FSU....Swiss.....US........UK.........Belgian.......whatever,show me a woman who refuses anything chocolate!!!........come to think of it show me someone here who will!!!.......LOL
Got to stick up for my country's chocolate. Yea for the red, white and blue...and brown. One of my Moldovans (for Tim's reference its the OTHER Moldovan :) ) I sent an Easter basket - traditional American style - with Hershey's chocolate and Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs and a lot of other stuff. The only thing she wants a repeat on is the Hershey's and the Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs (Cups this time of year). I was told that most FSU women liked the dark chocolate and, personally, I like some of that Ukrainian chocolate a LOT better. But the fact remains - this woman is begging for more American chocolate.
Got to stick up for my country's chocolate. Yea for the red, white and blue...and brown............///////..............
/////.......just don't stick up for your beer!! please ....LOL;o)
Don't want to start a beer argument, but I spent 6 months in London during '98. I loved the beer, especially the local brews and I agree that the US beers pale by comparison. Maybe the stats have changed, but in '98 the #1 selling beer in the UK was Miller. Never could understand that. Can't be that many US tourists.
Miller makes a number of different beers. MGD is okay, but I made the mistake of ordering an MGD lite once. After a couple of sips, I realized THIS is what my body normally discards into the urinal.
As far as mass produced beers go, I prefer Michelob.
Sam Adams, ..... I once had a Sam Adams that I liked, but I dont know which one it was. I have tried to find it but can't. They taste a little bitter to me, but not too bad.......But I have rarely found a good beer that came in a green bottle.,,,,,,There must be something about green bottles, I don'tlike to drink out of them.
You know since I have been in the US I can't tell you how many people have thought that Aussies drink their beer warm. "No thats not us, thats the English", I tell them. But since I have never visited The Mother Country, I dont really know for sure. I was wondering if you pommies here on the forum could enlighten me. I dought if you really drink it warm, perhaps it is just not as cold as we Aussies like it. Maybe it is because some of your pubs are too cheap to turn the refridgerator up.
limeys drink beer warm becausee they do not refrigerate it.
Something utterly disgusting to any beer drinking american but I think it's common practice throughout western europe.
Thank you, but I'm still trying to figure out if it was the taste of Red Stripe that was so good or the fact that was living on a sailboat in the middle of the Caribbean that made it taste so, lol...probably a bit of both..:))