"how the Dutch tried to exploit people in the infancy of America" i've not have an answer as to what that might be.
Tradman boy is your history knowledge of. The original dutch in south africa where farmers and traders only, to be drive north by the English army who introduced the apartheidsystem even though it is a dutch word.
And to remember there are as yet only two countries where institionlized racism still excist netherlands is not one of them (although both countries deny it of course), actually it has been for a while an escapehaven to several jazz artist and dancers from that afore mentioned countrie.
By the way it is apparantly not understood by some americans that you can disagree whith them without being a terrorist communist or whatever. If you just mention that the ideas mentioned by some are not carried by al some get very carried away, that is actually the problem, not the difference of opinions.
p.s. a greeter at wallmart is a hardworking person who gets to little pay because someone else keeps all the money??
The purpose is not to convince each other, it is just to give your own opinion of what qualities you are searching for. Still plenty of room for more additions.
Someone who keeps all the money and took all the risk to fail or succeed. I also guess Bill Gates is a greedy individual, who on his own has created more than 70 millionares from Microsoft and various others from the computer industry. Who has introduced money back into
Redmond Washington along with Many other Philanthropic ventures around the country and the world. What a capitalist pig!! Who's
customer service is handled out of India.
Yes racism does exist in the United States but you are fooling yourself if you don't think it exists in your country. As far as
instituionalized the only one's here that want class warfare and racism to exist are the liberals in the states. Without that they have
no voting base. The poverty Pimps like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would not have any income if they didn't try to enslave their own race. It's funny since Jackson was a Dr. King disciple how far he has moved to the left of Dr. King. Wasn't part of Kings famous speech in Washington, was don't judge me by my skin color but the content of my character. Well Jackson and Sharpeton want judgement and special favors for their skin color. And both of them have thrown character out the window. By the way Ron, Jackson and Sharpeton are both Millionares.
The Dutch East Indies company exploited early settlers and native Americans for financial gain. Killed many native americans and settlers for land grabs.
See Ron, I don't mind what you say, just don't expect this American Lad here to get pissed on and not respond in defense of what I know is true and what is right.
Its the DUTCH WEST INDIA COMPANY, THE (De Westindiscke Compagnie), the east india company was trading in the east mostly indonesia, india. And yes there are in a the past things where we can't be petically proud of, but that was then. But i still don't understand your logic of bill gate is a good man because he has money, i would say that having money doesn't make you good or bad. Also slaves where used in Suriname they though came from Africa. And again don't confuse the English with the Dutch, in the origin of the us there where many dutch also some French but mostley English. But to my knowledge there where in the very beginning 1 French 1 Dutch and several English settlements. The English defeated the french, the Dutch surenderd as they did not have an army then. The big drive inland came later.
In historie lessons whe are tought about past mistakes, we don't rewrite history, we don't redefine laws or at least not yet ;=(. But i suppose it is better to learn bad things on school about those drugs sniffing liberal dutch. Yes it was known that both corparate america many lawyers politicians and other ride the race isu both black and white.
rasisme is on the rice in the Netherlands but was allmost noneexistent from at least the 50-80's.
"The Dutch East Indies company exploited early settlers and native Americans for financial gain. Killed many native americans and settlers for land grabs." besides that would be your ancestors more so than mine.
"In this field the successes of the company were counterbalanced by not a few failures. The company was never able to secure the control of the supply of slaves from Africa. Its settlement of New Netherland was lost to England". Also on the site where this quote camefrom nothing about dutch killing indians, and i'm not saying that in the early settlement nobody got killed, but except for brasil most dutch settlements had to be nice to ther neighbors out of economical and practical reasons.
Maybe a nice argument that all super powers do bad things deny it in there own press to the extend possible until much later.
Maybe a question about american politics now, that they attacked irak was not about policing the world, it was probably also not about taking the oil (if it was then up to now the failed misarably) i get the idea that the american oil companies didn't earn any money there, that there was to much peach on this world and that the sponsors of the politicans (oil- and armsindustry) wanted it. what is your opinion on that.
Ron as much as I would like to engage you in this political discussion I'm going to get back to the purpose of Olga's thread.
Olga I will be a little more in depth of what I'm looking for in a lady here.
I'm looking for someone with sincerity,decency and honesty.
Who accepts affection openly and is willing to give it in return.
Who is optimistic in their outlook on life.
Who wants to be treated like a princess in her home.
I'm looking for a lady with a mind of her own. Who wants to make
decisions that affect her. If she wants I am more than willing to make difficult decisions for our family.
I'm looking for a lady with a gentle demeanor but strong of character.
I'm looking for a partner in life, whose opinions I will value and accept even if I don't agree. I'm not looking for a slave or housewife. I she chooses to be a housewife and raise our children then that will be wonderful.It will be her choice on what path she chooses
I'm looking for a lady who has faith in God.
I'm looking for my best friend, my lover and the love of my life.
I'm looking for a lady who will accept me for who I am. That won't be easy, because I am very spirited, opinionated and traditional. but my love is unconditional.
I'm looking for a lady who will put our family first over anything else.
I'm looking for a lady who enjoys intimate moments and appreciates a man willing to please her.
I'm looking for a lady who will bring her culture and way of life to me and share those things with me.
I don't want her to be phony, I want her to tell me what she likes and dislikes about me.
She should have a sense of adventure in life.
A good degree of patience is desirable.
I would like her to be feminine or girlie, I enjoy the company of a lady who at times can have a childs outlook on life.
I would like a lady of good intelligence and common sense, she doesn't have to be a rocket scientist.
Have a good sense of humor and likes to be a practical joker from time to time.
I would hope she would enjoy riding on a motorcycle, that is a passion of mine and I like to travel that way most often.
I hope this helped, nothing really earth shattering, I'm looking for kind, decent and someone who appreciates simple things in live, so when the really great things come along it's not taken for granted.
Re. "In my opinion a liberal means exactly the opposite of what it means. "
-worse: the word is also used in US to mean something that is different from 'liberal' - and 'Liberal' - in the rest of the world!
Re.: "...Democracy is
mob rule and opens the door to dictators. ..."
-there seems to be as many definitions of what 'Democracy' is as there are people!
Re.: "...I will give my money to victims of the disease that are not homosexual. ..."
-like millions of men, women and children in the third world.
-your view 'looked better' in the 1980s USA. The world has changed since.
-Your country has the resources to do the research!
(when you read the Bible, do you skip the story about the Good Samaritan?).
I think your history lessons above do not go far enough back.
I blame it on the Vikings:
1) the agressive genes were introduced to the Anglo-Saxons by the Vikings who were famous for raping and pillaging.
2) similar genes were introduced by a band of brothers from Sweden (the Russ brothers) who were contracted in as 'heavies' to the palace guard of a prince in what later became known as Russia.
-from a Profile:
"...If you can share my views I'll be the best wife in the world for you. ..."
-sounds sweet.
-but then I thought: If she can share my views, I could probably also be a very good husband...
(so, do we know more now than we knew before?)
Sancho, lol....you're obsessed with this thread, aren't you?
Stop nitpicking at people's thread, or even parts of them.
You can come up with original thoughts when you put your efforts into it. It's more productive.
OK, lol....with all that said I will now proceed to apply the worldly known religious principle of "do as I say not as I do" by refuting, modifying and even borderline mocking some of Nasfan's list of his ideal woman...:)
In the end, I hope everyone (including me), finds gets and keeps what & who we're looking for...:)))
I'm looking for someone will tell ME the truth.
Someone who enjoys physical affection openly and is willing to give it in return (to me only, lol)
Who is optimistic in their outlook on life but knows life is not a bed of roses every moment of anyone's life.
Who knows that to be treated like a queen in my home she will be expected to carry herself like one and perform the responsibilities of her position.
I'm looking for a lady with a clear understanding that marrying a man like me leaves no room for independent thinking or unilateral decision making affecting all under one roof, because people who want to be independent should be single, not married.
I'm looking for a lady who understands and accepts the concepts of Respect and Cherishing as the fundamental pillars of the roles a man and a woman perform in their relationship....ie: You respect my thoughts, I will cherish your feelings.
I'm looking for a partner in life and for life, not someone to become my future ex-wife.
I am looking for a woman who understands that following her man's lead does not turn her into a slave or a doormat.
I'm looking for a lady who has appreciation for the role of housewife and will not neglect her/our children by pursuing a career or job that will take her away from those responsibilities.
I'm looking for a lady willing and able to contribute to the decisions I will be making for our family BEFORE I make them.
I'm looking for my best friend, my lover and the love of my life.
I'm looking for a lady who will accept me for who I am, not what she thinks I can become sometime in the future.
I'm looking for a lady who will put our family first over anything else.
I'm looking for a lady who enjoys sex.
I'm looking for a lady willing to adapt to her new life and customs in my home country and knows there is a tough transition period ahead to overcome, but that she is not alone to get it done.
She should have a sense of adventure in life.
A good degree of patience is imperative.
I want her to be feminine and sexy.
Rocket scientists welcome. Your intelligence does not threaten me, but stay the hell away from me if you plan to use it to challenge or compete with me. Chess games are exceptions.
Have a good sense of humor and be able to laugh at herself...because I probably will from time to time.
I would hope she would enjoy sailing over powerboating and agrees that riding motorcycles is one of the easiest tickets to becoming pavement skid marks in southern Calif.
Now does everyone understand why no one discusses their sex life here with Toad in the neighborhood?
Borderline mocking my ass!!!!!!!LMAO!!!!
Only reason you become a skid mark in California is most of the idiots there don't know how to drive. I rode my bike in California
when I was in the Navy, we called it advanced street pinball.
Sailing you got to be shitting me!!!!!Jesus, Toad say it ain't so!!LOL
Are you from La Jolla?????
Later all I have to go to the emergency room, I can't breath very well since Popeye busted my balls!!!!!!
Toad: "Rocket scientists welcome. Your intelligence does not threaten me, but stay the hell away from me if you plan to use it to challenge or compete with me. Chess games are exceptions."
I want someone that will challenge me every day to be a better man. In expect to challenge her to be a better woman every day. I've said this privately before, but I think we shold exalt the best in each other. Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead" was one the prime motivators in my point of view in this regard.
There are women everywhere on this planet who are hell bent on demanding men to appreciate them for their intelligence and to achieve their goals will constantly try to engage on a battle of wills with their men.
That's what my comment referred to.
Few things turn me on more than the idea of a good woman who is as smart or smarter than me and is equally devoted to find ways to improve our future together and work in harmony with me.
1) having a brain and willing to use it!
2) be willing to learn
3) be willing to teach
4) Patience and tolerance, especially of cultural differences
5) integrity (a vanishing comodity in US)
6) inner beauty
Just my 5 kopeks worth...
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