I have seen and lived with both systems....and the modern western one is better and more efficient.
Electronic cash does not carry germs, like currency does after being passed around by countless amount of people who may or may not wash their hands after going to the bathroom..:))
It is also much more accurate than trying to remember how mouch money you have on a daily basis.
And of course, it is significantly safer. I know you and everyone who gets paid cash on a regular basis fears being assaulted and robbed on paid day by criminals who prey on working people.
On the other hand, your father's quote about credit is wise, because many FSU countries do not have a stable economies with reduced inflation levels or national banking system that develops stability and safegurads to protect the citizens from getting robbed from their savings in case of crisis and banks collapses like the ones seeing currently.
You know it's safe to put your money in the bank when your government guarantees your deposits - FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), until then I would give you the same advice your father gives you, but only to help you pretect yuorself, not because your economic system is better.
Man, lol
Fast food is only 'convenient' to those who don't give a damn about their health, physical appearance and longevity.
Regarding barter clubs, I've seen many come and go in California because the state insists on collecting sales tax.
Toad I don't care much about germs or something like that...it's dangerous to breath even:)))
I'm not afraid to be robbed no way, you just have to be careful, and not to show everbody your money, and speak loudly about that...as for trying to remember...I always know how much money I have in my wallet, and when I was getting my scholarship to the plastic card (to the bank account) I never remembered how much money I had there...and it was really hard for me. So I always was picking the whole sum on the day it was put. You see, so I also have a little experience in that:))) Maybe it's a little one, but I found out that cash for me is better:)))And it's easier when going shoping to the market, they take nothing but cash...and I find it's cheaper to buy clothes on markets, and it may be of a higher quality even then in shops. And food is bought in cash on markets only, as that old lady who sells fruits from her on garden knows nothing about things like electronic money, and the fruits she grows are more tasty then those that they sell in shops, more fresh...OK it's just IMHO:)
Ptichka- You described perfectly the problem we have here with plastic cards. I myself, am always running out of cash when needed so I am making to many trips to the ATM machines. Almost all stores take plastic but places like fast food restaurants and other places only except cash. I try to save my money so when I visit an ATM machine, I tend to take out less cash than I probably need.
I have to admit that I do use a debit card more often than I like. But i only use credit just enough to keep me in good with the credit reporting agencies. You never know when you will need good credit.
Ptichka- Let me clarify my last statement by saying the plastic card I am talking about is not a credit card that allows you to borrow money from. I am talking about an ATM card that will allow me to withdraw money from my own savings.
Well, then let MOI clarify something else, too, lol...
There is a grossly disproportion in the amount of money poeple borrow from their credit card or even in the loans they sign to buy cars, jewelry etc etc in relation to the amount of money they make every months.
I have met people who when I tried to help them identify their assets insisted that the credit limit on their Visa or MasterCard should be considered as income, lol...
Those people are the ones who should hire Pitchka's father as their money manager!!!
No No Toad!!! My dad is not good as a money manager...he hates all these things connected with accounting and things like that!!!:) He may be a great boss!!:) But accounting is not his field:)
Pitchka "babe",
anyone who manages to have more cash than month on a regular basis has mastered the principles of fiscal responsibility....and those of us, like your father and moi, who preach against acquiring debts, are flat out geniuses waaayyy ahead of our times or relics from the past, lol...
As for my dad I vote for the relict from the past:))) Kidding of course, but he didn't get used to many things yet...he was so amused to know that it's possible to know the weather on Internet, that he calls me everyday to find out about that, though before he was OK with the weather forecast on TV:)) Just a new toy:)) And this is the say for many things...but I think that we should return to the topic of money:)
"...but I think that we should return to the topic of money:)
-and 'money management' - FSU brides' experience - and the 'new things' they face when they come to 'the west'...
-and already we've got some information...
Janet Reno is also one of the ugliest people you have ever seen, lol...
She is so ugly that photos of her face in the 1990s were the #1 parental tool to get children of school age to do their homework and eat thier vegetables.
I'll be forever grateful to her ugly face, lol...my kids turned out to be straight A students...:)))
Don't forget the Elian Gonzalez incident in Florida. She was also publicaly accused of being a big Lesbian, who, while Florida State Attorrney arranged to have "girls" provided to her by some unsavory criminal figures. She never did refute this.
-Slight side-track:
Many profiles give 'Economist' as occupation.
Exactly what does that mean?
(e.g. a literal translation, or a number of 'different things' related to money management?)
(-and I do actually know of people from other parts of the world who spent years at university studying 'Economics' who know a lot about cause-and-effect of systems, but preciously little about bookkeeping or accounting. -So, my question might be naive, but not totally without reason!)