What's going on?
What about my self-esteem?
As far as I know all I have 'said' is that after applying my own criteria for women's age, height, and weight I found the 'pool' reduced very much. And as far as I can see from their profiles several of these women would not be interested in me. (Which reduces the 'pool' even further).
I am not sorry about everything I say, why would I be?
(Except when I occasionally express myself less elegant than I intended to...)
Surely it would be wrong of me to say something I did not mean just to make people like me!
(That's the reason I do not envisage a career in politics).
Now you suggest Viagra. Does that help for self-esteem?
Re.: 'go and get yourself a wife': Yes, I think that's the core 'item' in the whole exercise, is it not?
-And I do not particularly like to be compared with your most damaged patients...
But, since you are here:
What did I do to cause all this upheaval?
It was not intended.
So, can you apply your analytical mind. Please.
"....Please let me stay. Surely you cannot possibly see me as competition or as a threat....."
I do not have the authority to expel you from here or any other forum...but I wish I did!
The sniveling, drooling and whinning tone of your initial and subsequent postings smear the perception projected of a western man to every single available and desirable FSU woman.
THAT affects all of us in the most negative possible way.
The image of a western gutless whinning spoilt rotten Momma's boy is what the FSU men we are competeting with try to sell to their women as the common denominator found in every single western man.
Stop whining.
Stop posting.
Stop complaining about anything or anyone.
And spend at least the next three months learning the ways of FSU societies, including language, customs, history, socio-economy situations, and most importantly what makes each and every FSU woman tick.
I bet that after those three months pass, you will either run to get married to the first western feminazi that accepts your whining marriage proposal or you will be a completely different person.
And do take any mind altering drugs, regardless of what anyone says you need.
The last psychiatrist who insisted on putting me on medications ended up regretting it, lol....(I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti......:)))
Surely, I can be no threat to you and no competition for you.
Surely you can see that you and I are not looking for the same women.
You do not much like psychiatrists, do you?
By the way: Have you read anything of Dostoevsky?
Quote from my encyclopaedia: "....
In 'The Idiot'.. Dostoevsky tried to portray a truly good Christian person..."
-It also mentions him in connection with Existentialism.
And, while we are at it: Some of the women I thought would not be interested in me were far more well read than I am, I think they would find me 'stupid'.
I started off feeling sorry for you eeyore, but you are getting on my tits, but you are the worst example of feminised western man I have ever come across, what wrong with competition, we are all competing in here, you are an American for Gods sake, surely you understand competition, as for physciatrists, if we didn't have any, there would be less people fucked up, or they would deal with it themselves. If you gave me a choice between the men in the first world war, who came home from the trenches and got on with their lives, and the crying, self examining, nancies who came back from Vietnam, I can tell you what group were saner, I fucking detest the culture of therapy. You should be sacked and your patients should get a grip. moaning, whingeing, self absorbed shits. The individual is responsible for dealing with the shit that life sometimes throws up
I have been out of the forum loop for a bit, due to an insanely busy schedule (not to busy to woo the Lovely and Brilliant Lucy however). So I am catching up on my reading of the titilating Donkey Man Chronicles. Am wondering if Tim has weighed in on the eeyore scales yet.
My two cents: Gardening is great - In my profile I found many women attracted to my gardening hobby. Of course hunting and fishing are past times of mine as well. Yes, the wining is quite in-sufferable, annoying as hell (as is the posting/typing style he uses). In some sort of fairness to our resident donkey, it seems that English must be a 2nd or 3rd language - so maybe some of the sniveling is poor English skills. As far as little e's search criteria for womens age, height, weight: it is true that there are only two women age 65 and older and both weigh under 300 lbs. What the hell are you looking for an old fat broad or a pre-pubescent girl? In any event this is the wrong place to look.
The think of which I am most perplexed is why he keeps posting in the face of such animus? Me, I try not to go where I am unwanted. (maybe it is indeed a language barrier).
EEyore, in any event, good luck - the 'Truth is out there somewhere".
Why would you feel sorry for me?
I would rather have your respect than your pity.
What makes you suggest that I am "the worst example of feminised western man..." ?
Re. competition: I said it to 'GLTALLTOAD', I did not say it to you, however, it is in fact my impression that my 'wishing list' and yours are different. So have no fear.
By and large I share your opinion on psychiatrists - at least up to a point. And, no, I am not one myself (as you seem to assume), so I do not take offence...
Re. WW1 veterans: -actually, many of them did *not* get on with their lives...
And, re. Vietnam veterans: many of them were reasonably OK (to a certain degree) until they came home and got spitted on and generally abused.
Since I do not know your age I do not know whether you have had your chance to defend your country.
Some of the "..shit that life sometimes throws up
..." was thrown on September 11.
Can I assume that the feelings you have expressed also apply here?
eeyore I feel sorry for you too...you're so unsure...you say "they won't like me" and did you try to contact theses girls?? If you didn't, then how can you know that they will not like you??? Do you know how to predict future???
Please know that nobody can tell you anything for sure until you YOURSELF will try this. And even if the first attempt will fail, a strong-willed person should not give up. And as you just did a search, and after that you were scared so much, that as I understood you even didn't contact a single girl...this is the behaviour of a weak-willed person, person without any self-estim....so this is what I wanted to say.
The thread started with a "reality check". (I 'realised' something and told it to this forum).
How it got to this stage I do not really know.
It is indeed an interesting study in communication, though!
Re. "...not to go where I am unwanted..." - that is admirable.
But, it is a rather new idea. (from a historical point of view).
The Romans, Jutes, Angles, Saxons, Vikings, Normans were not invited were they?
-Should I rather be writing in the Gaelic language?
And most of the ancestors of the people now living in America came un-invited.
I am somewhat surprised about the hostility here...
I only need to find one partner of course.
And of course I shall start writing...
-Starting with the 'best matches'...
(and starting with assuming that what they wrote in their profiles is what they want).
I am not in favour of corresponding with many at the same time anyway.
(I would find it difficult to remember what I had told to whom...)
-My error was that I shared my thoughts about how an 'enormous pool' was reduced to less than one page of 'reasonable matches'.
It's just that you still don't understand one thing.
what a girl may write in her profile and what she really wants, may differ a little bit, or not even a little bit. And you keep on saying "judging on her profile", but forget about those profiles (of course except age and weight), I talk about what she writes about her...she may have written that because everybody writes that....
Please try to understand women's psyhology a little bit and then start the search, or it will be useless
eeyore, what kind of lasy are you looking for exactly, there are every type on here, what is it that you look for that none of the 10,000 women on here possess, I am sure not all of them want "real men" I am sure there are plenty on here who want to wear the trousers and would be interested in you, or even some wallflower who could build you up