any man want with a 16 year old girl, when he could have two 8 year olds ?" I have some very weird friends :o)) !!!
I have personally witnessed the semi-lynching of one of its members in northern California a few years ago.
I went to visit a retired client at his home where he lived with his wife, their divorced daughter and her two boys ages 9 & 11.
when I got there, their next door neighbor was beating the crap out of a man in his 50s who was caught teaching the 11 year old how to give a bj in the back seat of his truck.
The two cops who came first (both parents) covered the whole thing up by encouraging the boy to say he escaped by hitting the guy with a tire iron he found on the floor.
The molester got convicted and sent to state prison, where he got raped & beaten constantly. Last year he contracted HIV.
Two English officers are speaking when a third arrives on the scene.
Third Officer: "I say, I was just coming through the jungle and I saw Edward with his arm up an elephant's ass."
First Officer: "Was it a male or female elephant?"
Third Officer: "Female."
Second Officer: "Thank goodness! For a moment, I thought he had gone queer on us."
Man age to - 30 years age range = gold digger. 100% sure.
If none of you have yet been to provincial Russia, go. There`s a saying in Russia about some girls - "Marry a foreigner, any foreigner."
This site will give you the rosy view of Russian women - because its` purpose is to make money by selling you a half truth. The REAL truth goes something like this.
And this is from experience, by the way......
Imagine this. You live with your parents and extended family in a 16 storey "stalin scraper" on the edge of town. The lifts don`t work. Russian rate of alcholism - 48% men, 17% women. The balconies are hanging off the walls. The cement is 90% sand, to save money. Look out of the window and you`ll see three 10x10x10 produkti - kiosks - a chemical plant where your dad works as a fitter in winter, when it gets to minus 20. There`s a detsky sad - a kindergarten - a small mini market where no one can afford to buy anything, a vodka shop - that`s your world. Tonight the queue for piva - beer - at the kiosk - is a hundred yards long and the drunken argument has already started next door with your neighbours.
The salary you earn is enough - perhaps - to buy a pair of shoes a month, if you`re lucky and shop at the local rynok. And now there`s nothing to do but plan how to GET OUT OF RUSSIA AND AWAY FROM THIS.
Now, gents, I`ve seen this for real, many times, in provincial Russia. Let me ask you a question - do you NOW understand what "Man age 30-70" means ? It means GET ME OUT OF HERE.
Wake up or be woken up. As I was. Five years age difference. She ran two boyfriends at once and after being engaged for a long time and changing my job twice to suit her needs, she stole a fortune off me, and the next thing I knew was when I got a phone call from her new HUSBAND in Holland.
I'm sorry but you say just like the wisest wizard on Earth!!! But it seams that either you have been to Russia somewhere in the 80-90, or you don't know a thing about people living here. I'm not talking about our material situation, but about our characters and morals.
My parents have a kiosk it's not 10*10*10 but a little bit bigger, and they own it for more then 2 years. But you have to see the proud faces of my parents, though they work at winter as well, but they survived in the mixture after the USSR broke, and they earn money. Not much but enough for living. Our car is 13 years old, but we are all proud of it, as it works without any big problems:)
And despite even if we lived a very poor life, my parents would be the first to kill me for getting married for money, I'm not talking with a foreigner but with a local rich man. They believe it's a shame for the whole family, not only my parents but for all my uncles and aunts, whom I may not see in my life, and for the whole row of my relatives who are dead now...so think a little bit about this side of the question.
I think you both speak the truth, however different diametrically opposed it may be. But I don't like either one of your comments, lol...
If it is such a taboo for female members of your family to marry or be in anyway acquainted with foreig men.....may I politely ask you what the heck are you doing sharing opinions, suggestions and information with us here, in this foreign nest of male snakes preying on your country women, lol???
Does your rich russian man know you are in touch with us on a daily basis?
Do your parents or uncles know, either?
I bet your dead relatives are turning in their graves in anger at you right this very minute...
I cannot help feeling an initial surge of sympathy for someone who got lied to, cheated and somewhat taken to the cleaners by a bad person.
But anyone here can tell you that my cynical "devil's advocate" side is indeed my best side, >:)))....so I cannot help wonder what cause the events that led to your loss.
There is not such thing as a 100% fail safe system to go about finding, dating, courting and marrying a woman from any country, but there are some fundamental things we must do to protect ourselves from scammers like the ones you describe...
I franly think you got too distracted with your pretty russian woman's legs and did not practice "safe courting"....maybe you should have found out more about her before spending any money on her.
Furthermore, your blanket statement about how bleak life is in Russia for all Russians reeks of your personal scorn and resentment....tsk tsk tsk tsk.
GLTALLTOAD, I'm very sorry for the wrong word I used. I was so shocked with what was previously said that I didn't watch my grammar very correctly. What I wanted to say is not that it is a tabboo to talk wih a foreigner, but it is a tabboo to get married for money. My boyfriend is not rich, he earns not much but we love each other....oh God I wish I watched the grammar better, forgive me it was in the morning and I was sleepy yet.
My boyfriend doesn't earn even a half of a usual western salary a month. I heared about salaries from my friends in the USA. But we love each other. I said that if I got married with a rich man whom I wouldn't love my dad would kill me.
If you didn't understand what I wanted to say, and just caught to my mistake in a grammar, then I'm sorry that I wrote this...if you have read what I wrote previously, you would understand my mistake.